Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 85 Terrifying defensive power! The Wei family joins the battle!

Obviously after becoming a monk in the foundation building realm,

His attack methods have also begun to diversify. They are not magic powers or magic weapons and treasures. These are attacks. In fact, spiritual energy attacks, or flat a,

Of course these are too!

To know the power of spiritual energy in the Five Spirit Transport Technique,

But it integrates the five elements of spiritual energy into one!

Therefore, he can also easily evolve the power forms possessed by the five elements attribute power, such as waves, storms, boulders, and plants! For example, metal, etc...

"not good……"

Zheng Diyuan's expression changed and he realized that the matter was in trouble.

The opponent's strength is not weaker than his at all, but now, even the initiative and opportunity have been seized! In this case, if one is not good, there may even be a big problem!

But having said that,

He is not a soft persimmon either.

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly, and dozens of flashes of bloody light suddenly erupted from Zheng Diyuan's side, and he threw himself fiercely in all directions. At the same time, he immediately broke away the pressure and restraint exerted on him by the wave in front of him...

Next, Zheng Diyuan raised his hand and threw it, and suddenly another crystal clear drill bit appeared out of thin air, as if it was a blood-colored crystal! Speeding towards the willow forest not far away...

"Blood Spirit Diamond!"


There was a loud explosion,

Wolf smoke rolled up,

But Zheng Diyuan still looked extremely ugly.

Because it’s useless!

It’s still useless!

He never expected it!

His Blood Spirit Diamond was actually unable to break through Liu Lin's magical defense! You must know that this is a powerful attack magic power that even if a strong person in the late stage of foundation building is hit in the front, he will be killed immediately!

But now?

This is hell!

How is it possible that this is useless? !

"Okay, so strong!"

Not only him, An Yixuan in the distance was obviously stunned at this time.

As a powerful person in the late stage of foundation building, he definitely has the most say. If he was hit head-on by Zheng Diyuan's Blood Spirit Diamond, something big would happen, but what about now?

Such a powerful and amazing attack,

But he still couldn't even break through Liu Lin's magical defense? !

This is simply too exaggerated,

"It is worthy of the Five Spirit Transporting Technique, and it is indeed the royal technique of the Yuan Dynasty! It is really amazing,"

"Such a powerful defense is comparable to the Dzogchen strongman! Zheng Diyuan, he is finished!" Next, An Yixuan felt a surge of excitement in his heart! So excited! After all, he has finished betting now,

So as long as Liu Lin can become more powerful, he will become more powerful!

The more he earns!

At this time, Liu Lin slowly made a comment in his heart! "Awesome!"

Although I had been mentally prepared for it, it was still not as shocking as seeing it with my own eyes. It had to be said that the defense of the five dragon souls was really abnormal! Can't beat this?

What a joke!

He can even declare directly to Zheng Diyuan now...

"Congratulations, you're done!"


Next, Liu Lin raised his hand, and a pillar of fire suddenly appeared! Shooting out,

Maybe it’s because it’s too fast! Moreover, the distance was so short that Zheng Diyuan in front of him just didn't react and had no time to dodge! Then there was a muffled bang and a pillar of fire exploded over him,

Forming a raging fire,


Zheng Diyuan flew backwards with anxiety all over, leaving only a sparkling mirror, which still stayed in place, buzzing and trembling! It seems like I can’t hold it any longer!

Now Zheng Diyuan was really upset.

He didn't expect that he really couldn't beat Liu Lin...

But that's what happened,

How can there be an arrow to turn back when the bow is drawn? !

So he swept his eyes and immediately looked fiercely at Wei Hengyuan and others not far away, outside the gate of Wuji Gate, and roared! "What are you idiots still doing?"

"Do it!"

"Let's take action together and kill him!"

"Otherwise, do you think he will let you go?"

"What a bunch of idiots!"

Immediately, the expressions of Wei Hengyuan and others also changed.

He hesitated a little,

Go together?

With Zheng Diyuan? ! !

But at this moment, Wei Xueling suddenly said! "Forget it, let's go ahead. This kid is also our enemy! We can't let him go, otherwise, he is right, and we will be in trouble too!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Wei Xueling then flew away in the air...

A treasure that shimmered like a flower basket was thrown out of his hand at the same time.




In an instant, several colorful beams of light burst out!

As fast as a cannonball!

It fell directly in front of Liu Lin! Boom! Although her attacks still failed to penetrate the defense of the five dragon souls, they clearly discovered the form of the five dragon souls!

But there has been a significant change?

Seems a little weaker?

"It works!" The foundation-building experts of the Wei family suddenly became excited, and their eyes lit up! Then they all took action and besieged the willow forest above Wuji Gate!




for a moment,

Several attacks hit Liu Lin and held him back!

This finally gave Zheng Diyuan some breathing space.

"I am going to kill you!"

Zheng Diyuan's face turned sinister,

He once again controlled his natal magic weapon, the Blood Sword, to attack Liu Lin.

For a moment, it seemed like they had some upper hand again? !

When seeing this scene, An Yixuan's expression also changed, and he became a little entangled. Logically speaking, he should actually take action! After all, he had already placed a bet on Liu Lin.

If Liu Lin loses,

He was completely drained of blood!

It's almost like going bankrupt.

But the problem is that once you take action,

The trouble is huge!

This means that he will offend Chaoyang Palace and Blood Spirit Sect at the same time!

This is also a difficult choice for him...

to be honest,

It was also difficult for him to make this choice.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred. Seeing that the people from the Wei family were attacking him, Liu Lin not only did not worry about the close combat, but even smiled.

"I thought you wouldn't come... I didn't expect you to be so unscrupulous!"

Without being deceived?

As if hearing Liu Lin's taunting voice, Wei Xueling was stunned for a moment, and then her expression changed! Shout! "Be careful..."

But the words were not finished yet,

But it's already too late,

In an instant, Liu Lin raised his hand and flicked it, and suddenly there was a "Puff" sound breaking through the sky around him!

In less than a second,

A total of twenty-one ice needles as thin as strings appeared out of thin air one by one, and then quickly moved towards the strong men in the early stage of foundation building of the Wei family! Stab it hard.

"Fly, flying needle!?"

In an instant, all of their pupils shrank and their faces turned pale. After all, they certainly knew about the flying needle, a well-known Yin weapon in the world of cultivation...

more importantly!

They are miserable now,

They are all being targeted!





The next moment, the four early-stage foundation-building experts from the Wei family who had just come to besiege Liulin were all pierced by those flying needles! It turned into a bloody sieve of human flesh!

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