

Is this the world outside Qingyun?

Liu Lin's eyes flashed, and then he picked up the first "Da Yuan Tu Zhi" and started reading.

Then the first paragraph at the beginning of it,

It directly gave him a great impact and shock!

"Since more than 13,000 years ago, the Great Yuan Emperor established Cangzhou and suppressed hundreds of ethnic groups, it has ushered in the glorious and prosperous age of the Great Yuan Dynasty for more than 10,000 years..."

Thirteen thousand years ago?

The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty established a tripod in Cangzhou and suppressed hundreds of ethnic groups? !

So cowhide?

Liu Lin's scalp felt numb.

But I continued to read patiently...

The original version of "Dayuan Tuzhi" does not have many words.

There were only two or three pages, but even so, Liu Lin read very slowly. After about one stick of incense had passed, he slowly exhaled,

At the same time, put down the "Dayuan Picture Chronicles\

,"Some were taken aback and their faces were full of shock.

It turns out that this so-called Yuan Dynasty,

It is the first dynasty of hundreds of tribes and countries in Cangzhou! It turns out that the so-called Great Yuan Emperor is the first powerful man in Cangzhou to transcend the Nascent Soul Realm and ascend to the Divine Realm in more than 10,000 years!

Since then,

The Yuan Dynasty completely soared into the sky! Climbing to the top of Cangzhou, prospering for thousands of years, until now,

And now, they are still the first dynasty that has been discontinued, and any other major forces in Cangzhou should be worth mentioning in front of them.

It's not on the same level as them at all.

"Is the First Dynasty of Cangzhou so awesome?"

Liu Lin murmured,

Then I picked up the "Brief Language of Cangzhou" on the other side and looked at it. Compared with "The Great Yuan Picture Chronicles", "Brief Language of Cangzhou" has significantly more words, about ten pages.

This time,

Liu Lin still looked very slowly,

Until a few hours later,

He slowly put down the "Cangzhou Brief Yu" in his hand.

At the same time, he also had this so-called ‘Cangzhou’ in his heart.

Now that I have some general understanding,

Cangzhou is one of the fourteen continents of Tianluo Continent. Although it does not introduce in depth what the so-called Tianluo Continent is, it actually explains something.

Tianluo Continent,

He should be Cangzhou’s superior being.

In addition, Cangzhou has a huge area and is known as one hundred races and one hundred countries, but in fact it has far exceeded this number. Looking at the entire Cangzhou, the number of large and small ethnic countries has already reached thousands!

This number is at least dozens of times that of the entire Qingyun!

You can imagine what this concept is.

And in Cangzhou, home to hundreds of tribes and countries,

Especially the first dynasty - the Yuan Dynasty! The Yuan Dynasty was located in the northeast of Cangzhou and dominated the entire Cangzhou! Exceeding three-tenths of its territory, it is the well-deserved No. 1 behemoth!

In addition, more than 60% of Cangzhou's territory is divided and occupied by other large and small forces, countries, and races! A fragmented and chaotic situation formed.

Therefore, the current situation in Cangzhou should be that the southwest, west, and south are weak, while the northeast where the Yuan Dynasty is located, and the north and east radiating around it are stronger!

But having said that,

Even though it is south of Cangzhou, which is relatively weak,

But it is still much more powerful than Qingyun here! And if nothing else, the Blood Spirit Sect that was kicked out of Qingyun went to the border area south of Cangzhou!

Because the border areas outside Qingyun North,

In fact, it is already very close to the south of Cangzhou.

It almost only requires the buffer zone of a few small countries...

You can reach the south of Cangzhou!


Liu Lin murmured. He didn't know it before and didn't feel it at all. He just felt that the whole Qingyun was already a very large and good place. However, now it seems that he is still a bit of a frog in the well.

I didn't expect to be so close,

There is actually such a huge behemoth,

Compared with the huge Cangzhou,

Their Qingyun is just like the countryside,

Not worth mentioning at all,

Not on the same level,

Then, such an idea suddenly emerged in his heart.

"Why don't you just go and have a look?" Anyway, his mission period is not over yet, and it is difficult to explain when he returns to Wulong Gate. It is still a troublesome thing, so why not just go out and look around.

And the second half of this book "Cangzhou Simplified Chinese\

,"It also focused on the countries south of Cangzhou in detail!

There are even some rough map paintings, so if nothing else, this thing should be the product of those countries south of Cangzhou, or the product of ethnic forces.

In this case,

He can also cross the border line,

Go and have a look over there.

And more importantly, after he goes to Cangzhou, even if those people in his heart want revenge, they will probably not look at you and think that he actually went to Cangzhou, right?

And in addition, there are other benefits of going to Cangzhou, that is, it is definitely much easier to buy the natural materials and earthly treasures needed to feed the five dragon souls there.

Even spiritual materials with several other attributes, golden elixir level heavenly materials and earthly treasures,

Maybe there will be a chance?

And also,

That is the recipe for the foundation-building elixir!

Given his current situation,

The next step is to build the foundation, but the problem is that building the foundation is not easy! Under normal circumstances, for a few years or even decades, that is normal and of course.

But he couldn't wait that long,

So of course he can only use the old method...

That is krypton gold, krypton pill!

The elixir tube is full,

Just building the foundation is definitely something you can do with your hands. No difficulty!

But this foundation-building elixir is definitely not easy to buy here in Qingyun North!

After all, forget about the finished pill, just sell it, there are so many people, there are only one or two more foundation building monks, but the pill recipe is different, the pill recipe is top secret,

That would definitely be difficult to spread,

So relatively speaking,

It might be easier in Cangzhou! What's a better chance?

When I think of this,

Liu Lin made a decision immediately!

"Done, let's go take a look!"

He decided to go directly to Cangzhou to have a look.

"But before that, I have to upgrade my Five Dragon Spirits to a higher level first!" Then, Liu Lin started to practice in seclusion on the spot.

The two days of fighting clearly made him discover a problem.

That is, compared to the rough and rigid way of controlling the best magic weapon through the Exorcism Technique, his magic power, Five Dragon Transformations, is obviously more comfortable and smoother!

But in terms of power, the power of Wulongzhuan is still a bit inferior, even worse than the weakest Baihui Sword.

So he must first eliminate this weakness,

Give it a lift,

And in this way, from now on, he can eliminate the redundant Baihui Sword, Zephyr Dragon Flag, and focus on using the Green Toad Mother Shield, the Purple Sun Thunder Fire Shield, and the Five Dragon Spin!

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