Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 900: The Space Distortion Produced by the 3000-ton Tungsten Bomb

The birth of Horusen also represented the birth of the top combat power of mankind.

Although the current Horusen is a baby, and the system cannot detect potential and various stunts, William believes that this child is destined to be the strongest human being.

Possessing the physique of a demigod, Athena will definitely take Horusen to the underworld when she grows up, and accept the immersion in the river Styx, her body will become invulnerable, and the gods will not invade.

Moreover, Horusen still has a high probability of inheriting Wanda's magic. With the strongest physics and magic that can distort reality, he is definitely the chosen one.

Of course, Horusen is still a baby who is only half a day old, and it will take more than ten years of development if he wants to become the top combat power of mankind.

However, in order to avoid the situation of "benevolent father and filial son", William is going to have all members of the family sign a non-disclosure agreement after the age of eighteen.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

The emperor, the strongest lord of mankind, was also made unable to move on the golden toilet by Horus, a filial son.

Although William is not weak, there is a huge gap between him and Horus, not to mention Horusen who combines the peak of physics and magic.

Therefore, in addition to the family relationship, he needs to add another layer of insurance.

Not only for his personal safety, but also for the safety of the entire galaxy. When the galaxy is settled a hundred years later, it is time to send these descendants of the Russell family to leave the galaxy to conquer other galaxies.

February 11, 2051.

On this day of the first lunar month of the Spring Festival, the strongest and most radical group among the remaining ghost-faced beast forces gathered their last living forces and used space jumps to launch a surprise attack on the earth.

However, due to inaccurate coordinates, as well as outdated and aging equipment, this radical fleet of ghost-faced beasts jumped to the vicinity of Pluto.

This ghostly beast fleet has more than a thousand old-fashioned star alliance warships.

And this battleship seems to have discovered the absolute defense of the earth, so it took a step back and prepared to vitrify Pluto.

Although Pluto has long been kicked out of the ranks of large planets and downgraded to a dwarf planet, after decades of development by Umbrella, there are research centers led by 049 underground, and there are also a large number of dome cities on the surface.

Moreover, these dome cities are also equipped with protective shields that can resist the pulse wave of the halo, but the strength is far lower than that of planetary-level shields such as Earth and Mars.


After hearing the news, William immediately asked Arthur, who had been idle at home and returned to doing nothing, to lead the Zeroth Fleet with Ivan to deal with this annoying 'fly'.

Although Arthur still wanted to be an otaku at home and spend time with the pregnant Carl, but due to his father's majesty, he had to simply pack up and prepare to go to the Zero Fleet in Earth orbit.

And Horus, who was still very irritable, after learning that the solar system was actually attacked by ghost-faced beasts, naturally prepared to solve this threat that was not considered a threat together with his deeply affectionate uncle.

Moreover, until now, Horus has not had the opportunity to use his Bow of Horus, and now he can finally enjoy himself.


that day.

Haffa o'clock: 11:20.

Location: Planetary orbit outside Earth's defense barriers.

The Zero Fleet is mooring outside the barrier emitting emerald green light.

The behemoth-like Star Destroyer class, and the dreadnought battleship longer than the Infinity, always look majestic and majestic, demonstrating the strength of human beings.

At this time, the entire Zero Fleet was stretched in an instant like a jelly candy, and disappeared above the earth's orbit.

Now only the elite fleet in charge of Soom is left to defend the safety of the earth.

As for the elongated effect of the fleet just now, it was caused by the exclusive 'bubble' of warp speed navigation.

In the solar system, there is no need to use the Forerunner's portal technology, and the warp drive can be reached in a few seconds.

The speed of a blink of an eye.

The Zero Fleet has reached the gravitational range of Pluto, and has also seen dozens of large and old-fashioned Covenant warships, which are releasing plasma beams on the surface of Pluto.

However, these light beams did glass the surface of Pluto, but did not break through the shield of the dome city.

And the anti-aircraft firepower built around the dome city is also continuously counterattacking, which also caused a lot of losses to this ghostly beast fleet.

The Human-Star Alliance War took place 20 years ago, and the Brutes are still using the warships from 20 years ago, but humans have been reformed and replaced for 20 years.

The gauss cannons, plasma cannons and beam particle cannons on the ground alone are enough for the Brutes fleet to drink a pot.

Inside the bridge of the Star Destroyer.

Wearing the uniform of the commander, Ivan, like William 2.0, stood on the second floor of the bridge with his hands behind his back, looking at the ghostly beast fleet through the huge porthole of the bridge.

Without any hesitation.

Ivan directly opened his mouth and ordered: "Captain Ibanez, prepare the Star Destroyer's main gun and electromagnetic gun array, and strike at the densely populated enemy ships.

Megan, notify the other captains to cooperate with the flagship to fire a salvo.

Also, record the scene of this battle, and let those ghost-faced beasts who are stuck in the galaxy and refuse to leave know that if they don't leave the galaxy, the end will be worse than this. "

"Yes, boss."

Megan, who was dressed in a civilian military uniform and showed a supermodel figure, responded very quietly, and then notified the entire Zero Fleet to launch a salvo.



An extremely dazzling blue light beam flashed under the porthole of the bridge, and then directly pierced towards the ghostly beast fleet at a distance of 0.5ETM.

3,000 tons of tungsten bomb, fifty percent of the speed of light.

Such a powerful electromagnetic cannon even caused space distortion visible to the naked eye to occur on the front end of the Star Destroyer flagship.

However, Star Destroyer is enough to destroy any terrestrial planet. The one-sided killing effect is not as good as the quantum bullet, but the scene is very gorgeous and has the effect of reducing the morale of the enemy.

Even so, this cannon still penetrated the battleship group of the ghost-faced beast, directly vaporizing dozens of large battleships.

The next Brute fleet will face Electromagnetic Cannon, Gauss Cannon, Plasma Cannon, Yamato Cannon and Beam Particle Cannon.

Nearly 70% of the thousand warships were wiped out in a salvo of artillery fire by dozens of warships from the Zero Fleet.

After suffering such ruthless crushing, no matter how aggressive these ghost-faced beasts are, they seem to have the intention to retreat.

However, the commander of this ghostly beast seemed unwilling to give up the idea of ​​destroying Pluto, and even chose to force the remaining warships to drop to the surface of Pluto.

From the looks of it, the opponent is preparing for a final desperate struggle on the surface.

It is precisely because of this choice of the Brute Beast commander that the fleet can no longer use the main gun unscrupulously, and has to use small-caliber artillery and conventional tactical missiles for continuous attacks.

See this scenario.

Ivan's face sank and he ordered Megan: "Notify Arthur and Horus, let them lead the fifty personal guards sent by the chairman to assist the Imperial Army and the Raven Army under the command of the Master Chief. Ghost-faced beasts to carry out a clean-up operation."

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