Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 77 Chaoyang Palace Action! Wei Family!

The reason is, to put it bluntly! Or is it because the current strength of Chaoyang Palace is no longer what it used to be! At the same time, there is a more powerful Blood Spirit Gate in the nearby area.

Watching them there with eager eyes,

So, for them,

The existence of the Blood Spirit Gate can be said to be a huge threat!

Because of this, their current situation in Chaoyang Palace,

In fact, it is really difficult,

I can only be forced to bear the pressure,

And in this case, win over other people to help them stick together and become stronger! This is their only solution and their top priority!

Otherwise, if powerful sects like Wuji Sect are pushed to the Blood Spirit Sect, the situation will only get worse for them!

So although he actually didn't pay much attention to Wuji Sect,

But we still have no choice but to tie our hands and feet.

You have to think a little more when making decisions...

Worried about the consequences,

But of course we can't just let this matter go...

He was silent for a long time,

What do you seem to be thinking about in your heart?

Then he seemed to suddenly think of something,

Suddenly his eyes flashed and his eyes lit up! Then he looked directly at Wei Hengyuan in front of him! "Hengyuan, I'll leave this matter to your Wei family. What do you think?"

"Leave it to us?"

Wei Hengyuan was stunned for a moment.

Then a look of embarrassment appeared on his face! road! "Master, with the strength of our Wei family, I'm afraid we won't be able to defeat the Wuji Sect. After all, that old guy An Yixuan is a real late-stage foundation builder!"

"Our Wei family really does not have the strength to be such a strong person!"

"It does not matter!"

Master Shangxuan shook his head,

Said coldly!

"Although this matter can only come from your Wei family, doesn't An Yixuan know about it? Behind your Wei family, it's me, Luo Baixun! Is it our Xuance Peak, Chaoyang Palace?"

"No, he must know!"

"So even if you give them a hundred courages!"

"He will never care no matter what!"

As he spoke, Master Shangxuan even sneered with contempt on his face!

"So you just need to think about how to kill that kid..."

"To be able to defeat three foundation-building early stage enemies with one against five, that kid's strength is obviously pretty good! So I suggest that all of you Wei family's mid-stage foundation-building elites go there in person!"

"It won't be enough for you alone!

"But if there are more than two mid-stage Foundation Establishers who take action personally! Then there should be no problem!"

Having said this, he changed the subject, and then looked directly at Hengyuan in front of him! Said lightly! "Okay, this matter will be left to your Wei family. Hengyuan, can you do it?"

Wei Hengyuan smiled bitterly in his heart.

I didn't expect to lose my wife and lose my troops at the same time. It was a miscalculation...

But that’s it,

Obviously he couldn't refuse!

"Master, don't worry, just call me for this matter! I will handle it!"

As he spoke, there was a trace of murderous intent in the depths of his eyes, with a murderous look.

As for himself, of course he still wants revenge! After all, we still lost a strong man in the early stage of foundation building! For the Wei family, this is also a big loss! It's just that he didn't really want to take action personally at first,

I just think the enemy is a bit tricky,

Some are worried about the cost,

Even the issue of loss,

But now there’s no other way, so forget it!

Of course the Wei family can still eat such a small thing!

snort! If this is the case,

Then just wait for me to die!

Soon after, he left Xuance Peak,

Return to their Wei family and start discussing plans and countermeasures! Shortly thereafter, a piece of secret information was quickly delivered to An Yixuan through certain channels!

"The Wei family?"

An Yixuan frowned and looked at the information in front of him.

I also had a headache for a moment.

As far as the current situation is concerned,

Chaoyang Palace is probably still planning to take revenge!

It’s just that they probably didn’t mean it! But come down in private! And if this happens, the Wei family of Chaoyang Palace! This should be the executioner they selected!

"It seems that we must inform Liu Xiaoyou as soon as possible..."

An Yixuan murmured,

Then he got up and left this place, rushing towards Tianxing Pavilion.

Not long after, An Yixuan arrived at Tianxing Pavilion.

"Third Grandpa, why are you here? What happened?"

An Wenqing was also in Tianxing Pavilion at this time. As soon as he saw An Yixuan's arrival, he immediately realized that something must have happened. Otherwise, his grandfather would not have come in person...

But An Yixuan still didn't explain anything to her.

He just raised his head and looked inside the Tianxing Pavilion in front of him.

asked at the same time.

"Isn't Liu Xiaoyou out of seclusion yet?"


An Wenqing shook her head and said with a complicated expression!

"It has been more than two months since he arrived at our Wuji Sect! During this time, he has been practicing in seclusion and has never come out..."


An Yixuan murmured,

Then he walked forward,

He knocked gently on the door of Tianxing Pavilion in front of him. "Liu Xiaoyou, I am An Yixuan! I wonder if I can show up to see you. Something happened and I feel it is necessary to tell you!"

After a while,

A voice came.

"Please come in, senior..."

An Yixuan immediately opened the door and walked in without hesitation.

After seeing this scene,

An Wenqing gritted her teeth and followed him!

After a while, they all arrived at the largest and most luxurious training chamber in Li Tianxing Pavilion!

"Senior, what happened? Is it the Blood Spirit Sect? Or someone else?"

Liu Lin was still sitting cross-legged on the ground at this time,

and then asked,

he naturally knew! To talk about big things? There are only two,

either the Blood Spirit Sect or the Chaoyang Palace! Otherwise, with An Yixuan's thoughts and attitudes, they should never come to disturb his retreat and practice in person!

"Little friend Liu, it's the Chaoyang Palace!"

An Yixuan didn't waste words and went straight to the point!

"Our people have found out some news. The Wei family of the Chaoyang Palace seems to have started to act now! If I guess correctly, they should come to you next!"

He hesitated for a moment when he said this,

and then he said it again!

"Little friend Liu, how about you step aside first?"

Step aside?

Liu Lin turned a deaf ear, as if he hadn't heard it at all,

Then he asked back! "Senior, I wonder what the Chaoyang Palace Wei family is like?" Upon hearing this, An Yixuan sighed silently in his heart, because he could understand what he meant by hearing it, and of course he guessed Liu Lin's attitude,

So he nodded,

and said slowly,

"The Wei family is a cultivation family attached to the Chaoyang Palace, but their strength is also very good, even in the entire Chaoyang Palace, they can be ranked among the top ten!"

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