Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 84 Do you think you are strong? Fight against Zheng Diyuan!


They all hesitated,

"Want to go up and join him?"

A strong man in the early stage of foundation building from the Wei family couldn't help but ask,

Wei Hengyuan glanced at Wei Xueling next to him, but the latter was also full of confusion and seemed to have difficulty making a decision...

So Wei Hengyuan shook his head and said lightly!

"Let's take a look first!"

"If he really only comes here to kill people...even if we don't take action, he alone is enough. After all, he is a strong person in the late stage of foundation building! An Yixuan can't stop him..."

"So let's just wait and see what happens!"

After hearing this, the other foundation-building experts of the Wei family also nodded in agreement.

After all, how could they join forces with the Blood Spirit Sect? If it weren't for the Blood Spirit Sect, their Jin Dan ancestor from Xuance Peak wouldn't have died! This is a blood feud! There's no way they'll forget!

at the same time,

Zheng Diyuan in the sky spoke again!

He said with squinted eyes! "An Yixuan, let me say it one last time! Hand over the person to me! Otherwise, do you think I will be scared away by you like the trash outside? Haha..."

"You can't be so naive, right?"

"For the sake of an outsider, you actually want your entire Wuji Sect to be buried with him! Do you really want to do this? An Yixuan?!"

"Damn! What did he say?!"

The Wei Family Foundation Establishment experts in the distance became angry, their faces very ugly.

But at the same time, the disciples of Wuji Sect,

At this time, they

But they all had strange expressions on their faces,

His face was full of panic,

First of all, they were indeed a little scared;

Facing the threat of strong men in the late stage of foundation building, they have to be afraid!

Secondly, they are also somewhat unwilling and unbalanced... Yes! Why? For an outsider, why should people from their Wuji Sect be buried with him? !

What does this have to do with them?

It obviously has nothing to do with it!

So next,

Finally someone couldn't help it anymore...

"Ancestor, why don't we hand him over? He's not from our Wuji Sect, so it's okay to hand him over, right?"

"Yeah, we don't even know who he is, why should we die for him? It's impossible..."

"Hand over, ancestor! This is the Blood Spirit Sect! We can't afford to offend it!"

Suddenly, many members of the Wuji Sect began to rebel, and instead began to force Gong An Yixuan!

This scene also made Zheng Diyuan in the sky laugh at him, his face full of sarcasm! "An Yixuan, it seems that your Wuji Sect is not of the same mind, or are you planning to betray them?"

"Send them to death?!"

"That's enough, Zheng Diyuan!"

An Yixuan scolded fiercely and said coldly! "You only want to sow discord, Zheng Diyuan?"


"Of course not!"

Zheng Diyuan laughed mockingly! Disdain!

"Do you want to fight me? An Yixuan!?"

"Am I still afraid of you?!"

An Yixuan shouted angrily, and it was obvious that he was really angry. Even if Zheng Diyuan is a strong person in the late stage of foundation building, isn't he? How many years have you been angry like this?

This really made him unhappy!

But at this moment,

But he saw Zheng Diyuan in front of him suddenly paused.

Then he sneered! Said lightly! "Why, you are so shy that you don't hide anymore? Little guy, I didn't expect you to dare to come out to see me?! Very good, I appreciate you very much..."

"It seems you are quite courageous, aren't you? Hahaha!"

As soon as this scene appeared, An Yixuan's expression changed slightly, and then he looked towards Tianxing Pavilion in the direction behind him. He saw a figure there, opening the door and slowly walking out...

look carefully,

Who is it if it’s not Liu Lin?

"Senior Liu Lin!"

An Wenqing in Tianxing Pavilion couldn't help it, but when she saw Liu Lin shake his head calmly after hearing this, she slowly retreated with a worried heart...


Liu Lin walked out of Tianxing Pavilion step by step,

At the same time, it flew up in the sky,

Just like that, he walked towards Zheng Diyuan not far away!

"Liu Xiaoyou!"

An Yixuan couldn't help but said,

"Senior, thank you for what happened before!"

"But then, leave it to me, I will solve it!"

Liu Lin shook his head, and then passed by An Yixuan!

Then slowly,

He walked straight to Zheng Diyuan.

"Are you here to find me?"

Faced with Liu Lin's behavior in front of him, Emperor Zheng Yuanming was stunned for a moment.

Then he laughed as if it was a little funny.

Hahahahahaha...then he squinted his eyes! He stared at Liu Lin and said! "No, you're wrong. I'm not here to find you. I'm just here to kill you. Do you understand?"

"It seems you think you are strong?"

Liu Lin curled his lips and said,

Said lightly,

Zheng Diyuan's face suddenly darkened.

He said it as if he was smiling but not smiling!

"Boy, killing you should be enough!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a whoosh, and the bloody swords on the ground flew up instantly! Its speed was so fast, it was like a rainbow. In just one second, it had already crossed the sky and the earth, steadily hitting the power in mid-air...


Suddenly there was a loud roar,

A brilliant bloody light burst out in the sky,

Like a storm blowing up,

Shockingly terrifying!

"Senior Liu Lin!"

An Wenqing's face changed,

she couldn't help shouting,

but then,

everyone present had their pupils shrink! They were shocked,

even Zheng Diyuan, who was confident and sneered, was no exception,

"What, what!?"

Zheng Diyuan stared at the storm not far away,

and saw that his life-defining magic weapon was intercepted there! It was defended! At this time, in front of Liu Lin, a shield that looked like a five-colored dragon blocked his life-defining magic weapon, the blood sword, steadily.

The two seemed to be still competing at this time,

and a dull humming sound broke out!

But even so,

it clearly showed that

his life-defining magic weapon was actually blocked? ! And it was blocked by a small Qi training realm in front of him? How could this be possible? This is impossible!

"How could this be possible?"

And it wasn't just him. When this scene came out, the early foundation-building masters of the Wei family in the distance also changed their faces and were terrified!

No, before coming here, didn't they say that this was just the Great Perfection of Qi Training Realm? Didn't they say that at best, it was only the strength of the middle stage of foundation building? But what is this now?

Even the Blood Spirit Sect's Zheng Diyuan's life weapon couldn't penetrate his magic defense, what the hell is this? Are they dazzled? !

"Do you still think you can kill me now?" At this time, Liu Lin sneered, and at the same time, he flipped his palm directly, and a flash of light suddenly rolled up a colorful wave of spiritual power!

Immediately blasted towards Zheng Diyuan in front!




In an instant,

it seemed that huge waves appeared in the sky! The sea water surged, and this force directly formed a pressure of more than a thousand pounds! Like a waterspout,

the huge waves formed a monstrous water pressure,

and instantly dragged Zheng Diyuan in front of him...

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