Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1114 1113 [Okiya Subaru: The murderer is me]

Chapter 1113 1113 [Okiya Subaru: The murderer is me]

Officer Takagi quickly collected some clues:

"The deceased, Naoko Fujimura, was 27 years old. According to the testimony of eyewitnesses, when Jiang Xia and the others came to the living room at 12 o'clock, the coin-operated TV happened to be turned off - this TV can only accept one coin at a time and will turn off after running for 30 minutes. Automatically shuts down.

"The presumed time of death is within one hour, so it seems that the deceased was attacked while watching TV."

"There are not many signs of fighting around, and the place where the victim was killed was in the living room. It should be an acquaintance who committed the crime." Miwako Sato looked at the TV and found that there were various nostalgic snacks scattered on the ground next to it: "The only thing I can say is The messiest place is here - but it may be that the deceased lived a lazy life, so she tidied the room to welcome her classmates, but while waiting, she was distracted while eating snacks, so she messed up the things in this area. ”

"Yes, the deceased's cell phone was also dropped in this pile of debris." Officer Takagi put on his gloves, carefully picked up the cell phone, and called up the communication records.

I saw that there was a phone call made more than 20 minutes ago.

The note above is "Yamamoto Sakurako".

Sato Miwako was slightly startled when she saw this name. She approached Jiang Xia and asked in a low voice: "Is this the lady who came with you?"

Jiang Xia nodded and whispered: "I do remember that she answered a phone call when we were at the station."

"Huh? In this case, wouldn't the suspicions of the three of them be eliminated?" The Memu Police Department is very sensitive to Jiang Xia's movements. The moment Officer Sato approached Jiang Xia just now, he had already pricked up his ears.

Jiang Xia seemed to be thinking about something and did not agree with this conclusion:

"It's better to ask about the details of that phone call first. Since the murderer is an acquaintance of the deceased, he may also be an acquaintance of the three ladies. Perhaps Miss Yamamoto heard some important clues when she answered the phone - right Yes, remember to record the testimony.”

Sato Miwako's eyes lit up and she nodded: "Don't worry."

"Yes, I did receive a call from Naoko at that time."

Sakurako Yamamoto wiped away her tears, found her mobile phone, and pulled up the communication records to show the police:

"She was impatient and urged us to come over quickly. But Nami hadn't arrived yet, so we didn't set off immediately.

"I thought we could meet soon, so I didn't say much at the time and hung up the phone quickly. Who knew..." Sakurako Yamamoto's eyes turned red, "Who knew that this was the last thing Naoko said to me."

"Wait a minute, Miss Nami didn't arrive at that time?" Memu Police Department suddenly became confused. He looked at the gentle and timid short-haired woman in the middle, then looked at the most reliable Jiang Xia, and asked, "Do you remember from How much time passed between when Ms. Yamamoto made the call and when Ms. Kaneda, who was late, arrived at the station?"

Before Jiang Xia could say anything. Next to her, Kinda Nami was already blushing.

She argued in a low voice: "I'm not late! I just like to be late, so when Kayari and Sakurako like to arrive early, it makes me look like I'm late. How can I be late if I'm late... …”

"Sorry, but please carefully recall the situation. We must conduct corresponding investigations."

Miwako Sato sighed.

Although she also felt that this cute short-haired woman didn't look like a murderer at all. But based on past accumulation and the experience gained from watching Jiang Xia solve crimes at close range: many times, the less likely a guy is to be a murderer, the more likely he is the murderer.

"..." Of course, Sato Miwako will not rely on this kind of joke-like logic to convict people, but this will at least allow her to treat the pitiful suspects equally without judging them based on their appearance.

When Miwako Sato communicated with the suspect.

Subaru Okiya stood quietly aside, looking like a crime-solving enthusiast who was meditating on a mystery. In fact, he was holding his breath as much as possible in order to reduce his sense of presence.

He knew in his heart that when looking for a suspect, the police would often investigate from near to far - the closer the person was to the deceased or had recent contact, the easier it would be to be listed as a target of suspicion.

And after narrowing down the time of death through the phone call made by the deceased. Among the several suspects at this time: Kaori Izumi and Sakurako Yamamoto, who were with Jiang Xia throughout the whole process, have the most solid alibi.

The only person left to doubt was Nami Kaneda, who was late for the rendezvous.

as well as--

Okiya Subaru stayed at home all day long and happened to know the deceased's neighbor.

Okiya Subaru felt as if his scalp was about to explode as he listened to the police investigating the suspect. When the police were exchanging clues with Jiang Xia, he relied on his recent familiarity with the police and secretly approached to eavesdrop, obtaining the information just now. All known information.

Therefore, Subaru Okiya, who is familiar with this area, is very clear: his "rival as a murderer" Nami Kaneda wants to kill the deceased, deal with the traces, and rush to the station during the late period... In this kind of weather, it is bound to happen You will sweat a lot.

After she met Jiang Xia and others, there was obviously no chance to change clothes. At this time, there were no sweat stains on Kaneda Nami's clothes.

——In short, no matter how you look at it, Kinda Nami does not look like a murderer.

Then the only unlucky guy left present is exactly...

Okiya Subaru stood in the corner, as quiet as a chicken, secretly reflecting on Uzo: I hope the boss just wants to beat him in a mood, and not really want to beat him to death.

At this time, Miwako Sato came to the same conclusion as Subaru Okiya after having a close encounter with Nami Kaneda.

She turned around, looked over Jiang Xia's shoulder, and looked at Okiya Subaru.

Then Subaru Okiya looked back silently, focusing on the homely clothes, and suddenly asked: "By the way, Mr. Okiya, you seem to live here? Did you hear any suspicious movements before and after the crime?" ?"

The tone was quite polite.

However, Sato Miwako's gaze still inadvertently carried a hint of oppression.

She secretly thought: Although Okiya Subaru and Jiang Xia know each other... but who said that knowing Jiang Xia means he will not commit a crime?

Miwako Sato has outstanding abilities among the police and naturally has a good memory.

She quickly remembered that the people who escaped from the Twin Buildings in Nishitama City a few nights ago said that Subaru Okiya had reminded them about "sniping", and Jiang Xia was almost hit by a sniper rifle right after him... Normal Would people associate an ordinary observation elevator with a dangerous scene like this in a blockbuster movie?

In addition, Miwako Sato remembered that she had occasionally heard the little boy with glasses muttering in the past, saying that Jiang Xia always encountered scum and was easily blinded by scum.

Officer Sato: "..." I heard that children have very keen intuition and are also very sensitive to people's attitudes.

What if it's true...

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