Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 8 The fourth level of Qi training! Powerful five-spirit transport technique!

Liu Lin sighed inwardly,

Unexpectedly, I happened to be caught. But I could only nod and admit it.

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister Lin, for making you laugh. I just gave it a try...just a try..."

"Okay, don't fight me here! I didn't ask you anything, but I didn't expect that you are actually a genius in alchemy?" Lin Shang tried to take a look at Liu Lin.

Then he put down the Qi Training Pill in his hand and said calmly.

"The medicinal herbs and elixirs in the medicine garden are all recorded. Remember not to forget to return them. Although they are just small things, if you are caught, you will not be able to afford it..."

Liu Lin was stunned for a moment,

Then he nodded immediately!

"It's Senior Sister Lin, thank you...I understand!"

But Lin Shang suddenly shook his head and said.

"Forget it, judging from your proficiency, this probably isn't the first time you've done this. You should understand this,"

"I'm too lazy to care about you, you can take care of yourself... In addition, although you do have some talent in alchemy, no matter what, you still have to focus on cultivation, and the realm of cultivation should be the most important thing!"

"Look at you, it's been five years, and you've only just practiced Qi to the first level?"

"Even if you have a useless spirit aperture, this is too slow and too weak! This won't work! Come on!"

Aware of the other person's concern,

Liu Lin also felt warm in her heart and was a little moved.

Then he nodded immediately. road. "Senior Sister Lin, don't worry, I will work hard to practice next, and I will never let you or Senior Qingfeng down!"

"As long as you know!"

Lin Shang nodded, and then asked again! "By the way, where is my master? Isn't he here?"

"Senior Qingfeng is still in retreat. He probably hasn't come out yet,"

"Oh, is it so?"

Lin Chang's eyes flashed, and then he nodded! "Okay, I get it, let's do it."

After saying that, she immediately flashed and stepped on the cute pink fan. With a bang, she flew into the sky in the mist and left here gracefully. Liu Lin looked envious.

"That should be a cultivator's magic weapon, right? It can actually fly? How amazing!"

"I don't know when I can get one? Or, how about I try to refine it myself?"

Theoretically speaking, alchemy requires alchemy materials, weapon refining, and weapon refining materials, so they are indeed similar. Practice makes perfect! As long as he can copy a large amount of weapon refining materials and practice unlimited times,

So for him,

Refining weapons is definitely not a big problem.

Even, most of it is easy, just like alchemy.

It's just that he doesn't have this opportunity yet...

But it doesn't matter anymore,

As long as he can survive and climb up slowly,

There must be plenty of opportunities, and he can afford to wait! So don't rush!

The following days began to become calm again, because the senior sister Lin Chang, who had just broken through and escaped, had left, looking in a hurry, not knowing what she was going to do. Master Qingfeng is still in retreat,

Not even a bit of movement or reaction,

So in this huge valley,

He is the only one whose busy movements and traces every day,

From taking care of the magical herbs and elixirs in the medicine garden,

From the routine of copying and refining Qi training pills, to taking the pills and practicing daily! As expected, his training speed this time was as if he had stepped on a rocket.

It just started to rise sharply.

In less than half a year, his cultivation level soared, reaching the fourth level of Qi training.

"We're finally here! The fourth level of Qi training!"

"Now my cultivation level strength is finally a little bit more noticeable!"

Liu Lin murmured, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Counting the time, it has been almost five and a half years!

From the introduction of elixirs, to alchemy, to qi training pills, five spiritual pills, five spiritual orifices, and now the fourth level of qi training,

Although this journey was long and lonely, fortunately, he still succeeded in achieving results!

All of this has been successfully put on track,

"I don't know what my current strength is it? Can it be as strong as those former Patrol Hall disciples? It should be about the same?" Liu Lin murmured,

Although he is only at the fourth level of Qi training now, he certainly cannot be measured by the strength of ordinary fourth level Qi training. After all, such a powerful foundation-building technique, the Five Spirit Transport Technique, is no joke.

If he practices Qi for half a year and reaches the next level of strength,

If he can really be compared with those ordinary fourth-level Qi practitioners... then his current actual combat power must be at least the sixth-level Qi practitioner, or even the seventh-level warrior, right?

"How about giving it a try?"

There was some emotion in Liu Lin's eyes.

As a foundation-building technique, the Five Spirit Transfer Technique is of course not just a simple practice technique. In fact, this technique also contains many coordinated low-level, intermediate and advanced spells...

Especially with his current five spiritual apertures in their most perfect state, he can definitely exert their most powerful and perfect power!

When I think of these,

He felt even more anxious in his heart...

"Then give it a try. After struggling for so long, now it's time to learn some powerful spells to have fun..."

Make up your mind in your heart and do whatever you want to do.

Liu Lin immediately took out the original copy of the Five Spirit Transport Technique and began to study the supporting spells recorded above.

to the end,

His eyes were fixed on three spells.

They are: Five Dragon Spin, Five Dragon Spirit Shield! And the Five Spirits Flying Escape!

Wulongzhuan, as the name suggests,

It is to use the power of the five elements of spiritual energy from the five spiritual orifices of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth to cultivate the power of the five elements of the "Five Dragons"!

This is the most powerful attack method in the entire Five Spirit Transport Technique! Once the cultivation is successful, the most powerful power can even easily obliterate the foundation-building experts. You can imagine what this concept is.

Of course, it was only at its peak that it had such power.

Under normal circumstances, when you first get started, you can only show your power in the late or mid-stage of Qi training.


Five dragon spiritual shield,

This is a defensive magical power,

And its entire core and principle are similar to the Five Dragon Spin, which requires the power of the five elements of the spiritual energy of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth to cultivate the power of the five elements of the "Five Dragons"!

Then convert it into dragon shield defense!

And not only that,

In addition, the third Five Spirit Flying Escape magic power is also the same.

This is an extremely fast five-element escape method. Once it reaches its peak, even in the entire foundation-building realm, it will be at the first-class level and it will be almost impossible to catch up.

And these three major magical powers,

It completely covers the three major aspects of attack, defense and escape, forming a perfect iron triangle.

If one could truly master it, it would not be an exaggeration to say that one would be the overlord even among the powerful foundation builders. He can be considered a well-known figure, right?

"It seems that the value of this five-spirit transportation technique is even higher than I thought before..."

"And why do I feel that there is even a follow-up behind this Five Spirit Transport Technique?"

Liu Lin thought about it in his heart, but didn't dwell on it.

Instead, he set his sights on the Five Dragon Spin, the Five Dragon Spirit Shield, and the Five Spirit Flying Shield. Those three magical powers were activated.

Because he knew that if nothing unexpected happened, these things should be his main means of escaping and saving his life in battle for a long time to come, as well as his main direction of attack.

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