Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 108 To protect yourself or to have a conscience

Jiang Xia stayed up late at night, made several crude control groups, and reluctantly came to some conclusions.

——After Xiaobai and Wutiangu ate the "tribute", there was no other change except that their expressions became very haggard. But anything cooked with ordinary food and ghost mint has no effect on the three ghosts.

In other words, at present, this method of replacing murderous aura with food is only suitable for feeding Miyano Akemi. And it seems that the food must be cooked by Hui Yuan Ai himself.

In addition, because the appearance and smell of the tribute were difficult to describe, Miyano Akemi took a few mouthfuls and collapsed into a pale ghost, unable to continue swallowing. So Jiang Xia improved the method of cooking ghost food by the way.

He tried stirring the ghost mint, which was not stained with murderous aura, into the dish, but it had no effect.

After cooking it, it still didn't work.

In the end, Jiang Xia tried countless methods with leftovers, and finally found that ghost mint could be made into a seasoning bag like a tea bag, and then simmered under high pressure with the food.

When I discovered this method, there were only a few leftovers.

Miyano Akemi was so moved that she shed tears for the rest of her life as she ate the pile of things that finally looked a bit like normal food.

Jiang Xia touched her head kindly, and secretly pressed the fallen tears back to her body to save energy. Then he left Miyano Akemi to continue eating, while he washed the lunch box and sent it back to the doctor's house.

After the doctor had eaten, he collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep. It was Haiyuan Ai who came over and opened the door.

In fact, Haiyuan Ai hasn't figured out how to get along with Jiang Xia. The main reason is that Jiang Xia's actual situation is very different from what she thought she was before, and she hasn't gotten used to it yet.

So while eating just now, Hui Yuan Ai thought about it for a long time, and finally gave up thinking and decided to be simple - just follow Jiang Xia's instructions and pretend to be a stranger he met for the first time. Jiang Xia would probably do the same.

So now, after taking the lunch box, Hui Yuan Ai avoided Jiang Xia's sight, struggled to overcome his previous habits, and swallowed alive what he wanted to tell Jiang Xia.

After that, she originally wanted to go back to the house, but before turning around, she suddenly found Jiang Xia standing at the door, looking like she had something to say.

Hui Yuan Ai held the lunch box and raised her head to look at him doubtfully.

"Um..." Jiang Xia also felt that she had just set the rules of "pretending not to know each other and drawing clear boundaries" to get along with each other, but then she turned around and took advantage of others. It was a shame.

But he thought of the ghost waiting for food at home, so he could only clear his throat and pretend that nothing happened just now: "When you cook in the future, can you make an extra portion like today? As a reward, if there is anything you want, I’ll try to get it for you.”

...You have to take advantage of the fact that Hui Yuan Ai is relatively poor now and seize the time to get her long-term meal ticket.

Jiang Xia remembers that Hui Yuan Ai likes brand bags very much. Now that she had just escaped from the organization, she was penniless and didn't have a bag. She definitely wouldn't mind exchanging rice for bags - anyway, when it comes to cooking, it's half a pot or a full pot, but it doesn't really make any difference. Haihara Ai had no reason to refuse this deal.

Jiang Xia always felt that the little girl's eyes would light up the next second, she would put down her lunch box and raise her hand to try to show him the appearance of a bag.

But no.

——Hai Yuan Ai not only didn't order, but she was slightly teary, and she almost took out a small handkerchief and touched the corners of her eyes.

Jiang Xia: "?"

Haihara Ai's mood was very complicated at this time.

Although the Jiang Xia in her imagination was very different from the real Jiang Xia, there was one thing in common - Jiang Xia didn't seem to want to contact her.

But this kind of Jiang Xia actually made such a request to meet her at least three times a day... Tsk, it must be because no one cooked for him before, and he had always made do with it, so he couldn't resist this attraction.

Jiang Xia leaned against the door frame, feeling that Hui Yuan Ai's reaction was different from what he expected... Could it be that he had wanted the bag for a long time, but was embarrassed to tell the doctor, and now he suddenly had an opportunity, so he couldn't help it. move?

Hui Yuan Ai felt sad alone for a while, and then gradually came back to his senses.

She shook her head: "No. Originally, I prefer to cook large meals. And..."

Haiyuan Ai turned around and glanced at Dr. A Li on the sofa from a distance.

After finding that he was still asleep, she turned back to Jiang Xia and said softly: "And you saved me. So if you have to calculate the reward, you have already advanced it in advance, so there is no need to give me anything else."

"!" Jiang Xia's heart was agitated. He remembered that not long ago, he drove Shirley back to the doctor's house in a small white puppet, and suddenly felt guilty.

Although I don't know why Hui Yuan Ai said this, I definitely can't expose what shouldn't be exposed. Jiang Xia looked confused: "Saved you?"

"Yeah." Haiyuan Ai lowered his head, "Although you actually didn't do anything. But objectively speaking, not reporting my existence to the organization is already saving me. So..."

She is not used to following others' words like this, but she feels that some things are best explained clearly: "So if you need my help in the future, just tell me directly. You don't have to think about what to exchange with me every time - —My life is very valuable, and you have already paid the full price with this."

When saying these words, Hui Yuan Ai always lowered his head.

To be honest, just now, when Jiang Xia said, "What do you want?", a large number of new bags that she had been paying attention to for a long time unconsciously appeared in her mind. The shiny and beautiful bags were on her The queue passing by in front of you is very tempting.

...If Jiang Xia had been richer, she might have taken advantage of the situation just now.

But think more rationally... A minor who is still in school and can only make money through part-time jobs, even if he has some savings, should use that money to plan for his own future.

If for some personal hobbies, Jiang Xia's precious and limited money was turned into her bag... Haiyuan Ai really couldn't do this.

However, if you think about it carefully, Jiang Xia has now begun to become famous... Although the murders he has encountered so far have all happened temporarily when he went out, and he has not received commission fees. But someone will probably come with a huge sum of money to invite him to investigate the case soon, and then...


Haiyuan Ai patted his face expressionlessly. Slap the bags that flash through your mind away.


If you say you don’t want it, you can’t want it.

Fortunately, she had finished her words in one go, completely cutting off the possibility of Jiang Xia buying her a bag, otherwise she would have been really afraid that she would not be able to withstand the temptation.

Jiang Xia looked strangely at this strange child who sometimes burst into tears, sometimes meditated, and sometimes hit himself.

...Although he didn't know what happened, he still understood the key information of success.

Jiang Xia then touched Haihara Ai's head and used this action to pull down Miyano Akemi, who had drifted away from his house at some point and was leaning on her sister's head and rubbing her sister, and said goodbye.

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