Chapter 329: Xiaolan is gone!!



Shirakawa and his group rested very well, so they all lifted their spirits in the morning, and finally chose a good place to go shopping.

That is——— Osaka castle tower.

The castle tower is a large castle built in the pre-neon period, which served as a tower and watchtower in military terms.

At the same time, it was also the residence of the castle lord, and the castle tower was the central building of the castle, which was not only a strong military defense facility, but also a symbol of political power and status of the local daimyo or castle lord.

Such a very meaningful place, it can be said that everyone from other places has to come here to check in, if you don’t visit here, it is basically equivalent to coming to Osaka for nothing.

“This city is really big, it’s really tiring to walk.”

Yukiko couldn’t help but evaluate, looking at the castle tower not far away, trying to move forward.

At the moment where they are.

It is the place where I came to the ‘Residual Stone’.

On the east side of Otemon, there is a group of boulders, and one purpose of using boulders near the gate is to make key places look more magnificent.

In fact, most of these boulders can only see the surface, I don’t know how deep the inside is, it may just be a flat plate that looks very large, but even if it is a flat plate, it is a large enough piece.

Of course, there are also some stones that fail to be cut, which are called ‘residual stones’, in addition to stones that fall into rivers or the sea during transportation, and these stones are regarded as unlucky stones, even if they are boulders, they can only be classified as “residual stones”. ”


Concubine Yingli listened to her good girlfriend’s words, and couldn’t help but laugh: “Yukiko, this is what you have to come to yourself, you can’t walk now, but no one carries you.” ”

“Alas, so tired.”

Yukiko really regrets it now.

Because this morning, the person who said that if she came here to see, she would definitely regret it if she didn’t come, and now just thinking about it, I feel how stupid the idea was at that time.

She is the kind of person who has a three-minute heat, so she can only do half of everything often.


Yukiko glanced around and said helplessly: “I think it can be reformed here, put some bicycles or something for us to rent here, which is much more interesting than walking alone.” ”


Shirakawa Ye couldn’t help but look at this woman in shock, knowing that after living in this country for so many years, he had never seen these things.

But in the former own country.

Renting a bike or something is just normal.

Just now, he almost wondered if this woman was also a traverser with himself, and suddenly thought of an idea in their world, which was really a very coincidence.

However, it is normal that this kind of thing does not appear, after all, the technology of this world is chaotic, some things are very in line with the atmosphere of the current era, and some things are afraid that he did not have in the world in his previous life, pure and outrageous.

“The idea can be eh.”

He Ye’s eyes couldn’t help but light up: “Aunt Yukiko, you are simply amazing, you are completely a business genius.” ”


Yukiko reminded with a smile: “You can’t call an aunt, you have to call your sister.” ”

Many people were simply speechless.

Everyone here is now an acquaintance, and everyone knows what kind of age Yukiko is.

So it’s so ashamed to call my sister or something, and even Kudo Shinichi, who is a son, can’t help but stay away from his mother and put on an expression that I don’t know her.

“Uh… Sister… Uh…”

Kazuba’s lips squirmed a few times, but finally he couldn’t say it completely.

Also at this time.

The siege was relieved.

“Huh” Concubine Yingli was surprised: “What about Xiaolan? Why didn’t you see Xiaolan? ”

Miwako Sato said with a smile: “Miss Concubine, Xiaolan said before that her stomach was a little uncomfortable, so she went to the bathroom.” ”

Yuan Zi looked at the time and said uncertainly: “But it’s been twenty minutes now, Xiaolan won’t be lost, right?” ”

“It’s possible.”

Concubine Yingli nodded and said bitterly: “That child often got lost when he was a child, this is the first time he has come to Osaka City, and he may really get lost.” ”

“Don’t worry, you guys go shopping first, I’ll look for it.”

Shirakawa Ye took the initiative to stand up, and after saying a word, he walked back.

If he remembers correctly, it seems that there is a toilet in Osaka Castle Park next to him.

And there are gardens and castles inside, it is estimated that you may have lost your way in it.

Sure enough, he didn’t expect it.

When he came here, he saw Xiao Lan wandering outside the castle in the park, looking left and right, looking annoyed.


Shirakawa Ye shouted directly.

“Officer Bai!”

When Xiao Lan saw his appearance, a smile of surprise appeared on her face, and she ran to him with a shout.

Before he could speak, he couldn’t wait to say, “Officer Shirakawa, where have you all been?” I just went to the toilet, and when I came out, I didn’t see you, and I didn’t dare to run around, which really scared me to death. ”


Shirakawa Ye scraped her little nose helplessly, shook her head and said, “We were all about to wander to the castle tower, only to find that you were missing.” Also, don’t you know to make a phone call? Waiting here in a daze, do you say you are stupid? ”

“People aren’t stupid.”

Xiao Lan’s face immediately turned red, and he said with a little unconvinced: “I just panicked, as long as I calm down, I will remember to call.” ”

“Yes, yes, Xiaolan is not stupid, but I haven’t thought of calling for almost twenty minutes, and I don’t know how long it will be when I calm down.”

“Oh, Officer Shirakawa, you make fun of me.”

Xiao Lan’s face became even redder, and she subconsciously raised her little fist, about to hammer down.

Shirakawa Ye didn’t dare to let Xiao Lan fight down like this, after all, this is a fist that can break a telephone pole with one punch, he doesn’t want to try.

So he stretched out his hand, took this little girl into his arms, and said softly: “Okay, okay, it’s all my fault, I promise not to say that about you again next time.” Let’s go, just now your mother was a little worried. ”


Xiao Lan was now too shy to speak, just making a sound from her nose so softly, and at the same time feeling her heartbeat increase uncontrollably.

Next second.

A surprised voice sounded not far from the two: “What are you guys doing?” ”

Hearing this familiar tone, Xiaolan’s whole person was startled, and she instantly broke free from Shirakawaba’s embrace, and looked sharply in the direction of the sound, with a panicked expression on her face.

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