Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 50 Breakthrough! Powerful gray-level five dragon spirits!


Zhang Yuan was stunned for a moment.

Then he shook his head and said!

"not yet."

"It seems they haven't come yet!"

But then,

His eyes also twinkled! Staring at Elder Wu and asked! "Elder Wu, I heard that Wuji Sect plans to buy our Blood Spirit Pill recipe? Is this true?"

"It's indeed true!"

"Then, are we going to do something against them?"

"It's not clear yet..."

Elder Wu shook his head and said with narrowed eyes! "The Wuji Sect's strength is pretty good, and they even have several strong men in the middle and late stages of the Foundation Establishment Realm!"

"It's just a blood elixir recipe. It doesn't seem worth offending them for this little thing..."

"Forget it, let's do this for now, you go ahead! Don't rush this matter now, we'll talk about it later!"

"It's Elder Wu, I'll leave first!"

And at the same time,

Liu Lin also quickly found Liu Xuanlong and Li Wenhua, and then left the trade fair alone, and found a place in Cangyun City to retreat and practice!

He needs to hurry up!

Try to upgrade his water soul and fire soul to the gray level before the Langcang Mountain auction begins. In that case, he will already have the power to protect himself!

So quickly,

His hard work has clearly paid off!

In just over half a month, the water soul in his body had been successfully upgraded to the second level of gray level with the feeding of water dragon vine!

After that, more than a month passed,

The last shortcoming of the five dragon souls in his body, the fire soul, has also been successfully upgraded to the second level of gray level with the feeding of a large amount of fire stone!

Since then,

The five dragon souls in his body have also completed their comprehensive evolution.

It has all changed to the second level of gray!

"It's great. It's finally done. It shouldn't be too late, right?"

Liu Lin stretched his waist.


Although he has now achieved the initial goal of his trip,

But he still didn’t want to miss the upcoming Langcang Mountain auction!

First of all, he was interested in those foundation-building elixirs at the auction - Blood Spirit Pills! Secondly, with his current strength, whether it is the Green Toad Child Mother Shield or even the Ziyang Thunder Fire Shield,

They should all be on the verge of elimination!

So he also planned to take this opportunity,

Buy some new treasures at the auction that can beat the bottom of the box,

Come and press the bottom of the box! Expand your bullet library inventory to be prepared.

However, Liu Xuanlong and Li Wenhua haven't bothered me yet? Then it’s probably not time yet! So his eyes flashed, and other thoughts came into his mind!

"Just in time, I can take this opportunity to practice the Five Dragon Spiritual Shield more!"

Five dragon spiritual shield,

One of the three major magical powers in "Five Spirit Transport Technique"! A defensive magical power! Amazing defense! It is very mysterious, but it must be done after the five dragon souls in the cultivator's body have reached the second level of gray level.

Only then can it be used and displayed!

And now,

He has finally reached the initial threshold for learning to use the Five Dragon Spirit Shield.

"Then give it a try?" Liu Lin murmured, and then he immediately tried it according to the methods and techniques of using the Five Dragon Spirit Shield as described in the Five Spirit Transport Technique!

Suddenly there was a muffled buzzing sound! Around his body, layers and layers appeared out of thin air, as if they were colorful whirlpools of five-element power!

These vortices are like layers of light curtains,

They were all there quietly, but even though they were quiet, Liu Lin could clearly feel their power, or how powerful and amazing their defense was!

"It's amazing. It seems that the defensive power of this Five Dragon Spirit Shield is definitely at the foundation level! And the defensive power of this thing should be several times stronger than the Green Toad Child and Mother Shield!" Liu Lin looked a little surprised. stand up,

At the same time, he was also very excited and happy,

Because there is no harm without comparison!

If the defense value of Qingchan's mother-child shield is 'one', then the defense value of these five dragon spirit shields are at least 'five, six, seven' or more!

It's several times higher!

And if there is such a huge gap in defense power,

It can definitely reach its level above the true foundation-building realm!

When I think of this,

Liu Lin simply took out the Ziyang Thunder Fire Shield.


He murmured,

Then he raised his hand and threw the purple sun thunder fire shield in his hand!

Boom! Rumble...In an instant, there was a loud roar! Thunders and thunderbolts, fires overflowing, almost the entire secret room was instantly filled with terrifying and powerful thunder and fire power!

Then he directly opened the bow with his left and right hands,

It is directly used as a distraction.

At the same time, he began to control the Purple Sun Thunder Fire Shield and the Five Dragon Spirit Shield!

"Go!" He muttered, and instantly unleashed the full power of the Purple Sun Thunder Fire Barrier. At the same time, he also unleashed the power of the Five Dragon Spiritual Shields in actual combat...


In an instant,


The surrounding space seemed to pause.

Then, I saw the power of countless colorful vortexes! It actually immediately sealed off all the spatial areas where the Purple Sun Thunder Flame Barrier was located in all directions...

The originally extremely powerful magical weapon - Purple Sun Thunder Fire Barrier,

At this time, it was completely locked in place? !

"so smart?"

Liu Lin was pleasantly surprised, with a hint of joy in her eyes.

"try again?"



Then Liu Lin immediately increased his firepower,

It completely amplified the power of the Purple Sun Thunder Fire Barrier to the extreme! However, even so, the vortex power of the colorful five dragon spiritual shields in front of me is still as stable as a mountain.

It’s like there will be no breakthrough at all…

As soon as this scene occurs,

Liu Lin couldn't help laughing immediately,


"Well done!"

Unexpectedly, even the maximum power of the Ziyang Thunder Fire Shield could not affect the defense of the Five Dragons Spiritual Shield at all? This is much better than what he expected before.

You must know that the attack power of Ziyang Thunder Fire Barrier is definitely at the foundation level, but the defensive power of Five Dragon Spirit Shield is obviously above it, and this can obviously explain one thing.

That is the defensive power of the five dragon spirit shields now.

It should be almost close to the middle stage of foundation building!

to him,

This is great news!

Because if even the five dragon spiritual shields are like this,

So what about the attack power of Wulongzhuan?


Is this also the case?

"Then try again!"

Suddenly Liu Lin said again,

Then he saw that he couldn't wait to quickly show the power of the Five Dragon Transformations,

"Five Dragon Spins!"



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