Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 78 The Wei family attacks! Six foundation building!

"And as far as I know, the Wei family has a total of two strong people in the middle stage of foundation building! They are Wei Hengyuan and Wei Xueling! In addition, they also have some strong people in the early stage of foundation building... about seven, eight, or ten. ,"

"Two mid-stage foundation building stages?"

Liu Lin murmured,

This strength seems to be really good?

"That's right..."

An Yixuan nodded, and then said! "Moreover, they all have another identity, which is not simple! Wei Hengyuan of the Wei family is a disciple of Xuance Peak, one of the three main peaks of Chaoyang Palace. There is also Wei Xueling, who is also a member of Chaoyang Palace. The true biography of the master of Linglong Peak, one of the three main peaks of the palace!"

"Anyway, if it's really them! This will definitely be a very troublesome thing!"

Then he looked towards Liulin again,

Said sincerely! "Liu Xiaoyou, I suggest you not to have a head-on conflict with them, otherwise once you offend the entire Chaoyang Palace... it will be really troublesome!"

Hearing the words and seeing the situation,

Liu Lin suddenly became silent, trouble? Doesn't he have less trouble now? For him, there are too many lice and it doesn’t itch! So he's really not afraid of any trouble.

But the biggest problem now is,

The five dragon souls in his body haven't even had time to upgrade and break through! In this case, although he is not afraid of them in the middle stage of foundation building, but if he wants to kill them...

I'm afraid it's not that easy to kill.

"So should I hide first?"

He murmured in his heart,

Then he suddenly raised his head and asked! "Senior, if, I mean if... if I kill them all, will this matter have a big impact on you?"

"What did you say?"

An Yixuan's expression suddenly changed.

Looking at Liu Lin in disbelief,


Even An Wenqing on the side couldn't help being shocked.

She took a breath and looked shocked!

She stared at Liu Lin with complete disbelief! That expression was as if she had seen a ghost, no, she, did she hear it correctly? What do you mean by killing them all?

Is it possible that he really intends to kill those strong men from the Wei family who are in the middle stage of foundation building?

Are you really planning to kill them all?

How can this be? !

"Liu Xiaoyou, are you serious? Those I'm talking about are in the middle stage of foundation establishment! They're not the early stage foundation establishment ones you killed before, and even though it's only a small level difference!"

"But it's not that simple!"

An Yixuan was a little anxious,

Staring at Liu Lin closely, he said,

"I'm just asking..."

"Senior, you don't need to take it too seriously,"

Liu Lin shook his head,

His eyes flickered, but his expression was very calm. If you ask him casually, whether it is yes or not, of course only he knows clearly in his heart.

After seeing this scene and hearing the words, it was An Yixuan's turn to become silent... After a long while, he suddenly took a deep breath, and then suddenly looked at Liu Lin! Said slowly.

"Liu Xiaoyou, if you really plan to do this...can you not take action against our Wuji Sect? I think you should also know that the Chaoyang Palace behind the Wei family is not something our Wuji Sect can offend!"

"If there is really a problem within our Wuji Sect!"

"Then we're going to be in real trouble!"

"So please forgive me,

Can you think about this for a moment? "

At the end of the sentence, his attitude was obviously even close to pleading. It was obvious that no matter whether others believed it or not, he really believed it! Maybe it’s already determined in his heart!

Liu Lin is really planning to take action against those in the Wei family!

If this is the case, he must find a way to save it, otherwise, their Wuji Sect will be injured!

At the same time, Liu Lin also nodded and said with a smile! "Senior, don't worry, I'm just talking casually! Let's leave it like this for now. If they really come..."

"Then we'll talk about it then!"

Talking and talking,

There was also some sharpness in his eyes,

It looks a bit impressive!

Because it is really not difficult for him to kill people. Not to mention other things, even with his current strength, he is completely confident that he can suppress a strong man in the middle stage of foundation building!

And he is now close to being upgraded to the five dragon souls of the three elements of metal, wood, and earth!

It should be soon,

It will only take less than three or four months at most!

Once the upgrade is successful,

He believed that with the power and domineering power of the Five Dragon Transformation and the Five Dragon Soul, he could definitely kill these so-called strong men in the middle stage of foundation building just like he had killed those in the early stage of foundation building!

So he didn't panic at all...

It's just a matter of time,

So he suddenly said again! "Senior, I need some time, about four or five months,"


An Yixuan's eyes flashed...

Then he nodded and said!

"I know Liu Xiaoyou!"

"Then we won't disturb you and say goodbye! Wenqing, let's go!"

At the same time, An Yixuan also nodded, and then quickly left the place with An Wenqing,

It wasn't until they were completely out of the Tianxing Pavilion that An Wenqing finally seemed to be unable to bear it anymore and asked. He looked at An Yixuan in front of him!

"Third Grandpa, is he kidding? Does he really mean it?"

"Wen Qing, this isn't important anymore, is it?"

An Yixuan sighed, narrowed his eyes and said!

"You have to understand that since we chose to win him over, we are destined to go against the Chaoyang Palace! Unless the Chaoyang Palace is willing to swallow its anger and stop..."

"But now, this should be impossible!"

"So we must make plans early!"


An Wenqing still didn't understand,

and there was a hint of doubt!

"Then what should we do, Third Grandpa?"

"It's very simple, just wait and see!" An Yixuan said lightly, and then he left tremblingly with a cane. Four or five months? This is not short, but it's not very long!

He believed that the Wei family's discussion of strategies, preparations, etc.,

all took time,

when they came, they could delay it a little,

and it shouldn't be a big problem...

In this way, time passed day by day!

Soon it was more than a month later,

one day, a group of six people came to the gate of the Wuji Sect,

the six of them were four men and two women! And they all looked quite old! The old ones should be in their sixties or seventies, and the young ones seemed to be in their thirties or forties? Very mature,

More importantly,

They all seem to be strong in the foundation-building realm? Each of them exudes amazing spiritual power, and wherever they go! The space seems to be vibrating!

You can imagine what this concept is,

This is definitely a very amazing picture!

Looking more carefully,

One of them is none other than the master of Xuan Ce Peak of Chaoyang Palace, the disciple of Shang Xuan Zhenren! Wei Hengyuan of the Wei family, in this case, the background and identity of the other people...

Of course, it is obvious,

They are all from the Wei family,

Six people, six of them are strong in the foundation-building realm!

It's like a full-scale outing!

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