Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1150 1149 [Double-standard Uzo Cat]

Chapter 1149 1149 [Double-standard Uzo Cat]

Okiya Subaru: "..." Even if Jiang Xia has some habit of "feeling uncomfortable if he doesn't knock people". Assuming that it was as he thought, Jiang Xia was a cadre who could be on an equal footing with Wu Zuo... If he wanted to beat people for fun, the organization could easily whip up a lot of people for him to beat, so why take the risk and have a picnic outside.

...Maybe he is overthinking it. Jiang Xia beats people not for fun, but because he really hates those prisoners?

For a moment, Subaru Okiya seemed to have two villains fighting in his mind: one said that Jiang Xia was just a detective with a very personal personality; the other said that Jiang Xia was suspicious, very suspicious, and that there was something wrong with him.

"..." Speaking of which, Subaru Okiya suddenly thought: When Mr. Akai mentioned Jiang Xia before, his tone seemed a bit strange. Maybe he knew some inside stories?

When I get back, I can try to ask...

In any case, this possibility of "Essence is indeed a good person" made Subaru Okiya feel a little more relaxed than before.

So in my mind, the villain who advocated "Jiangxia's problem is not big" gained the upper hand again.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Thinking about it carefully, the reason why he climbed up to the attic and eavesdropped just now was because he received instructions from Usa Cat. If Jiang Xia and Uzuo are really partners, there is no need for Uzuo to cheat him like this.

...In comparison, this is more like Wu Zuo discovered that "his little brother wanted to run to hug Jiang Xia's thigh", so he deliberately let his little brother see the other side of Jiang Xia and sow discord.

Okiya Subaru: "..." In short, it's better not to think randomly before you have more basic materials.

He silently lowered his presence and followed Mao Lilan towards Misari Ito's house.

The two went up to the attic and found that the scene inside was quite harmonious.

The handcuffs of Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha have been pried open. The two of them shook their wrists and approached Kusukawa Taro to check his condition.

Jiang Xia found a piece of rope from somewhere and was working with Conan to tie up the three unconscious gangsters.

"It went really well. I didn't expect to get out of danger so easily." Hattori Heiji checked Taro Kusukawa's vital signs and found that they were quite stable, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

After a moment, he looked at Jiang Xia with curiosity: "Speaking of which, how did you find out that there was something wrong with Misari Ito?"

Conan also pricked his ears silently: when he first came to visit this "Ito" house, he could see the entrance hall from where he was, so he noticed the messy footprints on the ground.

But Jiang Xia couldn't see it from his perspective... Why did Jiang Xia think there was something wrong with Ito Misari, so much so that she decisively gave up going to the more suspicious abandoned building to investigate and turned back directly?

Jiang Xia looked around and picked out a dark cloud-stepping snow cat from behind the debris.

Then, with Subaru's trembling eyes, he stretched out his hand and pulled a small black listening device from the cat's neck:

"I'm actually not sure, but after the cat sneaked into this house, I vaguely heard some strange conversations."

As he said that, he pulled out an earphone from his pocket and shook it towards everyone, indicating that he had listened to the live broadcast before: This earphone is very small, and it is not obvious to hang on the ear. Conan had a glimpse of it once, and at the time he thought Jiang Xia was listening to the news - the news often broadcast some strange cases, and Conan himself often listened to it without thinking much about it.

At this time, Conan discovered the true use of the headphones. Conan was a little surprised. He squatted down and touched the cat's head, thinking thoughtfully: "Xiao Hei actually has such a wonderful use..."

Okiya Subaru's fingers trembled: How dare these people use Usa's cat as a tool cat? ! Mr. Akai didn't even dare to put a bug on a cat. Of course, it’s not that I don’t dare, I just feel it’s inappropriate…

Mao Lilan noticed his surprise and turned to look at him, thinking that the graduate student was surprised by the IQ of the black clouds and snow cat, and smiled:

"Little Hei is very smart and enthusiastic - once I forgot to bring my eraser to an exam, and he picked up a new one from nowhere and gave it to me. Because it was so cute, the teacher didn't take it seriously when he was walking around the classroom. Drive it out..."

Okiya Subaru: "..."

He stared down at the cat on the ground, wondering for a moment whether it was the cat he knew. Why is there such a huge difference in attitude towards high school students and towards him?

However, with this recollection, Okiya Subaru suddenly remembered: when he first met Xiao Hei and didn't know that it was Usa's cat, the cat seemed quite friendly.

Only later...

Okiya Subaru's mood was extremely complicated.

At the same time, thinking of his previous speculation that "Wu Zuo's aura is too strong to approach strangers and drop hints, so he asked Jiang Xia to take his place", he suddenly thought of more:

Maybe Uzo is actually using his cat to approach strangers? ——Let the cat get close to the target first, and then he will go over and talk to you as if nothing has happened. With such a pet, when others look at the cat owner, they will naturally put on a certain intimacy filter.

Moreover, Subaru Okiya thought carefully about the scene when he first saw Usa: Usa didn't seem so scary at that time, he looked like a college student who had just left society. It was later that his image gradually became terrifying.

Okiya Subaru: "..." By the way, there are those sunglasses.

Thinking about it carefully, every time he saw Uzo, he had a pair of sunglasses on his nose.

And things like sunglasses will undoubtedly have a great impact on a person's image: for example, some guys who look fierce will actually look harmless if they take off their sunglasses.

"..." To sum up, if Wu Zuo really wants to get close to the victims and guide the drama, then what he needs may not be Jiang Xia, but...

In Subaru's mind, a picture of Usa taking off his sunglasses holding a cat and approaching the innocent "actors" with a smile on his face slowly appeared... Suddenly he felt that this assumption made sense.

Okiya Subaru: "..." But, what does this have to do with him?

——Anyway, I will be traveling far away soon. These matters should be left to Mr. Akai to worry about...

He cut off his messy thoughts and stopped thinking about them. Be prepared to run away with peace of mind before the time comes.

But after thinking about it, I'm still a little curious...

"..." When we get back, we should ask Mr. Akai about Jiang Xia. I always feel like they all look very secretive...

Police cars and ambulances arrived quickly. Police and medical personnel rushed to the attic.

Taro Kusukawa was the most seriously injured and was carried into an ambulance.

Unfortunately, the gangsters woke up when the police arrived, and were separated and thrown into the police car.

The car door clicked shut, cutting off their bloody accusations against the high school detective, such as "intentional harm!" and "unscrupulous detective!"

Sato Miwako: "..."

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