"The biggest big fat sheep? At present, it seems so..."

Yun Zhenzhen leaned on his chin with his hand and said with squinted eyes! "Two hundred middle-grade spiritual stones were taken out without blinking an eye! It is conceivable that his real family wealth must be much more than this!"

"But Master, two hundred middle-grade spiritual stones, is this too much?"

"It's impossible for ordinary people to get so many middle-grade spiritual stones!"

The big demon bird slowly

But as soon as he said this, Yun Zhenzhen shook his head.

Then he said with a faint smile! "Ordinary person? No, no, no, of course he is not an ordinary person. He is less than twenty years old, and he has already reached the perfection level of Qi training... Do you know? He is a genius!"

"What? He is less than twenty years old!?"

The big demon bird was shocked! Then he said with a solemn expression! "If you say so, this person is not simple! Master, do we still want to tell the Blood Spirit Sect about him?"

"Hehe, why not?"

Yun Zhenzhen smiled calmly and said with twinkling eyes!

"Anyway, we are just selling information, it is not a big deal! Even if something does happen in the end, it will not be our Golden Silkworm Association's problem, but the Blood Spirit Sect's problem!

"So, let them fight!"

"Besides, I'm also a little curious about what will happen to this kid in the end?"

"After all, we may be a little wary of his secrets, but those guys from the Blood Spirit Sect are not! They are all very lawless! Haha..."

"There is no other way. Who told them to back up three Jindan Patriarchs?"

The big demon bird curled its lips,

Then he said a little sourly! "In our three-acre land, the Blood Spirit Sect is definitely the well-deserved number one overlord! So it's normal for them not to be afraid. After all, their strength lies there!"

But Yun Zhenzhen ignored him.

He just stood up and said lightly,

"Okay, stop talking about this, go find someone to keep an eye on him, and send information about him to the Blood Spirit Gate. Such a fat sheep! It's so rare to see him, so don't let him get away!"

As soon as the words fell, the big demon bird suddenly turned into a flash of light,

I fluttered my wings and left here in an instant...

Before long,

On the third floor of a tall building somewhere in Cangyun City,

In an interior room.

The interior decoration of the room is dark,

There is a dark and quiet atmosphere everywhere, as well as bloody lines!

In the room, there is a large mahogany desk in the middle! Behind the desk, there was a middle-aged man with a hooked nose sitting. He was drawing on rice paper with a brush.

But at this moment,

But suddenly someone walked in from outside,

Then he bowed directly to him! He said sternly:

"Elder Wu, there is news from the Golden Silkworm Association... They seem to have a big customer coming!"

"Oh?" The hook-nosed man put down his brush, raised his head and looked at the man in front of him. At the same time, there was a trace of sinister blood in his eyes, and he sneered! "Big customer? How big can it be?!"

"Elder Wu, it is said that he is a Qi Practicing Realm Dzogchen who is less than twenty years old! He spent a full two hundred yuan of middle-grade spiritual stones to buy a water dragon vine from the Golden Silkworm Association!"

"How many, how many!?"

Elder Wu was stunned for a moment.

Then his face changed and he became surprised,

"Two hundred pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones!?"

"Yes, it is indeed two hundred yuan..."


Elder Wu sneered and said playfully! "If that's the case, then he is indeed a big customer! Yes, Yun Zhenzhen's slutty bitch finally has some effect!"

"This guy is very good this time! Hahaha!"

He laughed and seemed excited?

But the man who bowed slightly seemed a little cautious and worried.

Then he couldn't help but said,

"But Elder Wu, is that boy too young? A Qi-practicing state that is less than twenty years old should not be cultivated by ordinary sect forces. Isn't this a bit difficult to mess with? ?”

"You fart!"

Elder Wu cursed angrily!

Jieao Road!

"Not to be trifled with? Who is not to be trifled with? We are the Blood Spirit Sect! Who do we need to be afraid of? Zhang Yuan, you idiot! Remember this! Our Blood Spirit Sect is not afraid of anyone! Do you understand?!"

Zhang Yuan, who bowed slightly, suddenly trembled all over.

Some cold sweat broke out,

Then he immediately apologized,

"Yes, I'm sorry, Elder Wu, I know I was wrong, I'm sorry!"


Elder Wu snorted coldly,

Then he asked again!

"Zhang Yuan, where is that boy now?"

"Elder Wu, the people from the Golden Silkworm Association are watching him! And he seems to be still in Cangyun City and hasn't left yet! I guess he plans to participate in the next Langcang Mountain auction!"

"If that's the case..."

"He should have many, many more treasures on his body!"

Zhang Yuan pursed his lips and said,

His face also became a little greedy,

"Hmph! You're right,"

"Is this really a big customer? Hahahaha!"

Elder Wu snorted coldly, and then laughed again,

Then, there was still some contempt on his face,

And a sarcastic sneer!

"Such a big customer can't count on those rubbish from Jincanhui. If he runs away, it will be a huge loss! Let's do this, Zhang Yuan, go and keep an eye on him in person!"

"Wait until the Langcang Mountain auction is over!"

"Let's do it right away. We must not let him get away!"

"Yes, Elder Wu!"

Zhang Yuan nodded, but then hesitated. "But what if he intends to sneak away during the day when the auction at Langcang Mountain begins?"

"Wouldn't it be a bit bad if we kill him directly?"

"Then won't you wait until he's far away before you do it?"

Elder Wu looked at him with disdain, with a look of disappointment on his face! "Zhang Yuan, after all, you are also a foundation-building cultivator of our Blood Spirit Sect! How come you don't even have this much brain?"

"A mere Qi training trash, can't you take him down?"

"Of course you can!"

Zhang Yuan was anxious,

his face flushed!

"That's it?"

Elder Wu's face darkened and he said coldly!

"No matter when he runs, you just need to keep an eye on him, right?"

"Anyway, as long as he's far away from Cangyun City, who knows how he died? And even if someone knows, no one cares! Do you understand? You're a brainless idiot! Idiot!"

After being scolded again,

Zhang Yuan was so angry that his face turned red, and his face turned blue and purple,

but he still swallowed his anger and nodded,

"I know, Elder Wu!"

"I know what to do!"

"Go ahead!"

Elder Wu waved his hand,

as if he was a little impatient,

but the next moment,

he seemed to suddenly remember something,

and immediately stopped Zhang Yuan who was about to turn around and leave,


"Anything else, Elder Wu?"

"Are the people from Wujimen here?"

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