Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 107 But what did Guigui do wrong?

Dr. A Li was startled.

After being in contact with her for so long, he had already become a little aware of Hui Yuan Ai's dark potential.

At this time, Haihara Ai suddenly made such a request, and the doctor suddenly felt that Conan was going to be unlucky.

However, he didn't think that Hui Yuan Ai wanted to kill Conan - he would have done it long ago. In fact, if Haibara Ai hadn't concealed the fact that "Kudo Shinichi is not dead" from the organization, Conan would have been buried long ago.

Thinking of this, Dr. Ali nodded and decisively sold one of his neighbors - although Shinichi might be tricked by Xiao Ai, it was a life-saving grace. Moreover, Xiao Ai is so cute and sensible, and her cooking is delicious, so she must be very measured...

Seeing that the doctor agreed, Haibara Ai felt much more relaxed.

She suddenly rushed to Jiang Xia's house just now, which was really suspicious. The doctor is pretty easy to fool, but what if the doctor and Kudo Shinichi bring this up...

After all, Kudo Shinichi is a famous detective. Maybe he can get a clue and guess that "Jiang Xia knows scientists who defected from the organization."

This would run counter to Jiangxia's desire to "not reveal the identity of the organization that beats workers."

And now, she proposes to let herself get in touch with Conan, so before she takes the initiative, Dr. Ali will definitely avoid all topics related to "Haihara Ai" when communicating with Conan, which of course also includes "Haihara Ai". Yuan Ai heard some information and went out in a panic to chase Jiang Xia."

...According to her observations during this period, the doctor's memory is not very good. In a few days, he will almost forget all about it.

Hui Yuan Ai touched his chin and nodded secretly in his mind, feeling that this plan was very feasible.

After suddenly having the goal of "helping Jiang Xia hold on to her waistcoat", Hui Yuan Ai unconsciously became more energetic.

When the old man and the young man returned home and sat at the dining table, eating most of the food that had been taken away, the doctor found that Huihara Ai's appetite was much better than before - she ate like a cat before, but now , she seems to eat like a normal child.

Dr. A Li showed a kind smile and was extremely pleased - this was all Jiang Xia's credit. Meeting a close friend was indeed a very happy thing.

At the same time, Jiang Xia’s house.

Jiang Xia put the rice in the lunch box onto the plate and started eating.

After taking a few bites, he felt that there was something extra on the table.

When Jiang Xia looked up, he saw Miyano Akemi standing next to his dish, biting her fingers and staring at his dish with salivation.

Jiang Xia: "..."

What are you looking at? You can't eat it.

He continued to cook gracefully.

Soon, two more ghosts appeared next to the dish.

Ghost fetuses are also intelligent - Miyano Akemi's expression was so eager that the other two ghosts came over without knowing why and watched the dishes with her.

I don’t know where Haiyuan Ai, a technical nerd who spends time in the laboratory every day, learned the cooking skills. The dishes she cooks are full of flavor and flavor. The other two ghosts watched for a while and were confused by the appearance of the food. Like Miyano Akemi, they stood aside and didn't want to leave.

Jiang Xia: "..."

As the saying goes, three people make a crowd. Jiang Xia didn't know what the three ghosts were, but he had been stared at by the ghosts for a long time, and his eating speed finally gradually slowed down.

Finally, Jiang Xia glanced at the plate hesitantly: "How about I try cooking it for you?"

In the world of psychics, there is no such method of feeding ghosts.

But Taoist priests in novels and movies seem to often burn things for ghosts to pass over, and they all say that stories come from life...

Jiang Xia thought about it, and gradually became excited - if it succeeded, wouldn't it mean that he could save some murderous energy in the future and rely on krypton gold to raise ghosts? He happens to still have several hundred million in his card...

With this in mind, Jiang Xia picked out some dishes from the plate and took out a few sticks of incense from the cabinet. I originally wanted to get some more yellow form paper, but unfortunately I didn't have any, so I ended up having to grab some newspapers instead.

Jiang Xia wrapped the food in a newspaper and wrote the three ghosts' pointing information on the newspaper. After thinking about it, he added a little ghost mint that was not stained with murderous intent. Then he burned the newspaper and the food together after burning incense religiously.

Five minutes later.

Under the expectant gazes of Jiang Xia and the three ghosts, the newspaper and the food were wrapped together and crackled into a black mass with a strange light and strange patterns, something that was instantly disgraceful at a glance.


Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, waved away the unpleasant smoke, and looked at the ghosts without giving up, cautiously asking for confirmation: "Do you feel full? Half full is fine."

Xiaobai and Wutiangu: "..." To be honest, they feel a little nauseous. And I’m afraid it’s not because of overeating…

Miyano Akemi knelt down on the table and looked at the dish with pity: "QAQQQQ"

"Emmm..." Jiang Xia watched helplessly as she cried more and more, and hurriedly interrupted Miyano Akemi before she turned into a ghost.

He found a chopstick, picked up some carefully baked "tribute", and looked at the three ghosts:

"Actually, you may not know that some things don't smell good, but they taste particularly delicious. As the saying goes, practice is the only criterion for testing truth..."

With a look of horror on his face, Xiaobai slowly moved behind Wutian Dog and pulled his wings to try to cover himself.

Wutian Dog didn't hide, it stayed in place firmly, and tactfully said that if Jiang Xia insisted on trying, it could give its owner a taste. Saying that, Kiritengu reluctantly pulled one of his feathers, dipped it in the tears of Miyano Akemi next to him, and began to write a suicide note on the ground tremblingly.

Jiang Xia sighed.

He didn't deliberately persecute his precious ghosts, but today, he carried out such a massive operation. If he didn't try the results, he always felt that the experiment was not complete enough.

However, since the ghosts are so resistant, maybe there is really something wrong with this bunch of tributes. After all, ghosts also have instincts, just like many people will immediately exclude centipedes from their diet even if they come into contact with them for the first time...

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia regretfully planned to end the experiment and clean up the scene.

However, when he was about to throw the chopsticks into the trash can, he saw Miyano Akemi floating next to him at some point. She took a deep breath, suddenly bit the tip of the chopsticks in Jiang Xia's hand, and swallowed the mouthful of food with tears in her eyes.

Jiang Xia: "..." How much do you want to eat from your sister?

That little bit of "tribute" entered Miyano Akemi's body, like ink entering water, and gradually dispersed.

Miyano Akemi's eyes quickly turned into mosquito coils. She wandered a few steps, covered her throat, and collapsed to the ground.

Ghosts can avoid contact with the physical world and cannot eat ordinary food. But when Jiang Xia was baking the "tribute" just now, he had an idea and added a little ghost mint to it.

So these things have completely become "ghost food".

Jiang Xia picked up Miyano Akemi who fell to the ground, carefully felt the contract in the seal, and found that she was not in danger and did not need to be rescued.

Moreover, although Miyano Akemi has been holding her throat and retching from time to time after eating the food, judging from the actual state... she seems to be more energetic than before. actually has some effect.

I just don’t know if “ghost food” is effective on all ghosts, or only Miyano Akemi can eat it. If it's the former, human food and ghost mint are much easier to get than murderous aura...

It's best to find out as soon as possible.

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia dipped the tip of his chopsticks into the dark stuff... well, the tribute, and turned to look at Wutian Dog and Xiaobai under his wings.

The two ghosts who just thought they had escaped: "...!!!"


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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