Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 94 Are you here to throw the blame again?

After Toru Amuro came up with that speculation, he looked at Anonymous, his eyes darkened: "Where is Jiang Xia?"

After a pause, he couldn't help it anymore and asked again: "Did you puncture my tire? Have you been following us?"

"..." The anonymous hand adjusting the hem of the skirt paused suspiciously.

Amuro Toru narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about which question he had gotten to the point.

But Anonymous stepped on the steep eaves outside the window, shook her head, and finally chose only one question she wanted to answer: "I didn't follow you on purpose."

Toru Amuro didn't believe it. In just a few days, he has met Anonymous twice. Once, Anonymous even came to him on his own initiative: "You don't mean to say that these are all coincidences."

"It's not a coincidence, but it's not intentional either." Anonymous took a step back and said meaningfully, "I'm here just because... we are everywhere."

...After all, as we all know, there are countless clones of Anonymous. Anyone can be Anonymous, and Anonymous can be anyone.

Tohru Amuro didn't think about this, he just felt that Anonymous was trying to avoid the important and take advantage of the trivial.

He was about to ask the question from the beginning, but before he could speak, he was suddenly startled and lunged forward.

But before he arrived, Anonymous had already stepped off the eaves and instantly disappeared into the thick darkness below.

Toru Amuro clicked his tongue and wanted to rush back to the tower, but when he turned around, he happened to meet Suzuki Sonoko's shocked gaze.

Suzuki Sonoko was horrified: " pushed the person down?!"

"..." Toru Amuro was silent for a moment while holding the new pot, and suddenly thought that he might have wrongly blamed Anonymous just now.

He sighed: "I just want to hold her."

Jiang Xia's consciousness returned to its original form, and he waited in the secret passage for a while. Not long after, he saw Miyano Akemi leading a group of souls, lining up and floating back through the wall.

The shikigami seemed quite satisfied with the ending, and the stick of ghost mint was not in vain.

Jiang Xia knelt down, picked up the souls one by one, signed the contract, and played with them for a while, then slowly put them back into the seal, preparing to "encounter" the person who came to him.

The structure of this castle is complex, with secret passages crisscrossing the area, and secret doors that are very hidden. If you are not careful, you will get lost. Coupled with the fact that someone deliberately obstructed it, it was normal to wander around there for several hours.

After Anonymous suddenly jumped from the tower, the four people on the top of the tower quickly chased him down, but they were not too panicked - with Anonymous jumping on the Shinkansen holding a bomb as a foreshadowing, they always felt that Anonymous would not die just by jumping from a tower.

Facts have proved that these people were right.

There was no anonymous body under the tower, and of course there was no injured anonymous waiting to be picked up, only the old lady's body.

Although human life was at stake, the four of them could not determine the position of the others in the castle, so they did not rush to the helpers to collect the bodies, but went to the secret passage of the castle to find people.

They successfully found Jiang Xia.

After Jiang Xia reunited with his teammates, he briefly explained a few words, and then told them that there was a skeleton in the secret passage. The skeleton's foot bones were thin and it seemed to be an older woman.

As expected, the attention of the other four people was quickly sucked away by the corpse, especially the two detectives - they immediately thought of the "old lady" who fell to death under the tower, and gradually figured out the cause and effect.

The next day, the phone line was repaired, the police arrived quickly, and the car called by Toru Amuro also arrived.

When Toru Amuro opened the trunk and checked the tires inside, Jiang Xia also leaned over and took a look. This time, the tires were actually installed in a locked metal box.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He was shocked for a moment, but soon became relaxed again.

——If I really encounter another case later, I don't need to bite the spare tire at all. Just hide under the car while others are not paying attention, and casually damage the other tire. It would be impossible for Tohru Amuro to take four spare tires on the road.

Unfortunately, however, the journey back was very peaceful and no further incidents occurred.

When they saw the familiar streets of Yoneka Town, the five people in the car exhaled at the same time.

Four of them were grateful to have finally arrived at their destination, and one had a subtle sense of regret.

Organizational services also have specific regulations, such as writing a report after completing a task.

This was originally Toru Amuro's job, but Toru Amuro left this matter to his nominal apprentice.

After Jiang Xia returned to Tokyo, he first went to Dr. Ali's house and took back the cats and dogs he had left there. He was not at home these days, but the bad guys did not stop looking for cats and dogs. Pets need someone to take care of them.

So Jiang Xia used his tool man, the neighbor Dr. A Li. In the past, he was often bombed when he helped Dr. A Li test new inventions, so when he troubled his neighbors, Jiang Xia was particularly confident.

Jiang Xia came to the office with her pet, and while waiting for business in the store, she wrote a task report according to the sample given by Amuro Toru.

By evening he had successfully completed the job.

I was about to send the report to a specific email address when my phone suddenly rang. The one with the black ringtone is the one dedicated to contacting the organization.

Jiang Xia was startled and picked up the phone.

Gin's voice came from the receiver: "Where are you now?"

Jiang Xia tasted this sentence and felt that something was unusual - if there was a mission, Ginjiu would usually use sentence patterns such as "come to ×××", and would never use "where are you" first? It is inconvenient to ask the other party such words as "Do you have time?"

So... the "where are you" here is probably similar to the police investigation of alibi?

Well, the more I think about it, the more I think it should be like this.

And I always feel that Gin's tone is murderous. It's a pity that I'm not next to him now, otherwise I would definitely be able to drag him down a lot...

Jiang Xia listened to the sound in the earphones with eager eyes, pinched the ghost on her leg sadly, and replied briefly: "In the office."

As he spoke, he glanced at the gloomy sky outside the window.

Just now when Jiang Xia moved the cats and dogs in, it started to rain.

This weather, coupled with this time... He suddenly thought, could it be that Shirley defected?

Sure enough, Ginjiu mentioned this code name in his next sentence, but before he could finish speaking, someone suddenly knocked on the back of the sofa Jiang Xia was leaning on.

Jiang Xia turned around and saw Toru Amuro had returned at some point. At this time, he was standing behind him mysteriously and stretched out his hand towards him.

It looked like he was asking for a cell phone.

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