Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 103: What bad intentions can Haiyuan Ai have? More updates to

Chapter 103 What bad intentions could Hui Yuan Ai have? More updates to the leader of the alliance [A Hundred Steps to the Sun]

Playboy: "...!!!" What he was chatting on the phone with his friends was actually overheard by this little kid!

You can say this to your friends, but never to your prey. The playboy's eyes twitched when he was asked, and he rushed towards Conan with a guilty conscience, wanting to first shut up the mouth of this nagging child, and then slowly explain to Suzuki Sonoko.

However, before he could meet anyone, Conan suddenly took off on the spot - Jiang Xia picked up Conan's collar from behind and moved the person to the other side.

The playboy pounced but failed. He originally wanted to chase him, but he inadvertently saw the look in Jiang Xia's eyes at this moment. His movements suddenly froze and he froze in place.

Almost at the same time, a slap hit his face.

Suzuki Sonoko has never seen pig running but has eaten pork - she understood the meaning of the words Conan recited, and she was almost furious - what a mature and charming adult... shameless, tui! Anyone who goes beyond holding hands on a first date is a hooligan! This is completely different from her ideal romantic encounter!

After Suzuki Sonoko beat up the playboy, she felt very embarrassed for trusting such a scumbag. She couldn't care less about the sweet date and turned away angrily.

The playboy was slapped on the face in front of everyone, and he looked fierce for a moment.

However, he had just stared at Suzuki Sonoko's back, and before he could do anything, he suddenly felt a chill behind him again.

The playboy was stunned. After a moment, he secretly turned his head and saw that when he was staring at Suzuki Sonoko, Jiang Xia was also staring at him silently. Jiang Xia's eyes looked indescribably dangerous, but at the same time there seemed to be a little hidden expectation. Her eyes with complex meanings scanned him carefully, as if she was looking for something.

The playboy's back felt hairy when he was stared at, his face turned pale, he forced himself to snort, and hurried away.

Jiang Xia watched him walk away with a little disappointment. After searching for a long time, I couldn't find any trace of murderous intent in this flower brother. It seems that sometimes people are too timid, which is not an advantage...

Jiang Xia regretfully let go of the hand holding the stick secretly, and left indifferently.

Because there was a sudden murder in the store, today's part-time job was cancelled. Jiang Xia returned to work in the office.

At times like this in the past, Miyano Akemi would usually find a place to spread out and show off herself.

But today, she kept floating around, looking like an anxious person pacing left and right.

The ghost fetus is released a long distance. However, as the distance and time increase, the energy consumed will also increase accordingly.

If Miyano Akemi is left next to Shirley, who is now Haibara Ai, the ghosts will most likely go hungry in the future.

When you don't have enough survival materials, it's better not to do those fancy things... And as the saying goes, things are rare and valuable. Compared with staring at your sister every day, the surprises brought by looking at your sister every other day may be more valuable. More, it can also develop sustainably.

Thinking this way, Jiang Xia felt a lot more at ease.

He turned around, chose a direction where Miyano Akemi could not be seen, and continued to sit down with customers without any worries.

When it was time to get off work, Jiang Xia returned home. Decided to take Miyano Akemi to the doctor's house to check on the situation, and find an opportunity to gently remind Haibara Ai not to tear off his vest.

But of course you can’t go directly.

Dr. Ali usually comes to him with inventions, or drags him to his home to see new inventions. Jiang Xia rarely takes the initiative to go to the doctor.

If Haihara Ai had just arrived, he would have gone there without any reason... I always felt that this kind of behavior would pave the way for the revelation that "Jiang Xia knows members of the black organization and knows that she is now at the doctor's house" in the future.

Although this kind of behavior can never be used as evidence, and it is difficult for normal people to associate the two things together, it is undeniable that this is indeed a "clue."

The doctor will definitely not notice the clues, but there is a Conan who is good at picking off horses near the doctor. Now that Conan can't get any opportunities for reasoning, it will be even more troublesome if he changes his profession and specializes in picking off vests.

So Jiang Xia thought about it, went to the basement, picked a lucky soldering iron at random, broke it, and created a suitable reason for herself.

Before going out, Jiang Xia casually grabbed a box of hardcover instant noodles from the carton beside the coffee table as a door-to-door gift, and took them straight to the doctor's house.

As a well-known tech geek, Dr. Agasa was indeed at home. At this time, he was discussing his new invention with Ai Haihara.

Hui Yuan Ai was a little absent-minded. She just escaped from death yesterday, and she still hasn't recovered yet today and lacks energy.

Now she will patiently accompany the doctor to see the invention, firstly because the doctor takes great care of her.

The second reason is that when she first woke up yesterday, she was a little frightened by the memory before she fainted. So when she opened her eyes and saw the doctor pushing the door open, she was so scared that she threw an ornament at the doctor.

She threw it incorrectly, but the doctor was fine, but the ornaments fell apart. The old man covered his face and screamed. He squatted down in distress and picked up the pieces of the machine bit by bit with tears in his eyes.

Shirley was still gritting her teeth and watching carefully, but after watching for a while, her conscience suddenly hurt a little.

She picked up a pillow and put it in front of her, carefully recalling Xiaobai's threats to her before she fainted. At that time, Xiaobai seemed to have said something like "Don't mention me to anyone after you wake up" and "If you run away, you will Kill everyone who comes into contact with you."

When these words are spoken alone, the threat is very obvious. However, at this time, Xiaobai was not in front of her, and Shirley could not sense his aura. When she thought of Xiaobai's appearance, her nervousness dissipated a little unconsciously.

But thanks to this, Shirley was able to avoid fear and think normally.

——Judging from Xiaobai’s words, since he doesn’t want to be mentioned, it means that the old man picking up machine parts in front of him is not an anonymous accomplice.

So...why would you give yourself to this old man? Could it be that in addition to his low tear point and strange taste in choosing decorations, is there anything else special about him?

While Shirley looked at them probingly, Dr. Ali collected the fragments of the machine ornaments and planned to save them when he was free in the future.

He stood up and briefly asked about Shirley. Afterwards, he handed the piece of coffee candy to Shirley, and did not forget to send a message to Xiaobai: "That kid asked me to remind you not to forget what you said before."

To the Doctor, this is just a cute interaction between two kids... well, a kid and a fake kid. He didn't think twice about it.

Shirley carefully observed the doctor's expression and found that he really seemed to regard Xiaobai as just an ordinary child.

After hesitating for a moment, Shirley stretched out her hand and took the coffee candy with a complicated expression. She put the candy in the palm of her hand, poked the package and found that the candy inside had broken into pieces.

Shirley stared at the sugar, lost in thought.

Xiaobai asked the doctor to send a message to remind her not to run away, which was barely thoughtful. But a piece of candy was specially sent, or a piece of broken candy... This is a bit difficult to guess.

... Could it be that Xiaobai wanted to imitate the "If you disobey the order, it will look like this" scene in those cartoons, warning her that if she dares to disobey, she will be broken into pieces like this candy?

emmm... Is it because Xiaobai doesn't even let go of a piece of candy, or because he actually thinks that using candy can threaten people.

Nothing seems to make people nervous.

Even if she was taken advantage of by that mysterious anonymous organization, even if she was secretly injected with anesthesia, even if she was harshly spoken to... But from this point of view, Xiaobai is still a child who unfortunately suffers from chuunibyou...

Shirley sighed and cursed the Anonymous Organization in her heart.

It just so happened that she hadn't eaten for a long time and now she was very hungry. After scolding, she looked at the candy in her hand, tore open the package, poured the crushed candy into her mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.'s quite fragrant.

But still hungry.

The doctor looked at her actions, reacted quickly, and left the room quickly: "You rest first, I will get you something to eat."

Shirley nodded behind him, slumped back on the bed, and stared at the ceiling in trance.

Forget it, it’s here. She had nowhere else to go anyway.

Although the purpose of the Anonymous Organization is temporarily unclear, at least the environment here is much better than the organization's gas chamber.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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