Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 102 Are you dating me?

Jiang Xia looked at Dianshan Thirteen with complicated eyes and silently stepped away.

Then he pointed to the bandage wrapped around Dianshan Shisan's finger: "That should be the 'string' he used to tie the knife. The blood of the deceased should be detectable on it."

Dianshan Shisan looked at his hands, then at his legs, and was stunned.

... Something is wrong, this development is not right.

It was obvious that Jiang Xia believed that evil should not be suppressed, so he continued to point out that there was blood on his calf, and then he sneered and pinched the pants on his calf, saying that the "blood stains" Jiang Xia saw were actually his pants being burned and exposing his lower body. Dark underwear, and then others began to doubt Jiang Xia's reasoning, but why...

Jiang Xia looked at Dianshan Shisan's shocked face and was at a loss for words for a moment. He dared to wrap the murder props in such a conspicuous position and wander around. Isn't it natural for someone to point it out? This person actually had the nerve to be surprised.

Dianshan Shisan turned to stone for a while, looked at the approaching police, and let out an angry roar. He felt that he had been fooled - Jiang Xia knew that he had the evidence, but just now he only looked at his calves, this insidious bastard detective!

Dianshan Shisan suddenly pushed away two passerby police officers and rushed towards Jiang Xia, wanting to punch Jiang Xia to vent his anger. Moreover, Jiang Xia happened to be standing near the door, which would knock Jiang Xia away later and allow him to escape.

Conan's expression suddenly changed when he saw Dianshan Thirteen's actions.

He was not afraid that Jiang Xia would be beaten, but that Jiang Xia couldn't help but knock Dianshan Shisan over, and then brutally beat the person half to death on the spot. From then on, he would be known as "abusive lynching" by the police and the media.

——Although the police had seen criminals beaten by Jiang Xia before, when they arrived at the scene, Jiang Xia had basically finished beating him. In that case, a prisoner who was not dead, coupled with Jiang Xia's innocent expression of "I was wrong, I'll pay attention next time", could barely fool him by acting bravely.

But if Jiang Xia is not careful, he will broadcast a live broadcast to the police...

Conan thought of Jiang Xia's strange state of pleasure when he hit people, gritted his teeth, and suddenly raised his wrist, trying to stun the strong man before Jiang Xia took action, or simply stun Jiang Xia.

However, before he could fire the anesthesia needle, Officer Sato, who had been prepared for it, let out a clear roar, and as fast as an afterimage, he caught up with Toyama Shisan, and picked him up from behind and threw him in a hug.

Dianshan Thirteen was hit hard on the ground, rolled his eyes, twitched twice, and stopped moving.

Fei Yingli stood in front of Jiang Xia and glanced coldly at the knocked unconscious murderer. After confirming that the man had completely lost his ability to move, she stopped her plan to throw him over her shoulder.

The passers-by police officers were glared at by Sato and finally came to their senses. They quickly ran closer and handcuffed the murderer.

At the same time as the metal clicked together, the shikigami on Toyama Thirteen's legs relaxed and floated to the ground.

Before the shikigami could be spread flat on the ground, it had already been carried by Miyano Akemi and Xiaobai Yigui, and was transported to Jiang Xia's feet like an offering.

Wutiangou wasn't very familiar with the process, so his reaction was a bit slow and he didn't get involved.

It flew over with Miyano Akemi and Xiaobai, then flew back, hovering in the air for a while, then suddenly realized, and hammered the palm of its hand.

Before Jiang Xia bent down to pick up the shikigami, Kiritengu swooped down to pick up the shikigami, flew it to Jiang Xia's hand, and stuffed the shikigami into Jiang Xia's hands.

Jiang Xia pinched the new shikigami in her hand and gave the considerate Kiritengu a hundred points. From now on, he no longer has to deliberately wear shoes with laces - with this new ghost that climbs extremely fast, he no longer has to pretend to tie his shoes and pick up ghosts.

Got the ghost I wanted. Jiang Xia suddenly lost interest in this part-time job.

It happened that this store was far away from Conan's house, and the store manager had seen relatively few murders. At this time, a person suddenly died tragically in the store. The murderer was a friend of the store owner. He was in a gloomy mood and no longer had the mood to continue business, leaving only Several familiar old employees helped to let the part-time clerk get off work early.

Sato's hug was very powerful, and the police dragged Toyama Shisan, who was still suffering from mosquito-repellent incense, into a police car.

This time, Jiang Xia had picked up the ghost. He no longer insisted on taking notes immediately, but made an appointment with Concubine Yingli and Conan at the same time.

Maybe something will happen on the way there...

The case was solved, and the melon-eating crowd gathered in front of the store gradually dispersed, revealing Mao Lilan's figure.

Mao Lilan was carrying a box of cakes, and there was another person standing next to him. Jiang Xia found that this was an acquaintance - Suzuki Sonoko.

Suzuki Sonoko was dressed beautifully today. When she saw Jiang Xia coming out of the store, her eyes lit up and she waved happily to say hello.

Suzuki Garden heard a little about the past from Mao Lilan.

She originally wanted to comfort Jiang Xia, who had met a murder case again, but before she could walk over, someone suddenly rushed in front of her.

Playboy struck a pose, flipped up his hair, and looked at Sonoko Suzuki affectionately: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, something happened just now."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

...Oh yes, she seems to have an appointment with this person today.

When I saw Jiang Xia just now, I almost forgot about it.

——A while ago, Suzuki Sonoko went on a trip and met this playboy on the way. Brother Hua took out the professional level 8 seductive skills that Wanhua Cong had used and dealt with her. Suzuki Sonoko had never seen this attitude before, so she agreed to a date in a daze.

But now...

Suzuki Sonoko rubbed her chin awkwardly and fell into deep thought.

——Place this "charming playboy" next to Jiang Xia. I don't know why, but most of the mature aura that attracted her in the first place suddenly disappeared.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Playboy, focusing on the strange water stains on his body that she didn't know where, and she felt reticent in her heart. But she also felt that it would be unkind to go back on her word, and she couldn't say something like "cancel the date."

She looked at Jiang Xia hesitantly, suddenly looking forward to the wonderful scene of two people competing for her - as long as Jiang Xia showed a little expression, she could decline the date with Playboy on the grounds of "Sorry, I have a date with a friend."

After all, she made an appointment with Brother Hua an hour ago, and now, due to an unexpected incident, the agreed time has passed. Strictly speaking, she cannot be considered as skipping the appointment without authorization.

——Suzuki Sonoko did some mental construction for herself in this way, and continued to look at Jiang Xia expectantly.

Then he was shocked to find that Jiang Xia not only had no intention of stopping him, but had "Take me with you" written all over his face. Moreover, he grabbed Conan who was passing by and pushed Conan in front of her like he was selling a product. He seemed to want to take Conan with him.

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes twitched.

After a moment, she suddenly felt a little ashamed. She thought that Jiang Xia might have mistaken her "date" with Playboy for a pure "date" at the elementary school level like "hanging out with a few friends"...

Hey, wait.

In this case, it is better to follow Jiang Xia's idea and change this date into an ordinary gathering of friends. In this way, you can not offend anyone, but you can also naturally refuse the playboy's possible request for dating.

The more Suzuki Sonoko thought about it, the more she felt it was OK and started talking.

Conan was inexplicably pulled by Jiang Xia. He raised his head and looked around in confusion, and his eyes fell on the playboy who was gazing lovingly at Suzuki Sonoko.

Seeing him, Conan's eyes suddenly narrowed.

——Just now, he mistakenly thought that the playboy was Mao Lilan's date, so his first impression of this person was very bad, and he observed him emphatically, so he overheard a lot of things.

Conan was holding back his secret anger because he had no chance to reason. At this moment, he looked at Playboy and suddenly said in a sinister tone:

"Brother, I don't quite understand what you said just now. Why do you think women are difficult just because you didn't find the right way? You find excuses to push her away first, but after one night she will definitely be devoted to you." Why do you push others down? If that person is not angry, he will still like you? Huh? Why? Why on earth is this? "

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