Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1132 1131 [Terrible Weapon] Please vote for me (〃?〃)

Beside the floor-to-ceiling window, the conversation between the two people continued.

President Ohara shook his head helplessly: "Why don't you think about it again? Our company actually has great prospects, and we have been working together for so long. If you change jobs and go elsewhere, you may not be able to develop better than staying here... ...Well, if you are not satisfied with the salary, I can add more.”

Aida Tetsu laughed out loud: "With the company's little income, how much more can we add to it?"

President Ohara said confidently: "Performance will definitely improve in the future."

"Okay, don't mention this matter again." Toru Aida raised his hand to interrupt him, "You are old, but I am not yet - I don't want to spend my whole life drawing leaflets under you. If this continues, I will be dazzling My talent will be buried with you."

President Ohara's face finally couldn't help but darken, and he looked like he wanted to retort, but in the end he took a deep breath and suppressed it.

As if to escape an argument. He looked at his watch and stood up: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Subaru watched silently as President Ohara walked over, always having some bad premonitions in his heart.

He thought for a moment, took a cigarette and went to the toilet smoking seat.

Then he pretended to smoke, but actually took out his mobile phone and planned to send Wu Zuo an email. Perhaps his last reply was too official and seemed less sincere, so Wu Zuo kept using some impressive words. Way, repeatedly warned him?

...If I write another acknowledgment email, it might be able to alleviate the current situation.

However, after typing and before pressing send, Subaru hesitated.

——Be particular about what you post. If the apology is too straightforward and formal, the Riddler’s boss, who likes to be the Riddler, may find it disappointing and find other things that can arouse his interest...

With this thought in mind, Subaru deleted the content he had just typed and typed out an email with a more conciliatory tone, half-pretending to be stupid:

[Your cat came to see me today and took me to a coffee shop.

Do you have any instructions here? I will definitely do it. ]

I originally wanted to send it out like this.

But Subaru's finger stopped on the send button, and he suddenly felt that this letter was not appropriate. He was afraid that Wu Zuo would come back with something like, "Oh, I actually didn't have any instructions, but since you said so, I can't let you leave empty-handed - go kill the three people at the table with you" or something like that.

"..." After thinking about it, the cigarette in his mouth was almost extinguished, and Subaru still couldn't figure out what to post. He was more worried than writing a paper.

At this time, a head appeared faintly next to it.

Subaru was shocked and instinctively exited the email interface.

Taking a closer look, he saw Conan sneaking over.

Conan showed him an innocent child's smile, stretched out his hand to tug him, and motioned him to listen carefully.

Chong Shi Subaru squatted down unskillfully and looked at him doubtfully.

I heard Conan ask: "Is someone trying to harm brother Jiang Xia? Why did you stop him from ordering coffee just now?"

Chong Shi Subaru: "!"

Was he being that obvious? ! A first-grade kid could actually see what he was thinking? ...I am really not suitable for the "two-five-year-old" profession, so running away is indeed the right thing to do. …

Chong Shi Subaru: "..." However, thinking about it calmly, it is more likely that Jiang Xia discovered the problem, but he was worried that someone was watching nearby and could not ask directly, so he sent Conan to be the microphone... Yes, that must be the case. .

Subaru was once again moved by the famous detective's sensitivity.

It's a pity that even so, he couldn't say anything.

Subaru quickly straightened up his mentality and expression, and smiled at Conan: "You are overthinking. I just suddenly remembered..." In order to prevent everyone from being silenced, after a pause, Subaru strangled his conscience. , decided to let the innocent acting store manager shoulder a burden that did not belong to him, "I remembered something about this store manager."

Conan seemed to have a secret when he heard it, his eyes lit up slightly: "What's the matter?"

Chong Shi Subaru lowered his voice: "I often come to this coffee shop. Usually there is a female store manager opening the door, but today it was her boyfriend - I heard that this acting store manager... Feng Comment not too good."

Conan became even more curious: "The reputation is not good?" Is it because the guests were stunned and stole their property? Or was it that he committed a murder and dumped his body, and no evidence was found at the time, so he got away with it, but relevant gossip still spread afterwards?

Under his inquiring gaze, Subaru sighed and revealed, "I heard that when that person meets celebrities and cute girls, he will deliberately spit in their drinks."

Conan: "...?"

Chong Shi Subaru whispered as if he was still concerned: "Once this incident was discovered by a guest and caused a big fuss, then there were similar rumors, and the number of people coming here was getting smaller and smaller day by day. But because there is no evidence, so The final relevant investigation also came to nothing - well, you just need to know about this matter, don't tell anyone about it, or you will be accused of defamation."

...I'm sorry, acting store manager, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Before I go to the other side of freedom, I will definitely leave a huge sum of money as compensation and make a small program to give the store a high rating.

Conan was stunned.

Xiao Bai, who was listening on Chong Shi Subaru's shoulder, was also stunned.

"..." After receiving the news, Jiang Xia couldn't help but glance at the coffee cup next to her: saliva? No, after the fake shop manager made coffee just now, the ghosts watched the whole process. Originally, he hoped that the store manager would poison him with murderous intentions, but he just poured a lot more coffee powder into it.

In this case, why does Subaru feel that he cannot drink this cup of coffee?

Jiang Xia was thoughtful.

At the same time, he thought silently: Fortunately, the manager of this coffee shop is no longer here, and fortunately Conan is not the kind of trumpet who likes to spread bad things everywhere... Otherwise, in a few days, he might see the "top student spreads rumors about the shop, and the shop is brutally attacked" News about Chang poisoning and killing.

Subaru really took a huge risk in order to prevent them from drinking coffee...

Although Subaru's words were mixed with a lot of water, the effect of these words was immediate.

Conan forgot to ask further questions for a moment. He remembered the juice he had just taken a sip, and his face turned pale: ...Is the adult world so scary? But wait, I'm not a celebrity now, nor am I a "cute girl", so I shouldn't be within the range of the store manager's verbal attacks...

Subaru glanced at Conan's expression and realized that he had gotten through it for the time being.

Although it seems to hurt the fragile mind of the child, it is still better than Conan and Jiang Xia knowing too much and then being physically destroyed by Wu Zuo.

Subaru Chongmi patted the petrified child and said, "Go back."

Conan was agitated, and after regaining consciousness, he nodded with satisfaction.

The two men walked back to their seats.

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