Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1198 1197 [Vodka’s Horse Drop] Add more updates to the leader [

Vodka took out an old laptop and opened the screen.

The screen lit up, and a simple map quickly refreshed on it. Among them, a small red dot flashes continuously - in this world, this is already considered a very high-end technology.

Vodka secretly thought: People as sharp as Uzo must be more sensitive to changes in the environment than they are. Maybe Uzo is used to the atmosphere here and is not used to this relatively "high-tech" for a while. .

After lighting up the screen, Vodka was even more convinced - the two transmitters were separated and both were moving.

Uzo probably didn’t bring any tools that could remove the casing of the video tape. Even Uzo wouldn’t destroy such an important puzzle-solving tool easily. Perhaps Uzo relaxed his vigilance after discovering a transmitter. Didn't find the second one...

No matter what, it is always right to follow them and take a look: "Investigate along these two directions, and be sure to pay attention to concealment."

Following the investigation, one of the transmitters was quickly ruled out. It was stuck to an ordinary vehicle that had nothing to do with Jiang Xia.

The other one soon came to fruition.

"Nishimachi Art Museum?"

For the sake of his own happy life in the future, Vodka was too busy to even bother to eat a decent meal. At this time, he was picking up his lunch box and was a little surprised: "What is he doing here?"

"There is a concert by Eimi Murata here today, and the host is Katsura Hengping." The boys were obviously busy with him and checked a lot of information, "Speaking of which, Katsura Hengping happened to be the host of the banquet on the day Mr. Tachibana passed away. , the two deceased persons in front, Mr. Omura and Mr. Shi Ren, were also guests on that day of the banquet."

Vodka felt more at ease: "It seems that Gui Hengping is Jiang Xia's next target..."

In this case, the person on the transmitter should be Jiang Xia.

"Before Gui Hengping rushed to the scene, he laid an ambush there secretly. As soon as Jiang Xia appeared, he quickly captured the person." Vodka didn't have time to eat, so he stood up in a hurry like a model worker. "Otherwise, when he gets the tools to remove the video tape, Or after killing Gui Hengping, it will be too late."

Soon, a large number of plainclothes police officers silently infiltrated inside and outside the Nishimachi Art Museum.

Vodka did not go in himself, but secretly directed his younger brother to rush ahead, not wanting to meet Uzo head-on.

Before Gui Hengping arrived at the venue, a group of police officers quickly locked a room based on the general instructions on the transmitter and close inspection.

Vodka was sitting in the car, with a laptop next to him and a walkie-talkie in his hand, his eyes serious with a hint of nervousness.

Soon, under his gaze, the intercom light came on.

"Police, we have completed the break-in! It's just..."

"..." Just what?

Vodka suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"It's just..." The police department sighed, as if he was a little embarrassed, and lowered his voice, "It's just that the person here is not Jiang Xia, but Mr. Kurosawa - he said he had never seen Jiang Xia, but just picked it up on the roadside. Here comes the discarded videotape. We can't take him back because of this..."

...Kurosawa? !

Vodka's mind buzzed - this, isn't this gin? !

"..." Brother Gin unexpectedly connected with Uzo at some point, and judging from the current situation, it doesn't look like Uzo didn't notice the transmitter in the videotape - he was completely prepared. !

Vodka suddenly had a bad feeling and decided to run away first.

He was about to start the car, but at this moment, something knocked lightly on the window.

Vodka turned his head sharply and faced the black muzzle of a gun through the non-bulletproof glass.

Outside the window, Uzo was wearing a light-colored shirt and a baseball cap on his head. The sun was too bright to look like himself. Not to mention the police officers who entered the venue to suppress him, Vodka was almost unrecognizable at first glance.

"Are you having fun, distinguished Mr. Police Officer?" Jiang Xia put his finger on the trigger casually, and the old gun seemed to be ready to go off at any time. He looked like he had seen a ghost in the vodka, and showed a friendly smile to him, "Come out Let’s chat – don’t be nervous, I just want to ask you a few quick questions and it will be over soon.”

Vodka: "..."

...I-I don’t want to go out!

Although I really don’t want to go.

But in the end, Vodka could only open the car door and walked out with humiliation.

There is no way, the vehicle is not bulletproof, and Uzo is not a good person who pities the police. If he really slips...

Vodka shuddered and decided to cooperate first.

Vodka: "..." Fortunately, Uzo didn't seem to recognize who he was. And now, Uzo and the others should have many things to ask themselves, and they won't kill anyone in a short time.

And after that, when we meet up with Brother Gin, there may be a glimmer of hope.

——At this time, Vodka was suddenly glad that he had not given the order to "shoot Jiang Xia to death immediately when he saw him", but planned to wait until the person was actually caught before doing something secretly... Although the original intention was to avoid the police image. ooc, his true identity was discovered by his teammates, but unexpectedly, this now became a life-saving straw.

Vodka's mind was racing and he tried to think back: Yes, he was actively arresting Uzo just to scare this little devil who always played with the lives of his colleagues.

——Although the organization does not allow cadres to kill each other, they are just stumbling upon each other in private, which is actually quite normal.

Not to mention Belmode, who is a meat grinder for his teammates, Brother Gin often looks on coldly at those guys who dissatisfied him. He will often watch in a good mood as people like Bourbon step into some fatal traps, and even I don’t mind giving it a push in secret…

Vodka secretly thought: Although his status is obviously not comparable to these two people. But theoretically speaking, the things he did were also to a lower degree.

In short, there is one thing that must be insisted on - arresting Wu Zuo himself is definitely not to lock people in a dark room secretly. He just wanted to sit down and have a peaceful and friendly conversation with Uzo, so that through this contact, he could show him all the case information in an open and honest manner.

As for why he didn't contact his teammates... Judging from the killing efficiency of the real murderer, I'm afraid the real murderer's mole is hiding next to Brother Gin. If he rashly contacts Gin, he might alert the enemy.

As for Uzo and Belmod, they have been missing since they entered the game, hiding like shadows in the city. There seems to be no other way to find them except a massive search... Yes, that's it!

After Vodka determined the general idea of ​​​​whitewashing, he began to use his words desperately to ensure that he could cut through the key points and successfully escape from the situation of being shot to death by his angry teammates.

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