Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 266 Peaceful Negotiations

The smell of gunpowder in the air finally dissipated.

The corridor was not a convenient place for chatting. After calming down, the group returned to Lin Xin's family and sat back down at the dining table one by one.

But unlike the previous scene where everyone was enjoying dinner together, the atmosphere now seemed a little strange.

The emotions in Belmode's aqua pupils were full of complex emotions:


"Why did you kill yourself?"

Belmode did not doubt the explosive news that Mao Lilan broke.

Because the Maori lady has never been good at lying. If she made it up on the spot, she would not behave so naturally.

Judging from the subconscious reactions of Conan and Haihara Ai at that time, they seemed to know that Lin Xinyi had committed suicide.

The most important thing is that Belmode also knows in his heart:

Since Lin Xinyi dared to offer to use unforgeable evidence such as fingerprints and DNA for verification, the possibility of him being impersonated was almost non-existent.

This is her child, there is no way it can be faked.

And as long as Lin Xinyi was indeed her child, she didn't want to delve into the origin of the weird disguise technique that was said to have been learned from "some of Kaito Kidd's 'outworldly master' friends."

Belmod's biggest doubt is why Lin Xinyi lost his memory.

And now, his amnesia and personality changes all have reasonable explanations:

"Suicide Why did you commit suicide?"

Belmode raised this heavy question again.

"I forgot about this too."

Lin Xinyi's expression was a little helpless:

"I felt like my mind was going blank."

"When I woke up, I realized that I was standing alone in the cold river——"

"It's like the whole world has changed."

"I can't remember many things from the past."

He really couldn't make up lies, so he had no choice but to "tell the truth."

He didn't need to make up the rest, Miss Maori just help him finish it with a sigh:

"Sure enough. No wonder when we met Mr. Lin in the park, he seemed to be in a trance."

"Mr. Lin must have been in such despair when he committed suicide that he was stimulated to lose his memory!"

The human brain is a very complex thing.

Even if there is no trauma, psychological factors alone are enough to cause amnesia and even split personality.

Lin Xinyi's behavior of losing memory and drastically changing his temperament under strong psychological stimulation is very similar to suffering from psychogenic amnesia and intermittent personality dissociation.

For a moment, everyone looked at Lin Xinyi with sympathy for the mentally ill.

"I'm sorry Lin."

Hui Yuan Ai's big eyes were full of guilt:

Her boyfriend was suffering from such a serious mental illness, and she didn't even notice it.

She was so indifferent to Lin Xinyi, but Lin Xinyi still retained the instinct to love her deeply despite his memory loss.

And why did Lin Xinyi commit suicide?

He told Belmode that he "forgot".

But Hui Yuan Ai knew very well that 99% of Lin Xinyi's suicide was because of her.

Because she had been dismissive of him for so many years and did not notice this man's feelings for her.

"I'm sorry, that's all"

Hui Yuan Ai was muttering to herself with emotion, but someone beat her to it:

"it's all my fault."

Belmode sighed deeply:

"Because I have been so arrogant in preventing you from pursuing her, which makes you so conflicted and entangled."

"You will almost forget me as a teacher, but you still remember this woman."

"In order to save her, he was so bold that he even dared to deceive the organization."

"Ha" she smiled self-deprecatingly: "The memory about me and the organization may be what you want to erase most in your subconscious, the source of pain, right?"

"As a teacher, I failed too much."

"Uh" Lin Xinyi was speechless:

In fact, he "forgot" everyone, everyone is the same.

However, looking at Belmod now, he is deeply touched and feels guilty.

Lin Xin thought for a while, and like a primary school student who timidly revealed his final exam results just because his mother was happy, he tried to tell more truth:

"Teacher, I have something else to tell you."

"Actually, not only did Shiho survive, but her sister was also secretly saved by me."

"She is now under my secret protection, changing her appearance and living with Shiho."

Belmode's expression froze.

She subconsciously wanted to be angry.

However, thinking about Lin Xinyi being forced into the desperate situation of drowning herself in a river, she was like a gas stove that had run out of gas, unable to produce fire:

"You really did a lot of things behind my back."

"Sisters Miyano, and Shinichi Kudo, were all protected by you from the organization, right?"

Belmod sighed helplessly.

Things have developed to this point, and she has understood everything:

"And you are performing this play to test which side I will stand on."

"You are betting on yourselves that I will betray the organization for the sake of my feelings and help you continue to hide the truth."

"That's right."

Lin Xinyi looked at Belmode with burning eyes:

"Then teacher, what is your choice?"

At this moment, the air became tense again.

Everyone is waiting for Belmod's final statement.

Conan clenched his fists subconsciously, and Haihara Ai instinctively moved closer to Lin Xinyi.

Miss Maori blinked her big watery eyes and launched an irresistible gaze impact on Belmode.

"How else can I choose?"

Belmod helplessly held his forehead and let out a long sigh:

"You little guys are my weakness to begin with!"

"No matter what, I will not betray you to the organization and put you in danger."


Everyone was happy for her statement, but Belmode changed the subject and promptly interrupted the dangerous thoughts that were popping up in everyone's mind:

"Don't expect me to help you fight against the organization."

"I protect you because I want you to live safely, but I don't want you to throw an egg at a stone and run away to die!"

"Live well"

"That's the only thing you have to do."

Belmode gave serious instructions.

Lin Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that now he could convince Belmod to accept the fact that the Miyano sisters were still alive, and the result was satisfactory enough.

But Conan is still a little unwilling:

"But, Chris. No, Belmode."

"If we do nothing, won't we have to hide and live in the shadow of the organization for the rest of our lives?"

According to Conan's idea, it would be best to use Belmod's surrender as a breakthrough point to conduct an in-depth investigation of the organization.

But Belmode completely disagrees with this dangerous plan:

"Don't underestimate the organization's half-century accumulation."

"With just you little guys, even with my secret support, you won't be able to hurt a single hair of the organization."

"Kid, do you want Miss Maori to be involved in another crisis?"

"This" Conan was suddenly speechless.

Indeed, with only a few of them, their strength is too limited.

He himself was not afraid of death, but he had to consider the safety of Mao Lilan, who was now involved in the center of the whirlpool.

"Besides," Belmode glared at Haihara Ai intentionally or unintentionally: "I advise you not to try to invite any reinforcements."

"If you place your hopes on the FBI and CIA, I'm afraid the outcome will disappoint you."

"What's the meaning?"

Lin Xinyi frowned slightly.

He had no good impressions of the FBI and CIA.

After all, the sum of the bad things these two departments have done would be enough to fill a book.

But the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

When it comes to fighting against organizations, since his own strength is too weak, Lin Xinyi has not never considered cooperating with intelligence agencies such as the FBI and CIA.

"Haha." Belmod smiled slightly: "I told you, don't underestimate the organization."

"When the criminal's power reaches a certain level, he will no longer be bound by the law."

"So, don't imagine that the FBI and CIA will be the messengers of justice in the movie. Once they arrive, the criminals will get the punishment they deserve."

"Maybe in the end."

"We will still be 'acquired' by them."

Lin Xinyi was speechless for a moment.

He vaguely understood the meaning of Belmod's words:

There are perfect crimes in the world.

But the perfect crime is not that the Metropolitan Police Department cannot detect it, but that the Metropolitan Police Department knows who did it and can still do nothing against that guy.

The FBI and CIA almost all have this kind of legal criminal license.

And the slightly worse ones are either perfect crimes, or like what Belmode said.

The criminals themselves have tremendous power. As long as they bow their heads and compromise and hand over their interests, they can escape legal punishment.

Give a simple example

"In order to secretly control Japan, the Americans even acquitted war criminals from World War II."

"Even the most notorious 'Black Sun' bacterial force was absorbed by them unscathed."

"And the power hidden by the organization in Japan is no less powerful than those war criminals who survived the Tokyo Trial."

"I'm afraid the justice trial you imagined will never come."

"The ending of the story will only be a dirty exchange of interests."

Belmod gave the passionate Conan a true and cruel history lesson.

And she turned around and looked at Lin Xinyi meaningfully:

"Boy, don't forget"

"This little girlfriend of yours is a very sought-after treasure in itself."

"This" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled.

In order for them to stay quiet and avoid causing trouble, Belmode's words may have contained a lot of exaggeration and intimidation.

But what she said about Hui Yuan Ai is quite reasonable:

The interests involved in APTX4869 are extremely significant.

It is impossible for Americans to let go of this scientific technology that transcends the times.

As the developer of APTX4869, Haiyuan Ai's status is almost equivalent to that of Von Braun who built rockets for him. It is impossible not to be targeted by Americans.

The best outcome for her would probably be to study APTX4869 in a US laboratory for the rest of her life under the surveillance of the FBI and CIA.

In fact, this is barely acceptable.

After all, Americans' treatment of scientists will never be bad.

In that free country, those top scientists can have everything except freedom.


"Xiao Ai doesn't want to study APTX4869 anymore."

Lin Xinyi's expression was very serious.

He knew that Hui Yuan Ai was extremely averse to studying such drugs that went against the laws of nature.

Looking at Miss Haiyuan beside him, he solemnly made a decision:

"I understand, teacher."

"We will continue to keep a low profile and not conflict with the organization."

"As for the FBI and CIA, I will not take the initiative to contact them."

"Very good." Belmode nodded with satisfaction.

The negotiation was successful. She agreed to help hide the truth from the organization, and Lin Xinyi also agreed to stop there and stop playing with fire.

The business talk is almost finished.

Maybe it’s time to talk about something personal next.

Therefore, in this beautiful atmosphere where the master and the apprentice were frank and harmonious, Hui Yuan Ai couldn't help but asked coldly:

"Now that everything is clear."

"Then Belmod, there's no need for you to stay here anymore, right?"

Belmod's smile froze.

She turned her head and looked at Haiyuan Ai:

The brown-haired girl had taken off the glasses she was wearing to disguise herself, revealing a delicate face that was familiar to her.

"What, you want to drive me away?"

Belmod returned a question mark tit for tat.

"This" A drop of cold sweat broke out on Lin Xinyi's forehead.

Somehow, he always felt.

The smell of gunpowder in the air seemed stronger than before.

The second update will be much later and I won’t be able to finish it. Maybe I will update it today and make up for it tomorrow.

There is no way, the line between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is too difficult to write. My hair is almost gone.

_(:з ∠)_

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