Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 912 Yes, It's Predestined

As Rosen said, the personal guards have the right to disobey Arthur's orders.

As William's direct guard, the personal guards only obey the orders of William alone. Most of the time, the orders given by Arthur and Ivan are just taken as suggestions.

If the personal guard judges that the order is not advisable, the personal guard will naturally choose to act independently.

However, the personal guards are not purely powerful and brainless super fighters. On the contrary, every Astartes knowledge, military and political accomplishment is at the level of a lieutenant or even a school officer.

So when facing that guy named Senge and constantly challenging the guard's bottom line, for the sake of the overall situation, the guard would naturally choose to endure for a while.

If Senge continues to push forward, the personal guards will indeed not mind disobeying orders and directly taking the decision to seize the lighthouse by force.

As for Senge, who came up to find trouble, he is the city defense captain of the Lighthouse City Defense Army. When the yellow-haired Charles seized power in the first season of "The Spirit Cage", this guy was one of the main helpers.

But I can also understand Senger's decision. He was the captain of the city defense fifteen years ago, and he will still be the captain of the city defense fifteen years later.

The position has not changed at all from the beginning to the end. For those who are ambitious, they must fall to someone who can give themselves a higher position.

And the trouble that the city defense army found Arthur and others this time was naturally Senger's instruction from Charles.

The purpose is simple, to test whether Arthur and others are good people, which has destroyed the relationship between Arthur and Mark.

After all, there is not even a single soldier camera in "Spiritual Cage", so it must be because they don't know the combat power of the personal guards and mad tooth sharks. Otherwise, when Mark and Ran Bing meet Bai Yuekui, Mark can directly provide gravity-body individual soldiers video as evidence.

Therefore, after testing, I found out that Arthur and his group are not easy to mess with.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Senge no longer continued to challenge the bottom line of the personal guard and the mad tooth shark. He immediately raised his left hand and ordered loudly:

"The city defense army gathered close to me. Before the city lord makes a decision on how to deal with outsiders, no one is allowed to act without authorization."


The city defense troops who received the order were relieved, and hurried to Senge's surroundings to re-line up, and continued to maintain a silent confrontation with the personal guards and the mad tooth shark.

But the city guards were silently praying in their hearts, hoping that the city lord could live in harmony with this group of outsiders.

"Hey, you guys are smart, a bunch of rubbish who can only fight in the nest."

Seeing that Senge and the others became honest, Rosen laughed contemptuously again.

"You!" Senge wanted to speak back, but when he thought of Charles' order, he had to swallow his breath.


at the same time.

Arthur and Horus followed Jingnan and others to the street inside the lighthouse, and witnessed the unique air city.

Small but complete.

This short sentence is most suitable for the lighthouse Arthur saw.

Driveways and sidewalks, various types of simple houses, and alleys between streets and buildings, there are even children in tattered clothes playing.

Moreover, Arthur also found that most of the streets were casually dressed, tattered, and residents who did not have light green badges.

There were only a few well-dressed and well-dressed people, and at the same time, he also observed that the light on the breastplates of these people was light blue.

Reminiscent of the city defense army who bothered them in the warehouse and also had blue-ray badges, Arthur instantly came up with an answer, that is, this lighthouse adopted a certain hierarchy.

Especially when Arthur found out that the city defense troops had a bad attitude towards the green-light badges, but they had a friendly attitude towards the blue-light badges, which made his point even more certain.

And what about Horus?

Although Horus had also discovered this, the demigod was too lazy to think deeply, because his second uncle was by his side, which made him lazy.


Arthur and Horus followed Jingnan and others through the spiral street to the upper area of ​​the lighthouse, and passed through a spacious passage guarded by a large number of city defense troops.


Finally, they came to a vertical 'tunnel' with a wide space. Looking down, they could even directly see the surface of the kilometer below.

Here is the launch track of the electromagnetic gun in the center of the lighthouse, but it is usually used as the internal connection channel of the major core departments, which also explains why there are many city defense troops stationed there.

After going up a few flights of stairs, Jingnan led Arthur and Horus to the waiting platform of an elevator.

While pressing the button to call the elevator, Jingnan whispered to the subordinates beside her:

"Next, I will lead the two guests to the central command hall. You go back to the control room first to ensure the flight status of the lighthouse."


Several subordinates hesitated, and looked at Arthur and Horus from time to time, as if worried that Jingnan's life would be in danger if he was alone.

Of course Arthur could see it, but he didn't point it out, but wanted to see how the Miss Mirror would respond.

"Don't worry." Jingnan just smiled confidently, without too much explanation with his subordinates, and said:

"Okay, don't dawdle anymore. If there is a problem with the lighthouse, it is not something we can bear."

"This is."

In the end, Jingnan's subordinates still chose to leave, and quickly returned to the control room using the internal connection channel.

Coincidentally, the elevator with large glass on three sides also arrived at the platform where Jingnan, Arthur and Horus were.

Go into the lift.

Wait for the gate to close.

Arthur showed a friendly smile and said, "Miss Mirror, aren't you afraid of being held hostage by me and my adjutant?"

"Not afraid." Jing Nan replied indifferently without even thinking about it, and continued:

"I have received the strictest military training, and to say the least, I am very confident in my physical skills, so stop joking around with me, both of you."

"Hehe, that's right, it's indeed my joke, don't take it seriously." Arthur also laughed.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to open the conversation and asked Jingnan:

"Miss Jing, may I ask if your lighthouse has some kind of hierarchy? If it is convenient, can you help me clear up the confusion."

The relationship between Shangmin and Dustmin is not a secret, so Jingnan is not going to have any reservations:

"Yes, our lighthouse is divided into Shangmin and Chenmin according to the pros and cons of their genes. From the moment a newborn is born, the medical team will conduct a genetic test on the newborn.

If you are excellent, you will directly become a Shangmin, and you will receive professional training in terms of physical fitness and intelligence, and you will receive the best treatment in terms of food and accommodation.


Newborns with inferior genes will be directly judged as dust people, who can only eat the minimum limit of shelter, food and other materials, and at the same time need to do the hardest labor. "

"Good guy." Arthur said good guy, but his expression was not too surprised, as if he had guessed it a long time ago, and complained:

"Well, in your lighthouse, the future is doomed from the moment of birth."

"That's right..." Jingnan's eyes flashed a trace of sadness, and he said, "This is fate."

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