Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 25 Black Iron Golden Soul? Arrived at Ningping Peak!


The old man sighed,

Then said helplessly! "Gu Baiyun, you have to know that it is the Black Iron Gold Soul, not an ordinary Black Iron Stone! If I can have the strength of the Foundation Establishment Realm, then I can firmly grasp it, but the problem is that I am only a ninth-level Qi Training Realm!"

"You want me to do this? Can I do this? Or you can try it?!"

The big man Gu Baiyun's face froze, his face turned blue and purple,

But in the end he still sighed and fell silent,

Just after a while,

He couldn't help but sigh with a complicated expression, and said!

"Ah, if I had known this was the case, I might as well report this matter directly... You know, this is the Black Iron Gold Soul! The reward from above will definitely not be small!"

"So what?"

The old man surnamed Lu sneered and said coldly! "Can that little reward be compared with the Black Iron Gold Soul? Don't forget, this is a top treasure comparable to the golden elixir-level natural treasures!"

"The value of the Black Iron Gold Soul is enough to change our future! Do you understand?"


"No buts!"

The old man surnamed Lu interrupted him and said coldly! "Gu Baiyun, don't be naive. We have come to this point. There is no turning back. Now we can only keep going! The Black Iron Gold Soul can only be ours!"

Gu Baiyun was silent for a while,

then raised his head and looked at him and asked!

"What about the new guy? Kill him directly? But, if we kill him directly, won't there be another problem? In this case, the people above will definitely suspect us..."

"This is not a solution!"

"I know!" The old man surnamed Lu nodded, a hint of viciousness appeared on his face, and he said coldly! "Let's wait until he comes. Didn't you say there's only one person?"

"As long as he's not too powerful, we can handle him with our strength!"

"It's best to leave him alone for now. After we catch the Black Iron Gold Soul, we'll kill him! Run away and get away from here!"

"Well..." Gu Baiyun nodded and said with narrowed eyes! "That's the only way! And the situation is too bad now. The people from the Blood Spirit Sect are coming aggressively. It looks like there will be a fight!"

"In that case, we have to run away!"

"It's good that you know..."

The old man surnamed Lu sneered,

But at this moment, another voice suddenly came from outside the house! "Brother Lu, Brother Gu, there's a guy who calls himself Liu Lin outside. He said he's new here!"

Suddenly, the old man surnamed Lu and Gu Baiyun looked at each other, then narrowed their eyes slightly, flashing cold light,

"Let's go! Let's take a look!"

Gu Baiyun took the lead and walked over directly,

At the same time, the old man surnamed Lu also followed directly...

At the same time, outside the building complex, Liu Lin had already arrived here in a carriage, and at this time, he had already walked out of the carriage, looking up and looking around,

constantly looking at the scenery in front of him,

There are quite a few people in the building complex in front of him, but you can tell at a glance that there are more mortals. Most of these mortals have numb expressions, their clothes are very tattered, and their bodies are thin.

Seems to be very miserable? In addition, the two guys standing in front of him who are in the eighth and ninth levels of Qi training are more eye-catching.

Because apart from them,

it seems that there are no other cultivators here?

"Isn't this a bit strange?"

"Why are they the only ones here? Or is it because of the previous attack that caused too many casualties, and the current number of Wulongmen's manpower is not enough, so this is the case?"

Liu Lin murmured in his heart,

Just then, some spiritual energy fluctuations suddenly came from the road not far away,

Liu Lin turned his eyes and looked over,

Seeing a bald man in his forties and another old man with brown stripes in his forties or fifties, they have already appeared over there, and are walking towards him at the same time,

"It seems that this is the new Junior Brother Liu Lin, hello! Let me introduce myself, my name is Gu Baiyun, currently the task leader of Ningping Peak, and this is Lu Shuangquan..."

"Let's all get to know each other,"

Gu Baiyun stretched out his hand to Liu Lin with a smile on his face,

But at this time, he was already extremely shocked and surprised in his heart,


The seventh level of Qi training?

No, what does this mean? What is going on! ?

And it's not just him.

At this time, the old man Lu Shuangquan,

also stared at Liu Lin with a strange look, as if he didn't expect the situation to be like this. You know, the news they received was that the second task leader had arrived, but what about now?

Task leader?

The seventh level of Qi training?

What does this mean? Are you kidding?

"Hello, Senior Brother Lu, I'm Liu Lin!" At this moment, Liu Lin was the first to extend his hand.

Hearing this, Lu Shuangquan also woke up immediately, and then immediately smiled, shook hands with Liu Lin, and said! "Welcome, Junior Brother Liu, I'm Lu Shuangquan, nice to meet you!"

"Senior Brother Lu is polite,"

Liu Lin paused, and then deliberately said modestly!

"I'm Liu, a newcomer, and I need a few senior brothers to take care of me! The main reason is that the sect is short of manpower and can't pull more people. Otherwise, I wouldn't come here..."

As soon as he said this, Lu Shuangquan couldn't help but frown and said!

"What, is the situation serious?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but I only know that the master of the Beast Controlling Villa, Ouyang Longjun, is dead, so now the Beast Controlling Villa has begun to lead our five major forces to prepare for a big move!"


Gu Baiyun took a breath and was shocked!

"Ou, Ouyang Longjun is dead?!"

As the master of the Beast Taming Villa, one of the five major forces, Ouyang Longjun's name is definitely resounding in their ears, so this news means to them,

It’s really a big impact!

And more importantly, the impact behind this incident is really serious and far-reaching.

The Blood Spirit Sect is coming fiercely,

The five major forces have also joined forces to cooperate.

So what happens next?

no doubt,

That means war begins!

When I think of this,

Gu Baiyun quickly looked at Lu Shuangquan,

But he found that the latter was also making the same action and looking at him...

Then I saw Lu Shuangquan was silent for a moment, and then he spoke again and said softly! "Junior Brother Liu, you have just come here, so you should familiarize yourself with the situation here. In fact, there is nothing to worry about!"

"It's nothing more than changing a place to practice..."

"That's right!"

Gu Baiyun also nodded and explained!

"Here, all the mining process is completed by those mortals!"

"We don't have to worry about these ourselves. All we need to do is guard this place! It's just to prevent other monks from coming here to cause trouble or cause trouble."

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