Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1134 1133 [Reflections of the live broadcast of the winery cadres] Please vote for me

The cafe where he was hit by a car happened to be near the Acupido Detective Agency.

As we all know, detectives, and the incidents that happen around detectives, are often the best providers of news traffic.

There were reporters squatting near the office, and the noise of the truck hitting the coffee shop was loud. So not long after, reporters rushed over.

Real-time reports on this incident also appeared on the website simultaneously.

Belmode returned home and was taking a leisurely bath in the bathtub when she suddenly felt her phone vibrate - there was a news push that interested her.

Wiping her hands, she opened it and saw the news about "Jiang Xia Meets New Eucalyptus Again".

Belmod glanced over it, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

She seemed to see Bourbon in the picture - it was the owner of the slippery truck.


The truck driver made a suspected operating error, causing the truck to slip and crash into a coffee shop, killing two people?

...The sense of déjà vu is so strong.

She had just experienced something similar not long ago.

Belmode thought of his car that was on a slope more than an hour ago and the child who was almost run over by the car. He tightened his fingers slightly: "..."

...If Xiaolan hadn't come out to stop the car at that time, Wu Zuo would definitely not have stepped forward to help. And her car crushed the child to death. Before there is evidence to prove that it was not her fault, she may have to be taken to the Metropolitan Police.

Although the boss would not order her to be killed because of this, I imagine it would not be a pleasant experience.

Belmod looked at Jiang Xia, who was looking upright in the live broadcast, and couldn't help but raise his hand and press his forehead: She regarded Wu Zuo as an ally, but Wu Zuo took the opportunity to throw her into a trap. Although she did think about killing Wu Zuo at first, but now...

Oh, what a grudge.

But then I thought about it, maybe Wu Zuo was just using her for training - and look at Bourbon, who wholeheartedly cultivated Jiang Xia as a subordinate, but every time he met Wu Zuo, he had to struggle on the edge of death... In comparison, Wu Zuo seemed to be very friendly to her?

Happiness sometimes depends on comparison.

Belmode looked at the mixed-race "truck driver" on the screen who was avoiding the camera intentionally or unintentionally, with his red lips slightly hooked, showing a gloating smile.

More than one person saw this live broadcast.

At the same time, a dark corner of Tokyo.

Gin is also watching remotely.

He didn't set a keyword reminder for the news, but there was someone beside him who was obviously very concerned about Wu Zuo's movements - as soon as Gin returned to the car after completing the transaction, he saw Vodka staring at the phone furtively, with quite complicated eyes. .

I happened to have some free time for a while, so Gin also took a look.

In the live broadcast, the unlucky "truck driver" was avoiding the camera that was coming towards him intentionally or unintentionally out of his professional instinct.

The center of the reporter's attention was obviously Jiang Xia, and Toru Amuro actually managed to avoid it. It's just that the truck that crashed into the cafe was driven by him after all, so he was still inevitably caught in a few shots.

Gin looked at Bourbon's frowning and evasive look, and couldn't help but sneered: "bourbon used to say that I didn't know what I was busy with all day long, and insinuated that I was inefficient. Now he has gotten his wish and has become better than me. I'm still busy - record it and send it to him, saying "Thank you for your hard work" by the way."…

After a pause, Gin thought of something, and said regretfully: "Forget it, this will expose our movements. Put it away first, and then show him one by one before he dies."

Vodka was startled: "Don't you need to call a sniper?"

No matter how you looked at it, Bourbon looked like he was about to be taken to the police station.

Accidental death would require imprisonment for several years at least. The organization would not allow a cadre to escape control for that long - either Bourbon would be kidnapped halfway, his social identity would be erased and he would become an underground member, or he would be killed directly. This is the normal way to deal with it.

Gin looked at Jiang Xia's expression in the live broadcast across the screen and tried to analyze the newcomer's thoughts: "Wu Zuo's attention right now is on Subaru. He should just be playing around with his subordinates. Bourbon It's incidental.

"And since Bourbon survived the last siege at the Twin Towers, Wu Zuo wouldn't let him die in a trivial scene like 'a car crashed into a store.' He must have just happened to find Bourbon. It was also around his stage, so I used it to trick him and collect Bourbon's reactions and responses to prepare for the serious assassination in the future.

"The reporter responsible for reporting was stopped outside by the police. What he said about 'the truck driver made a mistake' and 'killed two people' was just speculation - an ambulance just drove away, but all the bodies were still there. At the scene. Maybe there were two incidents happening in the store at the same time, and Wu Zuo beat the murderer of one of them. The stupid police officers who were confused by him were worried that reporters would report the beating, so they didn't let the camera get close."

Vodka: "..." The more I hear it, the more it makes sense. As expected of the eldest brother, he actually knows Wu Zuo so well... In this case, the eldest brother should not easily step into Wu Zuo's trap and kill an innocent driver for no reason.

The sense of security in Vodka's heart increased slightly.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think: after successfully passing through Wu Zuo's death level, there was the benefit of "avoiding daily death". Then he...

"..." Thinking of the building that exploded with thunder and flames in all directions, and the sports car that dangerously rushed to the roof of the opposite building, Vodka was silent for a moment, and then felt that it was actually better to live as usual.

——As long as Wu Zuo wanted to kill his eldest brother by hugging his thigh, it would not be that simple.

Bourbon is really good at hiding from the camera.

But far away from the discovery site, there was a sniper scope that captured his entire reaction.

——Not long after Akai Shuichi evacuated from the apartment, he received another message from Subaru asking for help, and he also heard that Wu Zuo was planning to assassinate Jiang Xia.

Recalling Subaru's "wolf is coming" statement, after a moment of silence, Akai Shuichi quickly turned back.

——Work hard and get through this period, send Subaru outside, and then he should be liberated.

Just because of the delay in the fatal accident at noon, Akai Shuichi lost track of Belmode.

So he temporarily put aside the affairs of Belmode and came to Cupido Town again.

As soon as I found a suitable sniper point, I glanced over and saw the thrilling scene of a truck crashing into the store.

Immediately afterwards, Akai Shuichi also saw the "truck driver" who hurried to the scene.


Having also been in an organization, Akai Shuichi also understood the possible consequences of today's "accident".

Akai Shuichi: "..." From this point of view, his former colleague's situation in the organization is really not good - just a few days after the last incident at the Twin Towers, Bourbon unexpectedly encountered another incident. When it comes to trouble...where did this person get into trouble with Wu Zuo?


Thanks to Mr. Huanyang for the reward (*^▽^*)

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