Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 267 The Confrontation between Belmod and Haihara Ai

Everyone was still sitting at the long dining table.

But the previous scene felt like a secretly organized combat meeting, but the current atmosphere was as subtle as a New Year's family gathering where a few superficial relatives were quarreling and fighting openly and secretly.

"You want to drive me away?"

Belmode's moves were simple and direct.

The sharp light in those aqua pupils made even a gentle question mark seem so powerful.

"You can say that."

Hui Yuan Ai didn't even bother to hide her feelings.

At this moment, she was sitting tightly leaning on Lin Xinyi. When she raised her head to talk to Bellmode, she seemed to be representing herself and her boyfriend beside her:

"Belmod, isn't the purpose of your coming here just to confirm Lin Xinyi's situation?"

"Now you've also seen-"

"His condition is very good, you don't need to worry."

Haiyuan Ai's voice was cold and not sweet:

"If that's the case, then there's no need for you to stay here at all, right?"


Belmode was silent for a while.

She did not argue with Haihara Ai about the legality of staying here.

She just bit her lip gently and murmured the nicknames she gave to each of her three "weaknesses":

"Angel, Boy, Cool Guy."

"Do you all think so too?"

"Would you all feel uncomfortable staying with someone like me, whose hands are stained with sin?"

Belmode's expression was very depressed.

For just a short moment, she looked as haggard as a flower about to wither, so beautiful that it made people feel distressed.

"." Conan was speechless for a moment.

He could actually tell that this woman was putting on a show.

But Belmod's acting skills were really good. Looking at the haggard, pitiful and weather-beaten appearance of the other party, he simply couldn't bear to say any more unpleasant words to her.

Even if Conan was like this, the angel lady who was born with sensibility fell even more powerlessly:

"No, Miss Chrissy!"

Mao Lilan habitually shouted the already smooth name:

"I-I never thought you were a bad person."

"When I'm with you."

"I always feel very warm."

She had never seen Belmode do evil, so she had no idea what she meant by "his hands were stained with evil".

To Mao Lilan, Belmode was just a gentle big sister who would risk his life to protect her.

So her words were full of sincerity.

"Angel, you always think so well of people."

Belmod smiled to himself, with a hint of happiness in his smile.

At this time, Lin Xinyi also expressed his position:

"Teacher, I have no intention of driving you away."

He was not confused by Belmode's performance.

But, in his opinion

I had just played the emotional card to win Belmod over, and now I just couldn't find a way to deepen the emotional connection. How could I just turn around and chase him away?

Expressway toll collectors never change their faces so quickly despite their smiling service.

What's more, Belmode's willingness to sacrifice everything for him just now really touched him.

"Teacher, you can stay as long as you want."

"I wouldn't mind."

Lin Xinyi made his attitude clear.

"That's good."

Belmode withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

During the whole process, she didn't even look at her opponent.

Little Miss Haiyuan lost without any suspense.

And even her boyfriend unknowingly sided with the woman she hated.


Haiyuan Ai glared at her boyfriend with some dissatisfaction:

"We've almost finished talking to this woman."

"Let's go home together!"

After saying that, Hui Yuan Ai stretched out her short, white legs from the high chair, and fumbled with her feet on the ground for a while before putting on the large slippers that didn't fit her feet.

In fact, she originally wanted to leave a trace of her back in a cool way.

But because of his lack of height, even his demonstrative movements became clumsy and cute.

However, this does not prevent Haiyuan Ai from continuing to release cold air.

She tugged hard on Lin Xinyi's clothes and motioned for him to stand up and go back with her.

"go home together?"

Lin Xinyi still didn't react.

"Yes, just like before."

Hui Yuan Ai said calmly:

"Didn't you stay at my place when Belmode didn't come?"

"Now that Belmod knows our secret, there is no need for you to live with her and live with her in disguise, right?"

She quietly launched a second wave of offensive.

Unable to drive away Belmod, he abducted her boyfriend from Belmod.


Belmode's tone suddenly became serious:

"Miyano Shiho, do you think you are on vacation now?"

"Don't think that with my help covering it up, you will have peace of mind."

Her soft and charming face was quietly tense, and her aqua pupils were filled with solemnity:

"Do you know why I believed so easily just now that Gin was going to kill Lin Xinyi?"

"Because I know it very well."

"The real Gin was already suspecting something was wrong with Lin Xinyi."

Belmode told an extremely shocking news:

"Since the 'FBI raid on the laboratory,' Gin has been working hard to investigate the source of FBI intelligence."

"But no matter how he checked, he couldn't find out who the mole was who exposed the location of the laboratory."

"So the man who was extremely suspicious quickly focused again on the target who was most willing to rescue Shirley."

"This" Lin Xinyi couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he heard this:

Indeed, the laboratory is completely closed.

He is the only person who knows the details of the laboratory and can enter and exit freely.

It seems that after many fruitless investigations, Gin may really have doubts about him again.

"That's why I want you to keep a low profile!"

"Look at you"

Belmode frowned tightly, training Hui Yuan Ai to the point where he lost his temper:

"You are still blatantly living together?"

"What if Ginjiu sends someone to secretly monitor Lin Xinyi and discovers that Lin Xinyi has been staying up all night and living in someone else's house?"

"Imagine for yourselves what the result will be?"

"I" Haiyuan Ai was unable to refute at all.

Even Lin Xinyi lowered his head in shame:

Previously, he was only focused on studying creatures with Haibara Ai, and he forgot the most basic safety awareness.

Now it seems that the bold behavior of running to his girlfriend's house every day is indeed too eye-catching.

"Sorry, Xiao Ai."

Lin Xinyi touched Hui Yuan Ai's head and said very seriously:

"We'd better be careful and live separately for the time being."

"You can ask Miss Maori to take you back, and I will try not to follow you."

"I" Hui Yuan Ai was speechless.

She originally thought that after pulling Belmod over, she would be able to be with Lin Xinyi without any worries.

But now, Gin has made a comeback and is eyeing her boyfriend.

For safety reasons, they are not suitable for living together.

"Okay. Let's live separately for now."

Haihara Ai finally accepted this arrangement:

"But, call every day."

She added seriously.

"Yes." Lin Xinyi said goodbye to his girlfriend helplessly: "I will still look for opportunities to see you."

"As long as you hang out with Miss Maori more often, I can use the excuse of giving Miss Maori lessons as an excuse to meet you naturally."

He came up with a method of love that was comparable to that of an underground gang member.

Hui Yuan Ai silently remembered it in his heart and hid the reluctance in his eyes.

And just like she said, everything that should be talked about today has been finished, and there is no point in staying anymore.

She had no choice but to say goodbye to Lin Xinyi, and then left with Mao Lilan and Conan.

Belmode sent them out of the house with a solemn expression.

Until Hui Yuan Ai left, she always maintained that solemn look, worried about Lin Xinyi's life safety.

Seeing her expression like this, Lin Xinyi felt that the air became a little tense.

It seemed that outside the balcony door, in the trash can, or in any deserted corner, Gin's cold face might be hidden.

"Ha ha ha ha."

But Belmode smiled.

As soon as the door closed and the footsteps outside the door had not completely disappeared, she casually untied her bun and let the waterfall-like silver hair fall freely.

Then, like a working girl coming home from get off work, Belmode kicked off her slippers with a relaxed expression, shrunk into the sofa in an awkward manner, and laughed cheerfully:

"This little girl, you still want to fight with me?"

"It's still twenty thousand years too early!"


Lin Xinyi's expression became extremely strange:

"Teacher, were you lying just now?"


Belmode smiled and shook his head:

"Gin was very angry after the lab was raided by the so-called FBI."

"When he got angry, he started to intensify his efforts to identify the undercover agents. As a result, he actually caught several undercover agents among the peripheral personnel of the organization."

"But none of these people work in the laboratory and do not understand the situation in the laboratory - and none of them admitted that they had investigated the location of the laboratory."

"So, Gin is really vaguely suspicious of you."

"Besides, he really sent someone to monitor you."

"With that person watching over you, you'd better not get too close to that little girl."

"This" Lin Xinyi already felt something was wrong: "Did Ginjiu really send someone here?"


Belmode stretched out his hand and pointed at himself:

"Isn't that guy who is spying on you right here?"

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