Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1197 1196 [Flash of inspiration] Additional update to the leader [Watching

Junior Zuomu, who was pedaling his bicycle in front, didn't know whether he was naive enough not to notice anyone following him, or whether he had heard Uzuo's analysis beforehand.

In short, he didn't seem to pay much attention to the movements around him, nor did he look back at the following car. Just like on an outing, leisurely carrying that key videotape, riding a bicycle to the distance.

Soon, he came to a tunnel and continued moving forward through the tunnel.

It's difficult to follow in the tunnel, but Vodka didn't come alone. He quickly picked up the walkie-talkie: "Car No. 2, go to the south exit of Jiucheng Tunnel."

In the distance, a car made a detour and quickly lurked there, preparing to follow it in a relay.

However, when Junior Sagi came out, the policeman was stunned. He stared at the empty basket of the bicycle: "Police! The video tape is missing!"

"?!" Vodka was startled, suddenly remembered something, and turned around suddenly - just now, a motorcycle came from the opposite direction of them, and went to the other side as if passing by.

Before, Vodka thought it was just a passer-by, but now it seems... that person is probably the guy who came to hand over to Saoki. By the way, Uzo seems to like riding motorcycles, and I have met him several times late at night!

"Surround that motorcycle!" Vodka ordered again. In addition to himself, he actually brought out three other cars. At this time, Vodka cleverly placed himself at the end, allowing the other three groups of cars to catch up.

The wailing sirens, mixed with the sound of motorcycle engines, disturbed the quiet suburbs.

Several cars passed by at high speed on the street. After a life-and-death chase, the police car finally succeeded in forcing the motorcycle to stop.

Vodka hid in the distance, looking at the motorcyclist who was controlled by the police and pushed to the ground. He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a sense of incredible joy - he, he did it, he actually caught Uzo!

"Hurry, take it back quickly!" Vodka couldn't help but be excited. At the same time, I was a little confused, how could I do it so easily? So just doesn't seem real.

A moment later, the subordinate's hesitant voice came from the intercom: "Jingjing, this person... doesn't seem to be Jiang Xia."


Vodka was stunned.

He quickly ran closer, looked down, and saw that after the rider's helmet was taken off, the person revealed was a gangster with dyed red hair. He was not Uzo at all.

"..." The ecstasy in my heart suddenly disappeared, and Vodka stayed there for a long time.

——Although judging from the situation reported by the police, the police had encountered Belmod who had not changed his appearance, so Vodka guessed that Belmod's disguise could not be used here... But at this time, he still couldn't help but With a glimmer of hope, he reached out and grabbed the man's face.

The little gangster who was still looking arrogant was suddenly stunned.

After a moment, his indifferent expression suddenly turned into panic: "Pervert! What do you want to do?!"

The subordinates were also stunned for a moment: "Police surveillance, you..."

In the eyes of passers-by who don't know the existence of "disguise", suddenly reaching out and grabbing someone's face doesn't look like a normal person.

When vodka's reputation among policemen continued to be persecuted.

On the slope halfway up the mountain in the distance.

The two people sat in the car and looked at the chaotic scene over there from a distance. Belmode smiled a little: "That guy is quite useful. He managed to escape so far before being caught up."

The unlucky guy who was chased as "Uzo" was naturally just a passerby who liked racing. It was Belmode who found help through facial recognition. Although she was also targeted by the police, the police did not catch her committing the crime after all. evidence, it was impossible to issue a wanted warrant for her.

Therefore, in the eyes of most passers-by, Belmode is still just a beautiful ordinary citizen.

She casually glanced at the scene outside, lowered her head and continued to unpack.

——The paper bag in Sagi’s bicycle basket disappeared, of course not because it was given to the motorcyclist. Instead, Sagi hid it in his clothes when he entered the tunnel.

Just now, Sagi and the motorcyclist passed each other in the tunnel and did nothing. It was only because the video tape in Sagi's bike basket suddenly disappeared after exiting the tunnel that the police mistakenly concluded that the video tape had been handed over to the motorcyclist.

After opening it, Belmode checked the paper bag and found that there was no strange thing attached to it, so he threw it away and looked at the videotape again.

This time, she quickly discovered the problem - there was a small metal button attached to an inconspicuous position on the edge of the inner box cover.

"The transmitter." She tore off the piece of attachment, flicked it onto the car when it passed by, and watched it drive away with the car. "Sure enough, it was tampered with."

It’s not surprising that the video tape was tampered with, just fix it.

After a quick inspection, Belmode stepped on the accelerator and left quickly.

Jiang Xia took the video tape from her hand, looked at the light, and suddenly said: "There is another one."

"Huh?" Belmode raised his eyebrows in surprise and turned to look over.

Jiang Xia raised her hand and tapped the lower right corner of the video tape: "Someone disassembled the video tape, installed the transmitter on the inside of the casing, covered it with the outside texture, and then reassembled it."

"So the transmitter hidden in the 'hidden place' outside is just a cover to trick us into letting down our guard?" Belmode clicked his tongue, thoughtfully, "It's really insidious. I kind of underestimate this group of policemen. ”

Jiang Xia laughed and touched the small box in his pocket. He said nothing and seemed to have no intention of dealing with the videotape.

Belmode continued to drive forward, and a minute later, a car passed by them, carrying Gin who had escaped the police's pursuit.

After previously talking to Junior Saoki on the phone to discuss how to hand over the videotape, Jiang Xia also took the time to contact Gin.

The two cars paused briefly as they crossed each other.

Jiang Xia threw the video tape into the car next door through the car window: "Be sure to keep it - it can catch very useful things."

Gin snorted coldly, thinking of the torture tools he had specially prepared when he recently guest-starred as a professional intelligence officer, and showed a dark sneer: "The weight of that fish, it's best not to disappoint me."

Vodka was immersed in the disappointment of "thinking that he caught Uzo but actually he didn't" for a while. Suddenly he remembered something, came back to his senses, and became angry.

The police station next to him was surprised by his change and asked in confusion: "...Police? What's wrong?"

Vodka smiled: "It's not over yet."

Uzo was almost blinded by the sight of Uzo.

——Thinking about it calmly, his plan was not to capture Uzo during the transaction, but...

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