The thoughts in my heart are spinning,

But immediately, Liu Lin stood up and left.

"Uncle Zheng, the transaction is completed, then I won't disturb you anymore and I'll take my leave now!"

"Okay!" Zheng Xiong also stood up and said with a smile! "If you still have any needs or need help in the future, just come to me. If I can help, I will try my best to do it!"


His attitude has changed now,

From the beginning, he was a junior with a slightly overlooking perspective, but now, he is also determined to win over Liu Lin and make friends. He even regards him as a peer!

The core of it is nothing more than two words, value, or in other words, strength!

After all, someone who can afford a total of 350,000 low-grade spiritual stones,

This can already explain a lot of problems,

In a sense, this is also a display and symbol of strength! And this is enough,

"I will……"

Liu Lin nodded, then got up and left here.

With the items in hand, he was ready to test his inner thoughts...

What's the idea?

Of course, it’s about the refining of the best magic weapon and its use.

Not long after, Liu Lin left Wulong Mountain and returned to Qingfeng Mountain, where he began to refine the Baihui Sword, the Wind Dragon Flag, and the Purple Sun Thunder Fire Shield.

A few more days passed like this,

The initial sacrificial work,

It has already been initially completed.

"Then the next step is to test and experiment. With my current strength, can I use these top-notch magic weapons?"

Liu Lin murmured,

Whether it can be used or not is actually divided into more detailed categories, such as perfect use, normal use, barely usable, not very usable, very barely usable, or even completely unusable! wait wait wait,

These are all different. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy, and therefore, he must understand it thoroughly! How far can he use these top-quality magic weapons?


"Just do it on Qingfeng Mountain? However, the power of these top-grade offensive magic weapons should make a lot of noise, right?"

Liu Lin murmured, feeling a little tangled in his heart.

Unlike defensive top-quality magic weapons like the Blue Toad Shield, if you want to test the specific conditions and maximum power of these top-quality offensive magic weapons, you must have full firepower and use them all!

But in this case,

The movement will naturally be loud! It's even easy to spot...

Of course, this is something he doesn't want to see.

After all, he was going to use these things as his trump card at this stage, but if they were all spread out and known by others, what kind of trump card would they be?

Then it would be meaningless,


"How about going outside and taking a look?"

Liu Lin had such an idea in his heart,


He seemed to want to go out.

Over the years, he seems to have been living on Qingfeng Mountain for too long. He didn't feel it before, but now, just a second ago, he suddenly had the idea of ​​​​changing. ?

Maybe he can go out and take a look now?

When I think of this,

The impulse in his heart began to stir,

It even started to sprout a little bit,


There was silence for a moment,

He took another step and walked towards the attic on Qingfeng Mountain. Not long after, he had arrived in front of a white-gray door covered with restrictions. He stretched out his hand and knocked gently on the door a few times. Down.

"Sister, it's me, Liu Lin!"

There is still peace inside the gate,

But a moment later, the door suddenly banged loudly and opened a gap.

So next,

Liu Lin opened the door and walked in.

At the same time, he whispered,

"Sister, are you okay?"

Looking around, inside the gate is a huge formation of tens of meters filled with the power of formation patterns.

Within this formation,

Lin Chang was sitting cross-legged on the center of the formation, and the huge formation power from all directions was like threads, flowing endlessly, extending and connecting to her body.

The whole scene looks very magical,

It's also very strange,

And this is the power of the formation that Master Qingfeng specially used to help Lin Chang heal his injuries - the Glimmer Formation!

It is said that this is a restorative formation in the foundation-building realm.

It can help even the strong ones in the early stages of foundation building to slowly recover from most serious injuries. Therefore, a 'little guy' like Lin Shang, who is only at the eleventh level of Qi training,

Of course, it’s no longer a matter of course.

Although he knew this in advance, it was his first time to actually see it. Therefore, Liu Lin was still quite curious and even very interested in the magical and powerful formation in front of him.

"I wonder if I can try these formations in the future?"

Liu Lin murmured in his heart,

From his understanding, formations feel very similar to Alchemy.

Array formation materials are equal to elixir refining materials, and formation formation is equal to elixir refining materials. Therefore, as long as there are enough array formation materials, he should be able to rely on unlimited array formation practice.

Thus stepping into the formation,

Even become a formation master!

But I have to admit,

There are thousands of avenues, infinitely huge,

He is only a human now, not a god, so his energy and time have been filled up by the basic cultivation of a cultivation level and the way of alchemy.

He has no time or energy at all now,

to learn other things,

So he could only shake his head with some pity,

Then he looked at Lin Chang in the core of the formation and said!

"Sister Lin Shang, are you okay?"


A weak voice came, Lin Chang opened his eyes and said calmly!

"Master has helped me solve the more serious problems. However, recovery still takes time because it needs to be slow! Otherwise, there will still be some hidden dangers..."

"I just didn't expect that I seemed to be a bit of a blessing in disguise this time."

"A blessing in disguise?" Liu Lin was stunned for a moment, then looked at his face carefully, then opened his mouth and said in surprise! "Senior sister, have you made a breakthrough?"

At this time, Lin Shang's body

He actually felt a trace of the huge power of the Twelve Heavenly Perfections,

In other words, she actually broke through?

"Yeah, I didn't expect that I would be able to break through to the twelfth level of Dzogchen as a blessing in disguise..."

"Sure enough, there will be big gains between life and death!" Lin Shang sighed with emotion, then looked at Liu Lin and said! "You kid came to me for something, right? Tell me, what's the matter?"

Liu Lin hesitated for a moment.

But he still gritted his teeth and said.

"Senior sister, I plan to go out!"

"Going out?"

Lin Shang was startled for a moment.

Then he smiled and said! "It seems that you are worried about me? Okay, let's go! I'm not as fragile as you think, and besides, I'm just recuperating from my injuries, and I haven't lost my combat effectiveness!"

"So, if you want to go, go ahead! Besides, Xiao Linzi, it's time for you to go out and have a look..."

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