Chapter 328 Sharon, I’ll make you pregnant!!


“Do you think he’ll burst into kindness?”

“No, no, no.”

A hint of mockery appeared at the corner of Belmode’s mouth, and he continued to speak.

“It’s this drug developed, although I don’t know if it can make people live forever, but it does extend a lot of life.”

“But immortality does not mean immortality.”

“At that time, the person was already very old when he took this medicine, which also means that his body has reached the point of being riddled with holes.”

“As long as there is an onset of a high-risk disease, no matter how long he will live, he should die or die.”


Shirakawa Ye took her into his arms with pity: “Don’t think about such a thing, it will only make you more distressed.” ”

Belmode said angrily: “Can you not interrupt me and let me finish these words, okay?” ”

“Okay, okay.”

Shirakawa pulled a face.

If it weren’t for the fact that his girlfriend was in a bad mood now, with the tone of voice he just spoke, he would have already been cleaned up at this moment, where could he still let her be arrogant here.

Belmode began again: “So for the sake of true immortality, he began to order the people who helped him develop this medicine to start changing direction and developing a drug that can make the body into a young state.” ”

“Unfortunately, the person who helped him study the drug couldn’t stand it, and in the end, he didn’t know what the reason was, and died in a fire.”

When he learned the news, he was furious. I don’t know how many years passed, but he finally found someone who could help him make medicine. ”

And the person who was left behind by him was to help him test the drug after the drug research was successful. After all, he has no relatives anymore, and he can’t give birth to it himself. So he had to be cautious, after not developing the drug at all, he did not allow the loved one to die, after all, this is the only person who can test the drug. ”

Shirakawa frowned and thought.

According to his previous knowledge of watching anime, he probably already knows who it is.

The research and development of the first batch of drugs should have been made by Shiho Miyano’s father and mother to develop this drug that makes the body younger, and it is Shiho Miyano who grew up later.

This can also explain why the drug at the beginning of the plot can make people smaller, it turns out that everything is for the person behind the scenes.

“You may not know.”

“The only person who survived had thought about committing suicide. Because as long as she dies herself, the other party’s plan will be seriously damaged, even if the drug is successful in the end, he may not dare to take the drug developed, after all, no one has tried the drug. ”

But whenever she had this thought, she remembered the relatives who had been tested one by one. Even if you get to that dangerous situation, you will tell the people behind you to try to live. Even her own former parents said the exact same thing before they tested the drug. Therefore, this life of hers does not belong to her alone, but to all her people. ”

“She survived the ordeal in this way, just waiting for the day when she could watch the man who killed him appear…”

“How is this story?”

Belmode finally looked at his boyfriend, his face a little calm, and there seemed to be a little sadness in the calm.

“I don’t like this kind of story.”

Shirakawa Ye gently buried her in his chest, stroked her hair, and said softly: “I have always liked the story of good triumphing over evil, and it must be a happy end for everyone.” Of course, the male protagonist of the story has several female protagonists to complete… Yes… Shhh…”

He suddenly gasped.

He rubbed his waist fiercely, and at the same time took the hand on his waist away.

Shirakawa Ye really wants to cry without tears, just casually saying hi, since they all have to suffer retaliation from their girlfriends, it is too miserable.

At the same time he understands.

The things that her girlfriend just said, the person who survived may be herself.

Shirakawa Ye combined her words, and compared with the plot content she had seen, it seemed that many things were said.

The room just fell silent.

The two sat quietly on the sofa and hugged.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Shirakawa Ye said suddenly.

“Sharon, I’m ready to try to get you pregnant with a child early.”


Belmode smiled, directly broke away from his embrace, and said not salty or faint.

“I just said that I would conceive a child in the future, I didn’t say that I could start today, this still needs to wait.”

“It’s okay.”

Shirakawa Ye said righteously: “Pregnancy is a technical job, let’s get familiar with it first.” ”

Also at this time.

There was a knock on the door.

Shirakawa Ye was helpless, signaled to let his girlfriend hide, and then walked to the door to open it, and said helplessly: “Miwako, Yumi, aren’t you having a snack party, why are you here?” ”

“Come and bring you dinner.”

Miwako Sato held the tray in her hand and said that she wanted to go inside.

However, he was stopped by Shirakawa Ye: “Just give it to me directly, you guys go back and continue to play.” ”

“You’re a little weird.”

Miyamoto Yumi looked at him suspiciously, his eyes looked into the room through the gap next to him, but unfortunately found nothing.

Shirakawa Ye said angrily: “Remember the oath you two made.” Okay, I’m now ordering you two to go back, I’m going to sleep.” ”

“Hey ~ who is rare.”

Miyamoto Yumi was upset, and directly turned around and left.

“You have the final say.”

Miwako Sato glanced helplessly, handed him the tray in her hand, and turned to leave.

Shirakawa shrugged, closed the door, and walked into the room with the tray.

“Sharon, you can come out.”

For a long time, no one responded.


Shirakawa Ye couldn’t help but shout again, and then began to look around the room, but after looking around, he didn’t see anyone.

Finally I came to the window and opened it, and the rope in front of me was gone, and it was obvious that someone had climbed up to take the rope back.

“I… I…”

Shirakawa Ye Na called a cry without tears, and at the same time complained about the two daughters who had just arrived, and it could only be said that it was too bad to come.

It was supposed to have a wonderful night, but it turned out to be like this, the cooked ducks flew, and he almost lost his mind in heartache…

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