Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 93 You fell down on your own

For Nishikawa Suimei, Anonymous is actually very suspicious - why she knows so much about the secret passage, why she helped herself, why she gave up the treasure... it's all a mystery.

But Nishikawa Suimei has lived for so many years with the appearance of an old lady, and she has been trapped in the castle every day, and she has become a little crazy. At this time, her desire for treasure instantly overwhelmed her reason. She gave up thinking and just wanted to get the treasure she had paid everything for as soon as possible.

Anonymous looked at Xichuan Suimei's back calmly.

Before catching up, she first turned into a fork in the road and walked to the end - where the main body was hiding and hanging up.

Anonymous dug into the main body's pocket and found the paper bag full of ghosts. She poured the ash inside into the hidden pocket on the side of her skirt and took a cigarette with the butt cut off.

Then she waved her hand to drive away the spider hanging from the top to the side of the main body. She also took off the spider silk hanging from the main body's hair, turned around and walked towards the place leading to the "treasure".

Nishikawa Suimei followed the secret passage and ran into the hall. Fortunately, there was no one in the hall at this time. She rushed to the huge portrait of her great-grandfather and pushed it away with all her strength.

A passage leading vertically upward is revealed behind.

Xi Chuan Suimei smiled. She climbed quickly along the iron ladder on the wall. After climbing for an unknown amount of time, she finally saw a closed door at the top.

She was immediately ecstatic, slammed the door open and rushed in.

Then he was stunned when he faced the empty and narrow top of the tower.

...where is the treasure?

Where is her treasure! ?

Could it be that the woman just now...

"The treasure is right in front of you." Anonymous grabbed the last iron ladder, poked his head out from below, and reminded faintly, "Isn't it engraved on the wall next to you - 'I want to give the scenery at the top of this castle to The first ones to get here'."

Nishikawa Suimei subconsciously looked at the wall. The light here was very dark. She almost pressed her face against the wall before she could barely recognize the dated words on it.

She looked at the words, then looked out at the dark, eerie and quiet woods, and was stunned.

After a while, Xi Chuan Suimei trembled and raised her hand, stroking her old face: "I... I just for this kind of thing, just for this kind of thing... I turned myself into this picture of neither a human nor a ghost. The look..." Tears rolled down in big drops along the orange peel-like folds at the corners of her eyes.

Anonymous climbed the last step and stepped on the ground.

She looked at Nishikawa Suimi who was slumped on the window sill, withdrew her gaze, polished a match brought from the castle, and lit a cigarette with the flame.

Apart from the pale moonlight, the dancing flames became the only source of light here.

Xi Chuan Suimei subconsciously looked at the light and stared at it. Although the warm light spot was very small, it also slightly revived her stagnant thoughts. Nishikawa Suimei gradually remembered her current situation.

The treasure she had been chasing for so long was just a joke. When she thought of this, Nishikawa Suimei had the urge to jump off the top of the tower and end this absurd life.

But in the end, she looked at the bottomless depths of the night and slumped in front of the window without moving.

...Xikawa Suimei realized very clearly that she didn't want to die yet.

Although there is no treasure left, the Madam still has many valuable things. She could have plastic surgery to look like an old lady back then, and now she can have a normal face again.

...It's time to give up the obsession with treasure hunting, leave this gloomy castle that traps you, and start a new life.

Xichuan Suimei stood up slowly while holding on to the wall, looking at Anonymous with complicated eyes.

Although I don’t know why this woman knows so much, and I don’t know why she wants to help me, but...

Xi Chuan Suimei lowered her head and closed her eyes: "Thank you."

Anonymous holds a lit cigarette in one hand.

She glanced at Nishikawa Suimei, threw the match in her other hand to the ground, then took out a handful of dust in the lingering smoke, and crushed the cigarette butt against the dust in her palm.

With a soft whistle, the smoke burned out at an incredible speed.

When the last light spot went out, Xi Chuan Suimei saw a ghostly smile appear on the corner of Anonymous's mouth.

The woman opened her hand towards her and said softly: "You're welcome."

Xi Chuan Suimei felt chilled by her smile. The next second, countless pale, will-o'-the-wisps-like things emerged from the palms of the anonymous hands. They twisted and swelled in an instant, emitting bursts of piercing screams, and rushed towards them with indescribable anger and resentment.

Nishikawa Suimei let out a scream of extreme horror, trembling and moving away, raising her hands to block in front of herself.

But the terrain of this high tower is narrow, and there is not much room for shelter. Under Xi Chuan Suimei's desperate gaze, the enemy's soul ferociously jumped in front of her, cracked his cold mouth, showed a triumphant smile, and then...

It passed through her very normally.

Couldn't do any harm.

Nishikawa Suimi stared at the palm that had just been penetrated, stunned.

Such unknown objects were much weaker than they looked - so many of them passed through in groups, and Nishikawa Suimi just felt that her palms were a little numb, and the strength was not even as strong as a massage.

However, before she could show the smile that would last her for the rest of her life, she suddenly stepped on the air and fell - when avoiding those "devil ghosts", she instinctively leaned back and fell out of the tower.

When Toru Amuro climbed to the top of the tower along the passage, he happened to see Nishikawa Susumi falling in fear while waving her hands.

There are many shikigami and few ghost mints. By the time Toru Amuro climbed up, those things that were not scientific enough had returned to their ordinary state.

So he only saw the scene of Nishikawa Suimei reluctantly falling from the building.

The wind was strong at the top of the tower, and the smoke had already been blown away. Anonymous turned back from the window and gently held the brim of his hat.

In the passage, Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko and Conan, who were still climbing, heard a scream getting farther and farther away. They were startled and asked anxiously like some people who couldn't find melons: "What's wrong? What's wrong? ?!”

Toru Amuro said in a deep voice: "Don't come up yet."

Although Anonymous did not push the person down with his own hands, looking at Nishikawa Suimei's unwilling appearance, her fall from the tower must have something to do with Anonymous.

Moreover, before he came up, there were only two of them in the tower. If Anonymous hadn't tampered with it, it couldn't have been a ghost that pushed the fake old lady down.

Toru Amuro estimated the height of the tower, and his heart sank slightly. If you fall from here, you will definitely fall into pieces.

Although the fake old lady is full of secrets and is suspected to be related to the fire a few years ago, so she doesn't look like a good person, but at present, this represents a bad sign.

——This means that although Anonymous saves people and often expresses kindness to innocent passers-by, she does not seem to mind taking human lives.

If Anonymous adheres to the philosophy of "try to save good people and send bad people to death"... Putting aside the conflict of three views, Jiang Xia's situation will be very dangerous now.

After all, although Jiang Xia appears to be a righteous high school detective, in fact, he has also committed many illegal activities.

Anonymous can accurately intercept the bomb sent by Ginjiu, so if she wants to know Jiang Xia's secret identity, there is no reason why she can't find out.

If Jiang Xia is a "bad guy" in Anonymous's eyes, then he hasn't shown up for so long... Could it be that he was really killed by Anonymous?

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