Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 83 Attacking Wujimen! Arrogant Zheng Diyuan!


"If that's the case, is the original thing in An Yixuan's hands?!"

He murmured, and then his face became even more ugly,

Even a little worried! In order to seize the An family's thing, they used a little trick to destroy the An family! Unexpectedly, the An family was destroyed and the things were not found! It's a completely useless effort!

I thought this was because their information was wrong.

It's a misjudgment,

But I didn't expect it to be like this.

So, is this because of their negligence?

Did they let that thing slip away under their noses? !

"No! If this is the case, Wuji Sect cannot be allowed to move..."

Zhou Lintian gritted his teeth,

Then he stood up immediately and left the place quickly! Heading towards the depths of their Taixuan Peak, you want to know what happened to Anjia back then, but the secret inside their Taixuan Peak!

And even Xuance Peak and Linglong Peak don’t know about this!

So he doesn’t want to leak it out at all now!

this matter,

They Taixuan Peak must deal with it as soon as possible!

at the same time,

Wuji Gate,

In Tianxing Pavilion,

Time passes day by day,

In addition to feeding and upgrading the five dragon souls, Liu Lin now sacrifices and refines ice blast needles every day. He even skips basic training, because these are the only ways he can improve his strength the fastest at present!

The information passed through An Wenqing,

He also knows now that outside Wuji Gate, there are now a pack of wolves waiting for him! There are many enemies, so he must become stronger! Become stronger! Become stronger! Only in this way can we have the last laugh,

But fortunately, he is making rapid progress now.

According to his estimation,

It should only take more than half a month at most before the golden soul, wood soul, earth soul, etc. in his body will begin to advance and upgrade one after another! Successfully entered the gate of the third level orange level!

Until then,

Everything is done!

"I don't know how many I can kill by then?"

"Just two mid-stage foundation construction and four early-stage foundation construction. With my current strength, there is no pressure at all! And as long as they don't run away, I should be able to kill them all, right?"

Liu Lin murmured,

As the five dragon souls in the body become more and more powerful,

He also realized more and more that he still underestimated the power of the Five Spirit Transport Technique!

According to his calculations, as long as he has more than half of the five dragon souls, he will enter the third level of orange level! Then by then, a strong person like An Yixuan in the late stage of foundation building should be considered.

They should all be weaker than him,

If his five dragon souls can completely break through to the third level, then he even feels that he should be strong enough to kill the strong ones in the late stage of foundation building!


If it is the complete fourth level red level...

That would be even more exaggerated,

According to his calculation,

Even the foundation-building Dzogchen master should not be his opponent!

As for the golden level of Dzogchen, which is even higher than these? He even has serious doubts now! By then, his combat effectiveness should be comparable to that of the Golden Pill Ancestor at the foundation-building level!

Comparable to the early stage of Jindan!

So one can imagine how powerful this five spirit transporting technique can be?

It's simply a level-up.

It’s simply beyond imagination!

And in addition to these, he has also discovered a problem during this time, that is, when he used the power of the five dragon souls to cultivate the Ice Explosion Thread Needle,

He could clearly feel its progress,

It is far faster than the 'normal sacrificial refining progress' speed that he has learned. In other words, from the current point of view, it is like the power of the Five Spirit Transport Technique, which has a miraculous effect even on the sacrificial refining magic weapon!

It can be said to be truly all-powerful!

And in this case,

With such success, the progress of all his plans has also improved rapidly, and at the same time! His own strength is also growing rapidly visible to the naked eye...

Everything is going on in an orderly manner,

Just like this, a few more days passed! Finally, another figure came to Wuji Gate. If you look carefully, if it's not Zheng Diyuan, the late-stage foundation-builder of Blood Spirit Gate, who is it? !

"Are you Zheng Diyuan from the Blood Spirit Sect? What are you doing here?"

Looking at the young man in front of me,

An Yixuan's expression and attitude were obviously more solemn and serious! After all, he certainly knew the origin and identity of the other party. He was a true disciple of the golden elixir ancestor, and he was also a strong person in the late stage of foundation building.

At the same level as him!

"This is troublesome..."

"I didn't expect that even my heart was involved, but what about it?"

An Yixuan murmured in his heart,

A lot of pressure,

"An Yixuan, I came to you to ask for someone!"

Facing An Yixuan,

Zheng Diyuan was not polite at all and sneered directly! Let’s get straight to the point.

Want someone?

An Yixuan's face darkened...

I feel a little worried in my heart.

But he still pretended not to know and asked.

"I don't understand you……"

"Zheng Diyuan, who are you looking for?!"

"Haha..." Zheng Diyuan sneered, then stared at the other party and said slowly! "An Yixuan! Don't tell me that you are still planning to use that nonsense to slander me... Do you think that I, Zheng Diyuan, am one of those trash from the Wei family? Huh! Stupid!"

He changed the subject and said coldly! "Now! Immediately! Hand over the person, otherwise, you will pay the price!"

"Whoosh!" As soon as the words fell, there was a whoosh! A streak of blood suddenly flew out of Zheng Diyuan's sleeves, with an unbridled edge! Majestic! No one dared to face his sharp edge!

As soon as this scene occurs,

An Yixuan also looked a little embarrassed!

"Is it a natal magic weapon?"

The realm of cultivation reaches the realm of foundation building,

You can use your own aura and spiritual power to nourish your natal magic weapon! This kind of thing is far more powerful than a foundation-building magic weapon, or when you continue to refine the same foundation-building magic weapon,

It is possible to get an upgraded version of the natal magic weapon!

Although he also has his natal magic weapon,

But the question is, does he really want to fight Zheng Diyuan in front of him?

For him, this choice

It's very difficult,


At this moment, a cold snort came over, and Zheng Diyuan suddenly controlled his natal magic weapon to fly out! With a hiss, the blood light dispersed, revealing a bloody sword!


There was a loud roar, mixed with tremendous force!

With the roaring wind, it hit the ground hard, and there was a loud roar, and the ground seemed to tremble! A horrifyingly long crack was made...

"An Yixuan, if you are sensible, please hand him over to me as soon as possible, otherwise, I will make your Wuji Sect lose your head today! End! Such a big place!" Zheng Diyuan said coldly,

Extremely arrogant!

Everyone in Wuji Sect was as silent as a cicada, all bowed their heads, no one dared to speak.

An Yixuan was trembling with anger and his face was ferocious! But he still said nothing, as if he was afraid of a real fight.

But at this moment,

The Wei family and others in the distance did not join forces with them to participate...

At this time, they all frowned and looked at the extremely arrogant Zheng Diyuan in the sky.

Although they all have the same purpose and are doing the same thing now, but! The hatred between them, or the blood feud, has not dissipated at all...

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