
She changed the topic and narrowed her eyes.

A breathtaking and sharp look filled the air,

There is even some murderous intent emerging! "Nowadays, the actions of those guys from the Blood Spirit Sect are becoming more and more bold. This is actually very obvious. In the future, we will definitely have a battle with them!"

"And you, staying here on Qingfeng Mountain all the time and not going out, it's not okay. Cultivation is important in the journey of cultivation! But fighting is equally important! If you never dare to cross this threshold, there will definitely be problems in the future!"


Lin Shang stared at Liu Lin closely, and her weak voice became a little louder!

Said categorically!

"Practice can make you stronger, but fighting can keep you alive. Do you understand?"

"I understand, senior sister..."

Liu Lin nodded immediately, his eyes became a little complicated,

Indeed, he has been huddled in Qingfeng Mountain for these years, not going out.

To put it nicely, this is called development, and this is called coercion, but in reality? This actually has something to do with his mentality,

To put it bluntly, as a person who came from a modern peaceful society on earth...he still feels a little strange and confused about the cruel and bloody environment of forest-like beasts in today's world of cultivation!

Even scared,

Therefore, the protection mechanism of his own mentality allowed him to deliberately avoid the strange and dangerous things, making him subconsciously just want to linger on Qingfeng Mountain and not go anywhere.

But now, his development has finally made some achievements. His current strong strength has finally given him some confidence and confidence.

So much so that he is now willing to break this layer of psychological self-protection!

Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and see,

But anyway, the reality is like this,

No matter how powerful you are, there is one thing you cannot escape in this world of cultivation, and that is fighting!

It doesn't matter how strong you are, how strong you are! Rather,

Your combat ability must be able to reach a certain level of proficiency, and at the very least it must not be a hindrance! Only in this way can you exert 70% or even 80% of your own strength!


This part of the battle,

He had to do it, face it,

This is inescapable and unavoidable!

And now, the reason why he had such an idea and wanted to get out was because the idea came to him, and it was because this was his own psychological instinct that was helping him break out of his comfort zone! Help him become stronger,

So he immediately nodded and said,

"Senior sister, I plan to go out and take a look!"


Lin Shang nodded and said with a smile! "If you are willing, you can go to the main pavilion to find a suitable task to receive! There are many types of tasks there and the levels are evenly divided!"

"If you look around, there will always be one that suits you!"

"As for don't have to worry about me!"

The words just fell! There was a dull buzzing sound, and huge pressure rushed towards him. Behind Lin Shang, a sparkling light appeared out of thin air. Look carefully,

It was a pink fan.

Looking at the fan, Liu Lin still laughed. He didn't know it before, but now he knows that this thing is also an extremely top-notch magic weapon!

Then, he bowed respectfully and said.

"Sister, thank you!"

"Then I'll go out first!"

"Go ahead..."

After Liu Lin turned around and left here, the door slowly closed.

Lin Shang suddenly laughed and was filled with emotion! He was also a little surprised in his heart and murmured! "Sure enough, he turns into a dragon when the storm strikes! It seems that what Master said is true. This boy Liu Lin..."

"What a genius!"

"How long has it been since then, and you've already been practicing the seventh level of Qi? This speed is really fast!"

Although she knew that her junior brother Liu Lin was only a first-grade useless spiritual aperture, she also knew that many true geniuses would never be affected by this little 'first-grade useless spiritual aperture'.


And now Liulin,

She had already seen those two words...

That's genius!

A true genius!

"The main cabinet?"

After walking out of the attic, Liu Lin murmured! Then he rushed towards the Wulong Mountain Main Pavilion again with firm eyes. Since everything is ready now, there is no need for him to worry about it anymore.

He wants to go out and have a look,


He should also go out and take a look...

A few hours later,

Main Pavilion,

Zheng Xiong looked at Liu Lin who came back in front of him with some surprise, and then asked.

"Junior brother Liu Lin, do you want to receive a mission?"

"Yes, Uncle Zheng, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Liu Lin nodded and said calmly! "I want to receive a combat mission!"

"Combat mission?"

Zheng Xiong was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said. "Junior Brother Liu Lin, you may not know that the combat missions of our Wulong Sect are probably related to those guys from the Blood Spirit Sect! If,

"If you insist on a combat mission,"

"Then we'll just have to bump into them. Are you sure?"

"I am sure!"

Liu Lin said without hesitation,

Of course he knew the current situation. As long as it was a combat mission, not to mention nine out of ten, there was even a 100% chance that he would run into those guys from the Blood Spirit Sect.

But he doesn't care,

As long as he makes a choice, so what if it's the Blood Spirit Sect? He doesn't care at all,

But he added another sentence next. "But Uncle Zheng, I need a longer combat mission! If possible, it would be best to have a long-term mission!"


"That's right!"

Why long term? Of course there are other purposes as well,

First, because he is lazy and homebound, and is not used to running around in a short time.

The second reason is that his current proficiency in Purple Jade Pill is still at the stage where he needs practice and proficiency.

Therefore, he still needs a fixed place to continue practicing to improve the proficiency of Purple Jade Pill.

In this case,

In the long run, it becomes a necessary condition!

And more importantly,

After his proficiency in Purple Jade Pill increases,

His cultivation level strength will once again usher in a surge stage. The previous fourth level of Qi training and the seventh level of Qi training will be forgotten. It doesn't matter if his cultivation level is too weak, but if his cultivation level strength can skyrocket to the level of the Twelfth Heavenly Perfection of Qi Training in a short period of time, wouldn't it be too ostentatious? That could easily cause trouble,

Therefore, he also had to go out and hide for a while,

In this way, we can have an excuse to explain this matter.

"Wait for me now..." At this time, Zheng Xiong stood up and walked out, but not long after, he came back again, and this time, he had a shining token in his hand!

and an atlas.

"Junior brother Liu Lin, what do you think of this mission?"

Zheng Xiong said.

At the same time, he handed everything to Liu Lin.

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