Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 9 The Power of Five Dragons and the Spirit of Five Dragons!! Go to the Main Pavilion!

"But it seems that these three spells have a very unified core point..."

"Is that the power of the 'Five Dragons'?"

Liu Lin's eyes flickered,

The so-called power of the five dragons is of course not the real power of the dragon clan.

Rather, it refers to

It refers to the five series of spiritual energy among the five spiritual orifices.

And only when these five lines of spiritual energy have grown to their peak and strongest...

I’m afraid that’s what qualifies you to be called the ‘Five Dragons’, right?

And the fact is, this is indeed the case,

After Liu Lin carefully studied the methods of practicing these magical powers, he realized that,

In order to form the power of the five dragons, he must first condense and transform the five elements of spiritual energy in the five spiritual apertures in his body into a higher level form. That form is called: Five Dragon Soul!

From entry to the top,

These five dragon souls are divided into five levels, namely white, gray, orange, red and gold!

Among them, the first two levels correspond to the realm of Qi training, and the last three levels correspond to the realm of foundation building!

The five-dragon spin has the lowest starting price.

Only the white-level Five Dragon Spirits are needed to display and use spell attacks, while the other two magical powers, the Five Dragon Spirit Shield and the Five Spirit Flying Escape, are more demanding.

The minimum requirement for the Five Dragon Spirit Shield is the gray five dragon spirit soul, which belongs to the second level! The minimum requirement for Five Spirits Flying Escape is the orange Five Dragon Spirits, which is even higher and belongs to the third level!

"In other words, the key point still lies in the five dragon souls, right?"

Liu Lin murmured,

Then continue to study,

Since we want to condense the five dragon souls, what should we do?


He found the answer.

"Are the Five Elements system's heavenly materials and earthly treasures, or should they be practiced in conjunction with the Five Spiritual Pills?"

According to the Five Spirit Transfer Technique, if you want to condense the five dragon souls, there are roughly two directions. The first is the treasures of heaven, materials and earth.

If one can obtain the treasures of heaven, materials and earth with the attributes of the five elements, and rely on their power, one can condense them into five dragon souls one by one.

At the same time, this is also the simplest but also the most difficult method,

Why simple?

Because once and for all, the success rate is the highest when the grade effect of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures reaches the standard. Theoretically, only five heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be condensed into the five dragon souls among the five spiritual orifices.

In this case,

Of course it is the fastest and simplest.

But why is it also the most difficult?

It's also very simple.

This is because, in order to successfully condense the five dragon souls, it also requires the grade effect of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Under normal circumstances, even the lower-level Qi-training realm heavenly materials and earthly treasures are not enough. To start, you must have top-notch Qigong-training realm heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Even if you can have foundation-building realm heavenly materials and earthly treasures, then of course it is the best. Yes!

to be honest,

This is about money and krypton gold!

If you have no money or identity, you will definitely not be able to get these things, so this is also the most difficult!

Then the second direction,

Five Spirit Pills.

To successfully condense into the core of the Five Dragon Spiritual Soul, it is nothing more than an evolutionary breakthrough of the Five Elements of Spiritual Qi. Of course, the Five Spiritual Pills, which also possess the pure power of the Five Elements of Spiritual Qi, can also do this.

But the problem is that one or two definitely won’t work.

Even ten or a hundred won’t work.

A conservative estimate is that if you want to successfully condense the Five Dragon Spirits with the Five Spirit Pills, it will cost at least a thousand! Even thousands of five-spirit pills are needed to prepare the foundation. This is a big project and the consumption is huge.

It's like a drop of water piercing the stone...

But I also use money to wear it.

After all, if you don’t have money, you won’t be able to get so many Five Spirit Pills.

But after seeing this,

Liu Lin couldn't help but feel a little happy.

"Five Spiritual Pills?"

"Isn't this thing just a hand, and you can have as many as you want? Hahaha. Now that's it, there's no problem!"

For him, let alone the heavenly and earthly treasures in the foundation-building realm, even those in the qi-training realm are difficult.

He has no connections and no channels. Even if he has a bunch of Qi Training Pills and Five Spiritual Pills, he doesn't dare to sell them. If something goes wrong and he is targeted, it will be great fun. ?

There's no way he could do such a stupid thing!

But this Five Spiritual Pills are different.

Hundreds or thousands? That's all trivial! As long as he wants, he can have as much as he wants,

"Okay! In this way, the next goal can be set! First of all, these five dragon souls must be condensed as soon as possible. Secondly, I have to find new pills for cultivation that will be needed in the future. It’s over!”

"After breaking through to the fourth heaven, the Qi Training Pill will definitely be of no use..."

Qi training pills are only the most basic pills for immortal cultivators, even those in the Qi training realm! Therefore, after reaching the fourth level of Qi training, the Qi training pill will definitely be of no use. Next, he has to change the pill!

But he wasn't worried about that.

After all, if it is only for the middle stage of Qi training, or even for the later stage of elixir, it should not be uncommon in this Wulongmen. If you really want to look for it, you will definitely find it! And if it doesn't work,

The fox pretends to be the tiger's power!

This should also work,

After all, don't forget that the identity token given to him by Master Qingfeng is still with him!

As an elder who is a powerful foundation builder, he definitely has this face!

Just do it,

Liu Lin simply left the medicine garden.

And walked out of Qingfeng Mountain!

After many years, he finally decided to go out and take a look...

"Long-lost freedom!" Walking in the mountains and forests, Liu Lin felt that breathing was beautiful! His face was full of smiles. Although he had been hiding in the medicine garden of Master Qingfeng for these years and no one forced him,

he was still a little lacking in confidence, so he lacked freedom and even felt a little timid.

All the guilty conscience and lack of confidence came from his weak strength.

Although there was a hang,

he was really afraid before! He was afraid of death!

But now, his cultivation level has broken through to the fourth level of Qi training. He should have some self-protection power now!

So, this also gave him some sense of security. He felt a little more comfortable in his heart.

Soon, he passed through the mountains and came to the main pavilion where he had left in a hurry.

The main pavilion is located on the core main mountain range of the entire Wulongmen,

so this is also the most lively, magnificent and widest place in the entire Wulongmen! Here, there is a main pavilion directly under the sect, which governs everything, and there is also a trading market built privately between disciples and disciples, etc.

In short, no matter what the problem is,

as long as you come here,

it will definitely be right!

Just walking on the road, there were some people coming in front,

Liu Lin heard some noteworthy information from their conversation.

"Hey, those scums of the Blood Spirit Sect have become more and more arrogant recently. I heard that the task force of more than ten people from the Yanyue Sect was ambushed and killed by them some time ago! It's really tragic..."

"Yes, I know about this, and do you know? The leader of the Yanyue Sect is their core disciple Wei Changhe! He is in the eleventh level of Qi training, but even he died! The Yanyue Sect is really furious about this, and they are very angry."

"Hiss... Wei Changhe? Wei Changhe, one of the three core members of the Yanyue Sect? No way, even he is dead, those rubbish of the Blood Spirit Sect are crazy, right? In this case, how could the Yanyue Sect let them go?"

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