Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1151 1150 [Case closed] Please vote for me (???`?)?

Chapter 1150 1150 [Case closed] Please vote for me (`)

The tired Officer Sato ordered his men to transport the gangsters away quickly to avoid being photographed too much by the reporters who were about to arrive.

Afterwards, she recalled the gangsters' accusations, her eyes twitched slightly, and she turned to look at Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia accidentally looked at her and was slightly startled. After a moment, the young detective suddenly flopped down on the sofa next to him, appearing to quickly fall into a deep sleep.

Sato Miwako: "...?"

...When did this kid unlock the new skill of pretending to sleep after getting into trouble? ?

She walked over, picked up the man and shook him, wanting to repeat again, "Don't beat prisoners who have lost the ability to resist."

But it failed to wake the person up. Jiang Xia seemed to be very determined in pretending to be asleep.

Conan remembered something and reminded her not to do useless work:

"It should be that the sleeping pills have taken effect - brother Jiang Xia accidentally drank the tea handed over by Misari Ito... Oh, Misari Ito is the female lawyer who planned all this. I'm afraid there was something in the tea."

"...Why do you drink the tea given to you by everyone?"

Sato Miwako sighed, put down the person in her hand again, and said thoughtfully: "No wonder Jiang Xia was a bit harsh this time, probably because he was worried about the sudden onset of the drug's effects... Well, reluctantly, it can be considered a reason."

Conan: "..."

He stopped talking for a moment, silently swallowed the clip that Jiang Xia had just raped and played with, and decided to seal it permanently.

...Anyway, Jiang Xia did save someone once again, and the three prisoners howled so loudly when they got into the police car just now. It can be seen that apart from a little pain, there is actually nothing serious... Just take it as it is. Bar.

Conan: "..." Speaking of which, it seems that there have been several times before: Jiang Xia clearly took sleeping pills by mistake, but still beat others strong enough before falling asleep... The timing of the pinch was too precise, this guy really wasn't You are completely resistant to sleeping pills, so you drink them deliberately. Firstly, you can paralyze the enemy, and secondly, you can pretend to be asleep at the right time and leave the mess to others to clean up?

Conan looked at the remaining black tea on the coffee table and became curious. For a moment, he wanted to see what the effect would be if he drank it.

However, at this time, the personnel of the forensic department were gathering evidence around the teacup, and it was impossible for him to drink it even if he thought about it... Conan touched his chin and left with a little regret.

Before Okiya Subaru left, he took out his cell phone and took a look. I didn't see the relevant instructions from Uzo.

Looking around again, he saw that Uzo Cat was not paying attention to him, and was having fun with the high school students.

Okiya Subaru: "..." It seems that I can leave, is it finally over...

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and while no one was paying attention to him, he said hello to Mao Lilan, who seemed to be the most talkative, and quietly left on the pretext of going back to catch up on the progress of his thesis.

Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha were also sent to the ambulance - although they seemed to be fine, they had been rolling around in the robbers' den after all, especially Hattori Heiji who had been beaten mercilessly and needed to be checked. .

After finishing the examination, I went to visit Taro Kusukawa who was sent to the inpatient area. When the two of them were about to leave the hospital, it was already dark.

Jiang Xia had already woken up and was waiting at the door of the hospital, looking in good spirits.

The Maori family also came over, as if they were waiting to pick them up.

Seeing two Osaka high school students coming out, the group quickly reunited and walked to the parking lot.

"Want to stay at my house?"

Mao Lilan enthusiastically extended an invitation to Yuan Shan and Ye, hoping to entertain her well and wash away the psychological shadow that may have been caused by today's kidnapping incident - I heard that the gangster actually wanted to cut off He Ye's fingers and ears, and almost did so. I really took action... Fortunately, I didn't succeed in the end.

Yuan Shan and Ye did sit on the cold and hard floor of the attic all afternoon today, and they were very tired.

She yawned and shook her head regretfully: "My luggage is still in the hotel near the station. Hattori said the matter was extremely urgent at the time, so we dropped our things nearby and went to find Mr. Kusukawa - we were too tired today and were too lazy Move the place, I will go to your house to find you after checking out tomorrow."

Hattori Heiji followed a few people and listened silently to their conversation: "..." Look for whatever you are looking for. Anyway, Kusukawa's matter has been resolved, and he is not in the mood to play for the time being, so it is better to go back directly.

...Although he really wanted to say it, if he really said it, it would be like he was hiding something.

Hattori Heiji didn't say anything, just touched his chin, thoughtfully: Speaking of which, in fact, he hasn't finished his homework yet. It's normal for him to go home directly to catch up on his homework until tomorrow.

Xiaobai put his hands on Jiang Xia's shoulders, his eager eyes flickering back and forth between the several high school students.

Suddenly catching a glimpse of Hattori Heiji's expression that looked like he was breathing a sigh of relief, he suddenly became alert and quietly leaned into Jiang Xia's ear, muttering a secret.

Jiang Xia turned around.

Hattori Heiji, who was making up an excuse to run away: "!"

Jiangxia fell two steps behind and walked to Hattori Heiji's side. His voice was gentle: "I'm so sorry that Tokyo is such a mess... If you are scared by what happened today, why don't you go home and have a good rest, and come over to play again when you recover?"

Hattori Heiji's eyes twitched: "...Who would be scared by such a small scene!"

"That's good." Jiang Xia showed a friendly smile, "Go out and visit more these days. In fact, there are still many good people in Tokyo."

Hattori Heiji forced himself to nod: "...You don't have to say that."

... Damn it, now that we have said it, even if something really happens, it will be hard to go back tomorrow. Jiang Xia can't really read minds. Why is it that every time I want to do something, he always cuts me off.

Hattori Heiji: "..." I am not really afraid of Jiang Xia, nor do I have any objections to Jiang Xia.

However, as a detective who loves solving mysteries and solving crimes, he really has no life experience staying next to Jiang Xia.

——It’s almost like when reading a mystery novel. The conspiracies one after another have just brought the atmosphere to a climax. Before the mystery fan can appreciate the mysteries, a hand suddenly stretched out from beside him, and under the name of one of the people He drew a circle on it and wrote a few big blood-red characters in front of him: "This is the murderer."

Then he started to read the answer, explaining the techniques without any twists and turns.

Hattori Heiji: "..." This feeling of sudden stop, after countless practices, seems to have been engraved in the DNA. Just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable.

...However, having said everything just now, it would be really ugly to run away now.

We can only make do with this for now.

Fortunately, this time, they were just here to play. They could just have fun for two days and go back. I hope they wouldn't encounter any strange and disappointing cases along the way... Hattori Heiji sighed in his heart and silently prayed.

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