Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 911 The lighthouse with a bigger fart is still fighting for power

The leading female officer led what looked like a group of civilian officers to Arthur, and raised her left hand to signal the city defense army to put down their guns.

Then, he looked at Arthur, raised his sword eyebrows and said indifferently: "I'm sorry, I'm deeply sorry for the misunderstanding just now."

"Heh-heh-." Arthur responded with a heh heh, but still maintained a cynical smile and said:

"Miss, this is not an apology tone, besides...

(Glanced at the city defense army behind the opponent)

What's more, when you get down, you have to be prepared to die. Obviously, the quality of your subordinates is not good. "

After listening to Arthur's words, the female officer's eyes flashed with anger, but it didn't seem to be aimed at Arthur.


The female officer said coldly to Arthur again: "They are not my subordinates, and they will not obey my orders. I hope your Excellency will not dwell on the previous misunderstanding."


After hearing what the female officer said, Arthur seemed to have obtained a lot of useful information, and suddenly became interested in "playing" with this lighthouse.

Immediately, Arthur immediately put away his previous cynical demeanor, and immediately changed into a kind smile like his father, bowed slightly in a very gentlemanly way, and saluted:

"It turns out that it is I who should apologize. It was I who started to attack before I figured out the situation. I hope you can accept my sincere apology, ma'am.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arthur Russell. Just call me Arthur. I don’t know what your real name is...? "

"Eh...?" Arthur's attitude changed 180 degrees, which caught the female officer by surprise.

But her expression only flashed for a moment of panic, and soon regained her composure, and said coldly as before:

"I'm the commander-in-chief of the lighthouse control room, Jingnan. It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Russell."

"It turned out to be Miss Jingnan." Arthur suddenly realized, and then still kept smiling, and gave a symbolic compliment:

"Your voice in reality is much more pleasing to the ear than in communication."


But this symbolic compliment, to Jingnan who was in the lighthouse, seemed more like a deliberate attempt to please her.

Take it easy.

Only then did Jingnan recover, and said to Arthur softly with a cold face again: "Mr. Russell, our city lord hopes that you can participate in our court meeting."

"Tingyi?" Arthur was taken aback.

But he quickly guessed that this court meeting should gather the high-level leaders of various forces in the lighthouse to discuss the future meeting together.

‘It’s just a good time to see what small groups there are in this lighthouse. '

Arthur, who had the answer in his heart, readily agreed, "No problem."

Seeing that Arthur seemed to be easy to talk to, Jingnan also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and looked around at Horus, the personal guards, and the mad-toothed shark behind Arthur, showing a embarrassed expression:

"Mr. Russell, your subordinates..."

"Don't worry, I will let them stand by here, and they will definitely not walk around randomly until I discuss with your city lord what happened.

But..." Arthur said, he raised his left hand to place on Horus' right shoulder, and smiled at Jingnan:

"I need to bring my 'adjutant' with me. You shouldn't refuse this request, Miss Jing."

"Of course." Jingnan had no reason to refuse Arthur's request.

On the other hand, Arthur put his hands behind his back and raised his voice to order the guards and Rabidtooth Shark: "Disarm and stand by."


The guards and Shark Sharks, who had been instructed by Arthur, lowered their guns in unison, but still did not relax their vigilance.

Although confronting them is a group of city defense troops who can only domineering internally and are useless externally.

See here.

Jingnan, who turned his back on Arthur, was really relieved.

The calmness shown before cannot be said to be all fake, but at least 80% of it is moisture.

Each of the personal guards over two and a half meters released an undisguised crushing momentum, which could not make people breathe.

Fortunately, Jingnan was so courageous that he barely resisted the pressure and negotiated with Arthur. Otherwise, Arthur might have directly occupied the lighthouse because he was "too lazy to play games".


"Please follow me, Mr. Russell." Jing Nan reminded Arthur with his back turned away, and then led his subordinates to leave.

"Let's go, big nephew."


Arthur and Horus, the nephew and uncle, just had a brief conversation, and then stepped up to follow Jingnan and others who were walking in front.

Soon, a group of people passed through the gate leading to the interior and left the largest warehouse of the lighthouse.


The silent confrontation in the warehouse did not stop because Arthur and Jingnan left.

Since there was no order, more than a hundred city defense troops had to stay in this suffocating warehouse and wait for orders.

"Hey, rubbish." Seeing the frightened city defense army, Rosen complained very disdainfully.


At this moment, the sound of the gate opening came again.

Hearing the reputation, Rosen looked over, and saw an officer with black hair back, well-groomed beard, wearing the same uniform as the city defense army, leading a group of subordinates into the warehouse.

Moreover, the officer walked up to the hundred or so city defense troops with an arrogant demeanor.

Raising his chin, he looked at the personal guards, and Rosen and other mad-toothed sharks, and said in a harsh tone:

"City Defense Army, unload the weapons of these outsiders!"



After the officer's voice fell, he didn't get the command of the city defense army, but he got doubtful and timid feedback.

"Huh?!" Unexpectedly, his subordinates were so shameless, the officer turned his head to look at the hundreds of city defense troops behind him, and threatened:

"Why, my Senge's order doesn't work anymore? You all know the consequences of disobeying the order, don't I need to review it for you again?!"

The city defense troops looked at each other in blank dismay, but because they belonged to the lighthouse establishment, they had to muster up their courage and replied in unison:


Immediately afterwards, the city defense troops cautiously approached the guards and the mad tooth shark, trying to snatch the thunder halberd, bolt gun and Gauss series of firearms.

I thought that the personal guards and the mad tooth shark would resist, but they didn't know that these two elites didn't move at all, as if they were obeying Arthur's standby order.

After this point was made, the more than a hundred city defense troops belonging to Commander Senger finally stopped being deflated, and immediately reached out to pull the weapons of the personal guards and the mad tooth sharks.


Not moving at all.

Those city defense troops tried their best, but they couldn't move the weapons in the hands of the personal guards and mad tooth sharks, as hard as a steel bar being poured with concrete.


Just look, being disturbed by the city defense army's power, which is even more insignificant than mosquito bites, a personal guard with a bad temper shook his hands in displeasure.


"Puff tom!"

However, with just this shake, the city defense army who was trying to snatch the Thunder Halberd flew several meters away, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

As the captain of the Rabidtooth Shark, Rosen's temper was even more violent, and he immediately said loudly:

"Fucking bastards, if you don't want your stronghold to fall, stop it quickly, otherwise the guards have the right to disobey orders."

Well, after reading the first part of the final chapter on May 1st, "I'm so happy", I almost flew away happily

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