Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1113 1112 [The secret of suppressing Uzo] Please give me your monthly voteヾ(

Chapter 1112 1112 [The secret of suppressing Uzo] Please vote for me ()

Okiya Subaru: "..." It would be terrible if Uzo designed him to be a "criminal" in this incident.

Although he believed that Jiang Xia was a good detective and could definitely clear his name. But Uzo was calculated mentally and unintentionally, and he used this method to kill people. Uzo didn't even need to convict the target of the assassination - he only needed to maintain the target's suspicion within a certain period of time and let the police take the "suspect" away for a short period of time. That's it.

——In the eyes of Jiang Xia, a high school student like Jiang Xia who "goes to the police station just like going home", "entering the police station" is just an ordinary daily behavior, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. But for peripheral members and even some cadres, this is simply a reminder!

Okiya Subaru: "..." You only have one life, so you can't be a gambling dog.

Therefore, no matter how much he wanted to pretend that he was not at home, he still walked out resolutely just now and tried to sneak into Jiang Xia's detective team.

Of course, before leaving the house, Subaru Okiya did not forget to take out his mobile phone, open his mailbox, and sent out one of the life-saving drafts he had saved long ago:

[Mr. Akai, I encountered a murder case.

My neighbor is dead]

Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan ran into the living room one after another.

Inside the room, three newly arrived women were standing close to the wall, staring in the middle in fear.

Jiang Xia's eyes quickly fell on the focus of their sights.

——Beside the coffee table, a well-groomed woman had a knife stuck in her heart. She lay on the ground with her eyes open, bleeding all over the ground.

"...How could this happen?" Mao Lilan covered her mouth and looked away helplessly. She had instinctively dialed 110 with her other hand, then turned around and explained the situation in a low voice to the police on the phone.

The arrival of two murder experts shocked the stagnant air in the living room.

The three women who were frozen in place finally came to their senses in disbelief. They tremblingly called to the corpse on the ground: "Naoko..."

Of course, the corpse didn't respond. Only the sound of the TV nearby could be heard chattering and laughing.

The next second, the TV suddenly turned off, and the whole room fell into dead silence.

Mao Lilan was startled for a moment and lowered her head suddenly, worried that she had stepped on the remote control and caused the TV to suddenly turn off.

Jiang Xia's eyes moved and looked at the strange-looking TV in the living room, looking up and down.

As he was watching, a voice came from behind:

"This is a coin-operated TV, which is more common in hotels - it requires a coin to be activated and will automatically cut off the power when the time is up."

Jiang Xia turned around and saw that Okiya Subaru had followed him in.

Okiya Subaru was standing in the deserted corridor just now, always feeling tingly.

At the same time, he had a second thought - he had just heard a scream, so he shouldn't have concluded that a murder had occurred next door.

He should be like enthusiastic passers-by like Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan and go in to see the situation.

With this thought in mind, Okiya Subaru decisively joined Jiang Xia.

——The environment he grew up in told him that detectives have a somewhat suppressive effect when facing criminals. Just like in the novel, isn't it Sherlock Holmes who makes it to the end?

Okiya Subaru recited "Justice will prevail" several times devoutly in his heart.

Of course, he couldn't come in specially just to rub off on Jiang Xia's aura of justice.

Seeing that Jiang Xia seemed a little confused about the furnishings in the room, Subaru Okiya took the initiative to tell him what he knew:

“I remember Ms. Naoko Fujimura who lived here and was a designer.

“There was a power outage in the apartment before, and we met and chatted for a while when we were checking the situation. She said that she is a ‘hotel lover’ and likes to experience various hotel rooms, but she always feels that some details are not satisfactory to her.

"So every once in a while, she would decorate the room according to her favorite style and customize a 'hotel' - she didn't have much time to return to China, so she happened to live in the apartment as a hotel."

At that time, Subaru Okiya felt that this very individual designer had been floating overseas all year round and had not had much social contact in Japan. She seemed to have a good personality and might be able to die in peace.

However, I didn’t expect that even after being a neighbor for a long time, Naoko Fujimura would...

Thinking of this, Subaru Okiya pushed up his glasses, his face was still calm, but a trace of guilt and grief flashed in his eyes:

Uzo—! !

Okiya Subaru remembered that when he was a child, he seemed to have a bit of an incident constitution.

But as the acquaintances around him gradually disappeared, he had maintained casual acquaintances with others, and there had been a period of peace.

Because of this, the death of Fujimura Naoko seemed so sudden, and Subaru Okiya couldn't remove the "Usa" element from this incident.

Although Mao Lilan is timid, she often encounters murder cases.

After the initial panic, she gradually calmed down and walked to the side to comfort the women she had just met.

The situation quickly stabilized.

Not long after, the Megure Police Department arrived with a large number of police officers and sealed off the apartment building.

"Huh? Mr. Okiya, it's you again."

The Memu Police Department looked at Okiya Subaru and felt that they had met this guy a little too frequently recently... Could it be because he was becoming more and more familiar with Jiang Xia?

As soon as this thought crossed his mind, he was immediately suppressed by the Mumu Police Department.

——In the past, he was outspoken and liked to occasionally complain about the detectives who he always "encountered" near the murder scene.

But the past few times, when the Megure Police Department mentioned these metaphysical factors near Toru Amuro, he always received a very oppressive look, seeming to condemn him as "as a police officer who pays attention to physical evidence, how can he not respect science."

The Mumu Police Department didn't know why they were frightened by the gaze of a young man.

But thinking about it carefully, he was indeed at fault, so he would try his best to suppress his strong desire to complain when he saw the detective.

And, no matter what, after the investigation, the grudges between the prisoner and the murderer are often very clear, and the murder was planned for a long time - the murder will happen sooner or later, and it really has nothing to do with the occasional passing detective.


Although the police department did not continue to go down.

However, Okiya Subaru understood the meaning of his words, and felt a hint of bitterness in his heart.

——Indeed, since he became Uzo's subordinate, the number of times he encountered the Megure Police Department has skyrocketed.

What is sad is that until now, the police have not discovered that there is a dark hand quietly stirring up the murders.

As he thought about it, Okiya Subaru couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

...But fortunately, he was about to pack up and run away. Not a big problem.

After all, Mumu Police Department is a dedicated police officer.

After briefly chatting with people I knew, I got back into the busy work of solving the case.

Next to him, Takagi Sheba didn't even have time to chat with Jiang Xia and quickly started working.

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