Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 24: Guard the mine! Head to Ningping Peak!

Liu Lin took it smoothly, then opened it and looked through it carefully.

At the same time, he murmured subconsciously. "Ning Pingfeng?"

"That's right," Zheng Xiong nodded and then explained! "Ningping Peak is located on the north side of Xuanchen Kingdom, next to the important frontier city - Ningping City. There is a valuable mine here - Xuantie Gold Mine! This is one of the important assets of our Wulongmen, so, We will always send people to guard this place! But, hey..."

He sighed,

Then the conversation changed and he said!

"But some time ago, there was a problem at Ning Pingfeng."

"Ningping Peak was attacked. The team stationed there consisted of two tenth-level Qi practitioners and seven or eight elite disciples in the middle and late stages of Qi training. In the end, less than half of them survived."

Suddenly Liu Lin narrowed his eyes and asked!

"Did people from the Blood Spirit Sect do it?"

"That's right!"

Zheng Xiong sighed,

Then continue!

"The Xuanchen Kingdom is one of the several vassal countries under our Wulong Sect!"

"Their population is only one million, their area is very small, and they occupy a relatively northern location. If they were any further away, they would be almost outside Qingyun North! So,"

"The risk there is not small, and people from the Blood Spirit Sect often cross the border and come to cause trouble!"

After saying this, he looked towards Liu Lin again and spoke again! "Junior brother Liu Lin, for this mission, I can give you an identity equivalent to that of captain, but there is another person who also has this identity!

"So if you want to go..."

"Other internal problems need to be solved by yourself!"

After hearing this, Liu Lin did not answer immediately, but fell silent and fell into thinking.

Just a moment later, he suddenly asked again! "Besides this, is there anything else?"

"Yes, but relatively speaking, it may not be that suitable..."

Zheng Xiong nodded and said with twinkling eyes!

"If you want a long-term mission, it is usually relatively stable and safe in the long term, and there are not so many troubles. But if you want a combat mission, you can only choose places close to the border!"

"But if you are too close to the border, it is basically equivalent to facing those people from the Blood Spirit Sect directly. This is too dangerous! And the geographical location of Ningping Peak is relatively better..."

"It's also safer, don't you think?"

He asked, then changed the topic and said with a smile! "Of course, if you think it won't work, that's okay. I'll go look for it and see if there are any suitable options. That's okay too!"


Liu Lin shook his head,

Then he stood up and bowed to Zheng Xiong in front of him, thanking him!

"Thank you, Uncle Zheng, that's all."

"I took it!"

Come to think of it,

Long-term tasks must have one characteristic:

That's safety! Or relatively speaking,

So this is actually somewhat inconsistent with the risks of combat missions.

So he has nothing to choose from.

That's it,


Zheng Xiong smiled and then continued! "This token is your token, nothing else. The mission cycle is five years! After five years, the mission is over and you can come back!"

"Besides, if it's a special situation, you can also take care of it yourself, do you understand?"

Upon hearing this,

Liu Lin also laughed directly,

Do you have to figure it out yourself?

Then this is quite good, hahaha,

"There is a map of the specific location of Ningping Peak on the mission map. Just follow the directions on the map. Junior Brother Liu Lin, do you have any other questions?" Zheng Xiong asked.

"No, thank you Master Zheng, thank you..."

"No need to thank you. After all, we are not considered outsiders, we are also our own people..."

"When Senior Uncle Qingfeng left, he also told me to take care of you, and that girl Lin Shang. Hey, I heard that she was also injured? Fortunately, she is fine and came back alive,"

Zheng Xiong sighed with emotion,

Then he said again!

"Besides, there is something else you need to pay attention to,"

"Although Ningping Peak is still some distance from the border, it is indeed not too far away. That place is risky! So you must be careful and remember it! Be careful of the Blood Spirit Gate!"

"If they really take action, remember, your life is more important than your mission, so be smart!"

"It's Uncle Zheng, I understand!!"

Liu Lin nodded, then got up and left here.

At the same time, looking at Liu Lin's leaving figure, Zheng Xiong also squinted his eyes and became filled with emotion!

"It's really interesting. I didn't expect that a useless spirit could actually turn into a genius? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would have been unbelievable!"

Why would he say that?

In fact, the previous conversation has already explained many issues.

Ning Pingfeng died several times in the middle stage of Qi training, and even had a tenth level of Qi training, but what about now? This kid Liu Lin actually seems to have no feeling at all.

You must know that his cultivation level is the seventh level of Qi training.

That's it, aren't you afraid?

Is it that simple, just agree?

So, isn’t this a temptation?

No strength at all,

Where does the confidence come from?

So he must have understood that Liu Lin definitely has a secret! But that doesn't matter anymore,

The important thing is that since kindness and favor have been given, he can't care about the other things, and they have nothing to do with him...

Then he got up and left here,

And at the same time,

Liu Lin has already started walking towards the outside of Wulongmen Mountain!

About a month later, in Qingyun North, on a huge mountain range in the border area of ​​Xuanchen Kingdom, this is where the famous Ningping Peak is located.

As one of the important assets of Wulongmen, this place has always been a forbidden and important place, and strangers are not allowed to enter. However, now, in a cave in a complex of exquisite buildings at the foot of Ningping Peak Mountain, a man in his forties appears. The bald-browed man was in a certain room, walking back and forth, with a hint of anxiety on his face.

After a while, the big man turned around and seemed to want to leave, but at this moment, there was a burst of rapid footsteps outside the door.

As soon as this scene occurs,

Immediately, I saw that the big man looked happy, but he also seemed a little nervous and worried. The situation was complicated.

However, he immediately stepped out and saw that not far in front of him, there was an old man with brown stripes and white hair who also looked to be in his forties or fifty, walking quickly towards him. ,

"Lao Lu, how is the situation? Have you found it? It should have been found, right?!"

The big man asked quickly,

But the old man shook his head and looked ugly! "No, I, we failed..."

"What did you say?!"

The big man's face changed drastically, and he turned pale. Then he stretched out his hand, shook his head vigorously, and asked!

"What on earth are you doing? How could this fail? Do you know that we don't have much time... New people will arrive soon. By then, I, us, won't we?!"

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