Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1133 1132 [Unlucky Bourbon] Please vote for me (〃?〃

President Ohara, who had just left the table, returned to his seat at some point.

He accidentally spilled some water in the cup and wanted to find a handkerchief to dry it. However, he searched around for a long time and couldn't find the handkerchief.

After a moment, President Ohara seemed to remember something, slapped his forehead, and walked to the bathroom again - he forgot his handkerchief in it.

Ohara Yu passed by Conan and Okiya Subaru.

The two men with glasses turned back subconsciously and glanced at Ohara Yu's back with different thoughts.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the side.

Conan and Okiya Subaru were startled, and looked around. They saw Mao Lilan didn't know what they saw, with a frightened look on her face. She yelled in this direction: "Run!!"

While speaking, Mao Lilan stood up suddenly.

At the same time, Jiang Xia, who was sitting farther away, had pushed away the stool and ran over quickly.

Okiya Subaru's heart skipped a beat as he realized something was wrong. Despite the panic, he actually felt calm in his heart. Before his heart was pounding, he was suddenly pushed hard on the shoulder by Jiang Xia who ran closer. Conan next to him was also thrown out at the same time. The two war scum fell into a ball and rolled out on the ground with a grunt.

There was a loud "boom" behind him, which was deafening, and the whole cafe seemed to shake.


Okiya Subaru covered the head he hit, got up from the ground, and looked back.

Then I was shocked to find that half a truck had actually crashed into the cafe.

"……"truck? ?

A truck slid down the slope and slammed into the floor-to-ceiling window. The small half of the cafe was reduced to ruins.

The hardest hit place was the table where President Ohara and Toru Aida were sitting.

President Ohara just went to the bathroom to find a handkerchief and escaped.

But Toru Aida, who was trying to find a new job to pursue his ambitions, happened to have his back to the window, so he didn't see the truck at all and didn't have time to hide.

At this time, his hand was exposed from the gap between the truck and the broken bricks. It was pale and feeble, and it was already a dead hand.

In addition, next to him, under the ruins, another human figure was vaguely revealed.

——More than one person was hit by the truck.

Okiya Subaru was suddenly startled - the store manager and Ohara Yu were far away from the window, one was at the bar and the other was in the bathroom. Although Mao Lilan was still at the table, she was also not close to the window. The rest of him and Conan are fine, so the second victim...

Jiangxia——! !

...Damn Uzo!

Okiya Subaru couldn't help but punch the ground: Uzo actually attacked the detective! ! ...No, that position was actually more like hitting him and Conan, but Jiang Xia reacted too quickly...

The guilt in Okiya Subaru's heart surged up like a tidal wave.

He ran over quickly, trying to dig his benefactor out of the rubble and shake himself to see if he could be saved.

He held a large piece of the building on the ground and was about to lift it up. At this moment, someone suddenly patted him on the shoulder and handed him a pair of gloves: "Put this on. It's more efficient and less likely to scratch."

"Thank you."

Okiya Subaru took it and was suddenly stunned.

A second later, he turned around and looked at the person who was putting on another pair of gloves and reminding Mao Lilan to call the police for an ambulance. He instinctively ducked back and almost hit the ruins: "Jiang Xia?!"

Jiang Xia said "huh?" and before he fell into the ruins, he grabbed Okiya Subaru by his collar and pulled him out.

At the same time, he asked in surprise: "What's wrong? It's like seeing a ghost."

Okiya Subaru: "..."...Aren't you a ghost? !

Conan also got up from the ground. While looking for his glasses, he looked at Subaru Okiya and became suspicious again: There was something wrong with Mr. Okiya. The "spit" just now was really just an excuse, right? ——Okiya Subaru seems to be very sure that "someone wants to harm Jiang Xia." Just like the last time in the Twin Towers, Jiang Xia was reminded of the "sniper attack".

…Who is this person?

While Conan was secretly observing, Okiya Subaru gradually came back to his senses.

After all, he is still a highly educated materialist, and Jiang Xia has feet and shadows. When he steps on the broken wood, the wood does dent slightly, and he can reach out to lift him. No matter how he looks, he is a real living person. .

But, in this case, where did the extra corpse come from?

It was clearly noon when the sun was shining brightly, and there was a detective who was trying to ward off evil spirits standing next to him. Okiya Subaru couldn't help but feel the hair on his back.

Jiang Xia seemed to have the same doubt. But soon, he discovered a problem.

He leaned over and touched the two hands stretched out from the ruins: "Both have no pulse. But this extra person...has been dead for a short period of time."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and glanced at the bench next to him, with a knowing look in his eyes: "The bench here is hollow and can double as a locker - it seems that it was broken when the truck crashed in just now. The bench over here, so the bodies inside fell out.”

When Mao Lilan heard Jiang Xia's words, she felt goosebumps all over her body. She hugged her phone tightly: "Officer Sato, come quickly! We found two more deceased people near the case in the morning. I will send you the specific address right away!"

While she was talking, she suddenly felt a shadow rushing past her, moving as ethereal and as fast as a ghost.


Mao Lilan was startled, instinctively picked up the stool at hand and threw it hard.

"Boom" a muffled sound.

Hideshi Katsumura, who was running away, was unfortunately hit accurately. He rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground.

Jiang Xia glanced at him and found that there was no murderous intent in him, so he withdrew his gaze indifferently.

Everything is settled.

Except for President Ohara who was huddled in the corner and did not dare to speak, the remaining few people were all people who had never seen a murder case.

Panic returned to panic, and after confirming that it was not a ghost, the group of people quickly calmed down.

Okiya Subaru finally linked up the suspicions he had discovered earlier: "It seems that the acting store manager killed the store manager and then hid the body in the store... No wonder he always sneered sinisterly just now and deliberately brewed the coffee. It's so strange, it turns out I want to drive you away."

After figuring out the "corpse appearing out of thin air", the rest is nothing to be afraid of.

Jiang Xia looked at the cracked front window of the truck: "No one was in the car. It seems that it slipped down the slope... The store was hit like this, so it may not be safe. Let's get out first."

With that said, he picked up the fake store manager who fell unconscious and went outside with the others.

As soon as I reached the street, I suddenly saw a person running down the slope from a distance.

That person must be the driver of the unlucky truck. He was wearing an ordinary cargoman's uniform, but his exposed forearms had bronze skin that was very different from ordinary people. His body shape looked... somewhat familiar.


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