Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 21 Purchase top-grade magic tools and mid-grade spirit stones!

Not long after, I returned to the willow forest on Qingfeng Mountain,

He has already started to plunge into the big job of copying low-grade spiritual stones. For him, copying low-grade spiritual stones is actually not difficult at all, even if he just touches one!

There can be hundreds of them in a minute.

The only trouble is that it's too boring.

More than 200,000 low-grade spiritual stones,

No matter what, it will take several hours! It even takes most of a day to complete.

This is indeed a bit torturous,

"It would be great if I could have a middle-grade spiritual stone... If it were a middle-grade spiritual stone, one piece would be comparable to a hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones. That would be much easier!" Liu Lin complained in his heart.

As far as he knew, this low-grade spiritual stone in the cultivation world was normally the benchmark for the Qi training realm! The middle-grade spiritual stone is the benchmark for the realm of foundation-building experts.

Therefore, this thing is very rare for his current level. Perhaps Master Qingfeng and the others should have it, but so far, he has never seen it once.

In his world,

At most, they are low-grade spiritual stones or fragments of spiritual stones.

"Perhaps I should also get a medium-grade spiritual stone as a spare?"

He had this idea in his mind,

For him, although he has no need for middle-grade spiritual stones yet, this thing is not only a strategic resource at the bottom of the box, but also the direction of higher-level foundation building realm in the future.

So keep one there to be prepared for any trouble.

This is certainly true,

more importantly,

to him,

Preparing one medium-grade spiritual stone is equivalent to having countless medium-grade spiritual stones. Even if you put them aside for the time being and do not copy them, the same principle applies. You don’t have to use it, but you’d better have it!

And besides that,

He actually wanted to use this middle-grade spiritual stone as an experiment.

So when I think of this,

He gradually had a definite idea in his heart,

Middle grade spiritual stone,

Just take this opportunity,

He also wants to get one to keep!

So in the next two days,

He directly worked overtime to produce a total of 350,000 low-grade spiritual stones, 230,000 of which were used to purchase Baihui Sword, Wind Dragon Flag, and Purple Sun Thunder Fire Barrier, leaving 120,000.

Used to exchange for mid-grade spiritual stones! !

In this case,

It should be no problem,

A few days later, Liu Lin came to Wulongshan Main Pavilion again.

And he also brought several storage bags filled with low-grade spiritual stones. Although the size of low-grade spiritual stones is very small, only about the size of a thumb cap, there are still too many to hold it.

A total of 350,000, even if it is the size of a fingernail, can pile up into a mountain. Of course, this is also related to the standard of Wulongmen and the small space area of ​​conventional storage bags.

But that doesn't matter anymore,

Because as long as there are enough low-grade spiritual stones,

That's enough,

"You, you are serious!?" Looking at the filled storage bags in front of him, although he was mentally prepared, Zheng Xiong's mentality was still a little shocked at this time!

I was simply shocked!

after all,

No matter what, these are hundreds of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones. How can he really get it from a mere little kid who practices seventh-level Qi? What kind of joke is this? Isn't this too exaggerated? !

At this moment, Liu Lin suddenly spoke and spoke slowly.

"Uncle Zheng, all the low-grade spiritual stones are here, a total of 350,000..."

"Wait, how much did you say?" Zheng Xiong's pupils suddenly shrank, and his expression changed again! Liu Lin looked at him in shock! “This, aren’t these 230,000?!

"Uncle Zheng, in addition to those top-grade magic weapons, I also need a medium-grade spiritual stone, so the total is 350,000 low-grade spiritual stones! All of this is troublesome for you!"

Liu Lin said slowly,

As soon as he said this, Zheng Xiong immediately fell silent.

A mid-grade spiritual stone?

It stands to reason that a little kid like Liu Lin, who is only at the seventh level of Qi training, dares to peek at the middle-grade spiritual stones at the level of a foundation-building expert, but he is actually willing to take out more than 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

Come to exchange for a medium-grade spiritual stone?

This is actually an incredible thing!

But now, this matter, and those astronomical figures of 350,000 low-grade spiritual stones, have been put in front of us. In comparison, this does not seem to be a big deal?

Zheng Xiong remained silent for a moment,

Then he silently stood up and left here,

It didn't take long like this,

He came back again,

And inside his hand,

There is also a sparkling purple storage bag.

Putting the storage bag in front of Liu Lin, Zheng Xiong said slowly.

"The Baihui Sword, the Wind Dragon Flag, the Purple Sun Thunder Flame Barrier, and a middle-grade spiritual stone. What you want are all here. Junior Brother Liu, please check them."

And once,

He even changed his title and identity, from nephew to junior brother.

Why is this happening? Very simple,

To put it bluntly, it’s just two words. strength.

In this world of cultivation, all status and seniority are empty and completely useless.

The only word that really works is one word,

That is strength!

As long as you have the strength, no matter what kind of uncle or uncle you are, even if you are a master, you can still call you dad.

this is the truth!

"Got it!"

After picking up the storage bag and taking a look at it, Liu Lin suddenly laughed.

Fortunately, everything went well,

In this way, his goal is completely achieved!

Then he spoke again to Zheng Xiong, who had a complicated expression in front of him, and said with a smile!

"Uncle Zheng, thank you, thank you for this matter!"

"No need to thank me, such a big deal is a good thing for me, and the reward will not be small! But..." Zheng Xiong hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said!

"Junior Brother Liu Lin, although you have these things now, I still suggest you be careful... You know the current situation, the threat of the Blood Spirit Sect is too great!"

"So it doesn't hurt to be low-key..."

"Be careful!"

"Thank you for the reminder, don't worry, Uncle Zheng, I will pay attention!"

Liu Lin nodded, then changed the subject and asked! "By the way, Uncle Zheng, how is the situation outside? Didn't we send a lot of people out to deal with them? Now, is there any result?!"

"Not yet!"

Zheng Xiong shook his head, but continued! "However, this matter is not only about our Wulongmen, but also the other four major forces, the Beast Taming Villa, the Yanyuemen, and even the Blood Hand Society! Feihe Valley!"

"They are all involved,"

"So, even if the enemy is the Blood Spirit Sect, there will be no problem!"

"After all, our five major forces are not made of clay!"

Hearing this,

Liu Lin's eyes flickered.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the great perfection of the foundation building to come out in person.

Sure enough, it is really a large-scale joint action of the five major forces!

But this is indeed good news.

As the local snakes of their Qingyun North,

as long as the five major forces can work together!

It should not be a big problem, right?

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