Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 42 Five Dragon Spirits Breakthrough! Heading to Cangzhou!

He didn't understand before,

Now he understands that greed for more is never enough,

Regarding his current situation,

More is not a good thing, it is better to strive for excellence! Just focus on crushing one single event.

for the rest of the time,

It passed quickly...

Half a month has not come yet,

Liu Lin, who is in seclusion to cultivate the five dragon souls,

It was already a surprising success,

"Fuck, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly! If I had known this was the case, I shouldn't have foolishly delayed using the Five Spirit Pills for so long. I could have just bought some heavenly materials and earthly treasures with five elements attributes..."

Feel the golden soul in your body,

It has been successfully upgraded to the gray level.

Liu Lin suddenly laughed angrily.

He also murmured somewhat speechlessly,

It turned out that with the nourishment of Black Iron Golden Soul, it only took him less than half a month! He raised the golden soul, one of the five dragon souls in his body, to the second gray level! What is this concept?

Doesn't this mean that during his time in the past few years,

Is it a complete waste of money?

"But it should be the Dark Iron Golden Soul that has such an effect..."

"It is worthy of being a spiritual material of the golden elixir realm!"

"This is really awesome!"

Liu Lin sighed with emotion, and then took out the dead wood branches and honeycomb stones. After some copying, he started a new round of breakthrough training!

as expected,

This time's improvement breakthrough was obviously much slower than the Black Iron Golden Soul. It took more than four months for Liu Lin to use the wood soul and earth soul in his body.

Successfully pushed to the second level of gray level!

Then he started experimenting!

Although there are still two fire souls and water souls that have not been promoted to the second gray level, he now also needs to know how far his current Five Dragon Transformation power can reach.

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy,

Cangzhou is a bigger place.

The overall strength is also much more powerful,

So it’s better to be more prepared and more cautious.

There's absolutely no harm in doing this.

It didn't take long for him to figure out how powerful his current magical power, Five Dragon Transformations, was.

"The Five Dragon Transformations are offensive magical powers, but in terms of attack power alone, he seems to be close to the power of the Purple Sun Thunder Fire Barrier... Is this thing so powerful?!"

Liu Lin was a little unbelievable.

You must know that after successfully killing the Foundation Establishment Realm vampire, the gold content of the Purple Sun Thunder Fire Barrier has skyrocketed in his heart, but what about now?

The power of the Five-Dragon Transformation of the half-step gray-level Five-Dragon Soul,

It is actually close to the attack power of Ziyang Thunder Fire Barrier.

This is undoubtedly an exaggeration!

You must know that no matter what, this is a half-step gray level, not even the second level.

So if it completes the other two fire souls and water souls, and completely enters the second gray level, how powerful will it be? Wouldn't it be comparable to foundation building? !

"It's so fierce. Is this thing so awesome?"

Liu Lin laughed a little,

Although he had already overestimated the value of the Five Spirit Transport Technique before, he did not expect that he still underestimated it now. Now it seems that this thing should definitely be the top foundation-building realm cultivation technique!

If it weren't for the difficulty of practicing it,

If the conditions and requirements are also very abnormal,

I'm afraid this thing won't fall into his hands at all.


It's really good luck,

But yes, if he is not lucky, who is lucky?

Don't forget that he is cheating!

This is the real ultimate luck that defies heaven.

"Okay! Next we can go to Cangzhou... Next, let's start with the treasures of heaven and earth! Complete the gray levels of water soul and fire soul first, and then the foundation-building elixir formula!"

"come on!"

"Set off!"

Liu Lin cheered himself up loudly.

Then he got up and left this place,

Heading towards the northern border, I quickly touched it!

After half a year, Liu Lin finally passed through the northern border of Qingyun and the buffer zones of several small countries, and successfully arrived at the area south of Cangzhou.

This is the first country he came to Cangzhou, called the Cheqi Country. Relatively speaking, this should be regarded as an extremely inconspicuous small country in Cangzhou, but in terms of overall strength,

But he could obviously find it,

The overall strength of the monks he met by chance along the way was so valuable! It is indeed much higher than Qingyun Bei. Not only are monks in the middle and late stages of Qi training almost everywhere,

Even the eleventh heaven and the twelve heavens of Dzogchen,

Even the strong foundation-building monks,

It's not uncommon here either.

At least he did see several of them along the way.

It's just that he always avoided it a little bit when he saw it...

He didn't provoke the other party.

After all, his goal is just to become stronger and improve his strength, and since he is new here, everything is unfamiliar and unfamiliar, so it is best to hide and keep a low profile.

On this day,

In an inconspicuous small town in the Chiqi Kingdom, Liu Lin ordered a pot of sake and sat alone on the side to drink. Between his eyebrows! There were even some tangled and depressed expressions.


It's because he's in trouble,

"Hey, I didn't expect that buying a treasure of the foundation-building realm would be so troublesome! Isn't it said that the overall strength of Cangzhou is much higher than our Qingyunbei? Why is it still like this? Hey..."

"Really a bad review!"

He sighed, obviously very depressed.

It turned out that this was because after he came to the Cheqi Kingdom,

he had already started trying to buy treasures of the water and fire attributes.

However, what he didn't expect was!

No one actually sold it to him? !

That's right,

It's not that there are none,

but that they won't sell!

This is fucking annoying,

but think about it carefully, this is quite normal,

After all, although this is Cangzhou, it is just an inconspicuous small country, and here, anything in the foundation-building realm is also a very important strategic resource!

And what about him, Liu Lin? A stranger who no one knows, wants to buy treasures of the foundation-building realm right away? Who would sell it to him? That would definitely be impossible!

This is called monopoly,

also called risk avoidance,

after all, who knows who you are?

If it is bought by the enemy, wouldn’t it be a loss?

That’s why others don’t sell it at all!

The worst thing is that even the natural treasures of the foundation-building realm are so hard to buy, what about the recipe of the foundation-building elixir? Isn’t that even more troublesome? !

Liu Lin felt depressed...

However, just when he was feeling depressed about this,

he, who was very sharp-eared,

suddenly heard the sound of talking and laughing coming from the private room next door, and among them, there were even a few words related to cultivation, such as "auction" and "foundation-building cultivator"!

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