Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 95 Don’t instigate rebellion against me

Jiang Xia subconsciously clenched her phone, not wanting to give it to her.

But then he thought about it, no matter how murderous Gin's voice was, he couldn't stop it even through the radio waves. In the end, Jiang Xia handed over the phone.

Amuro Toru picked up the phone: "I was called last month. If you are short of people, go and recruit them. Don't bother my subordinates all the time. Having said that, how long do you plan to continue your simple idea of ​​sitting together? ?”

Ginjiu sneered: "Simple methods are more effective. Starting from interpersonal relationships is also the most basic investigation method. Also, I am asking Jiang Xia, why did you mix it up? Are you afraid that he will leak it? Ha, originally I was just a routine Ask him, but now, I doubt your position."

"I'm sure it's because Jiang Xia has been in my office during the time when you were looking down on me." Amuro paused for a moment, then suddenly let out a gin-like sneer, using retreat as an opportunity to advance:

"Since you are so insistent, let's make a bet. You can take the person back for trial, but if he is not involved in this matter, you will give me your newly obtained medicine - the precious assassination poison. In the hands of a hunter like you who is keen on shooting prey, it is really a waste."

Gin was silent for a moment and did not agree. He snorted with disdain and hung up the phone.

In Gin's eyes, after experiencing the murder of Miyano Akemi, Jiang Xia's suspicion of Shirley's defection this time was actually not as high as last time.

She asked Jiang Xia because it was not easy to escape from the organization. Shirley was able to succeed probably because she had helpers.

As for who the helper is... Shirley's parents and sister are both dead, and she is usually cold and indifferent to others. She rarely makes friends. Counting down the interpersonal relationships, Jiang Xia was soon the one to blame. .

So Ginjiu called Jiang Xia just now.

After hanging up the phone, Ginjiu searched for Jiang Xia's name.

Two more incidents appeared in related news, one was the murder case of a potter in Izu, and the other was an old case in the castle. Ginjiu looked at the time and place, and his doubts about Jiang Xia eased a lot.

——During this period, due to the death of Miyano Akemi, the relationship between Shirley and the organization became visibly tense.

If Jiang Xia was really her helper, at this juncture, he would not leisurely go out and solve the case.

There is another situation where Bourbon took Jiang Xia there forcibly, but Jiang Xia herself did not want to go.

But in this case, Bourbon who left Tokyo on his own initiative would not be Shirley's accomplice. Jiang Xia has been with Bourbon for the past two days. Based on these two points, if Jiang Xia wants to help Shirley defect, it will be difficult for Bourbon not to notice the clues. But judging from what Boban said just now, he was very sure that Jiang Xia was innocent.

...In other words, these two people can be temporarily crossed off the suspect list.

Gin looked at his notepad.

Bourbon - This was added temporarily when I was on the phone just now, so cross it out.

Jiangxia is also crossed out.

After that, Gin looked at the next suspicious person, then picked up the phone again, and continued to ask with murderous aura wrapped around him.

In Tohru Amuro's detective agency.

Jiang Xia took the phone he handed back, a little alert.

——Toru Amuro was obviously not in the office during the day, and his whereabouts should not be known, but just now, Toru Amuro dared to directly tell Gin that "Eka is in the office"... I always felt that he was too friendly. Even if you want to instigate him, you won't extend an olive branch so blatantly.

Although people in this world sometimes have weird brain circuits and cannot reason with common sense...but the progress of instigating rebellion seems to be too fast.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia felt that things were getting troublesome. He was very worried that Toru Amuro would suddenly slap the gun on the table in the next second and say something like "Abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side now, or you will send me to a juvenile detention center."

Jiang Xia doesn't mind working for the red side, just like he doesn't mind working for the black side - as long as there are easy ghosts and murderous intent, he can do anything.

But Jiang Xia doesn't want to officially join the red team, especially the police.

If I remember correctly, in the future, the police will leak a batch of recorded undercover information and trap a large group of hard-working counterfeiters to death.

And if Jiang Xia joins them early and is treated as an undercover agent by the organization... that would conflict with his need to grow steadily and pick up ghosts easily.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia looked at Amuro Toru with a slight vigilance.

Fortunately, the temporary boss said nothing. He walked to the computer and pulled up today's surveillance video.

As a genius scientist of the organization, Shirley's sudden defection is definitely not a small matter. As a well-known intelligence agent of the organization, Bourbon actually received the task of arresting Shirley today.

It's just that Toru Amuro didn't look for it seriously. Firstly, he didn't want to catch Shirley back, and secondly, the mission was sent in bulk. There were so many people that it was easy to paddle, so Toru Amuro went to the scene and walked around, then pretended to follow, but secretly left early.

Because of this incident, Toru Amuro also knew the time period when Shirley disappeared.

The detective agency is equipped with surveillance cameras.

Toru Amuro adjusted the video to a specific time and fast-forwarded it. He pressed pause on the part where Jiang Xia was not photographed, and estimated the time when Jiang Xia was not present.

It turned out that Jiang Xia had indeed stayed in the office during the period when Shirley disappeared. The only time Jiang Xia disappeared from the screen was when Jiang Xia tried to steal Rua's client's cat, but the cat accidentally escaped. Jiang Xia chased the cat out to catch it.

But it only took more than ten minutes for Jiang Xia to come back with the cat. This period of time was far from enough for him to run and help Shirley defect.

Jiang Xia watched for a while, always feeling that Amuro Toru's poaching hoe was hanging above his head at any time.

But now that he didn't say anything, it became even more suspicious. Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment and asked pretending to be confused: "Check the surveillance now...haven't you seen it before coming here? What if I really left the office?"

When Toru Amuro heard this, he gave him a strange look and replied matter-of-factly: "Then I'll hand you over to the organization together with the surveillance, and there will be one less gin in the middle to make the difference - I also need merit."

...This is actually an excuse.

Toru Amuro almost thought of what Gin thought of. And he remembered that Jiang Xia insisted on going on a business trip with him, so Jiang Xia probably did nothing about Shirley.

So Toru Amuro just protected Jiang Xia and gave him face, and also brought in some private goods.

Toru Amuro said in the tone of a vicissitudes of life: "There is also some competition within the organization. You haven't been exposed to it yet, so you should pay more attention to it in the future." Jiang Xia must realize that bosses are also different from bosses. He should prefer his side to Gin in the future.

Jiang Xia: "..." Oh.

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