Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 109 Phantom Thief

Recently, Jiangxia has received very few cases.

The newspapers he ordered were still delivered every day, but Jiang Xia flipped through them for a long time and couldn't find his figure on them. His collection of newspaper clippings has not been updated for several days.

In the end, Jiang Xia could only stop at a slightly familiar page - this page was printed with a photo of a blurry figure under the moonlight. Judging from the title, this was probably after Kaito Kidd stole something. Precious images of the escape.

In this world, Kaitou Kidd is a bug-like character. His main job is a talented high school student from an island country, and his part-time job is a ghost thief who is like the wind under the moonlight. He is very good at magic and disguise.

Although to the outside world, Kaitou Kidd's appearance and age are unknown, but because he is well versed in pretending, he still attracts countless fans with his highly performative and superb skills.

In addition, before Kidd commits a crime, he likes to send a warning letter to the victim that needs to be declassified. His behavior is also quite artistic, so reporters especially like to report on his affairs.

Jiang Xia had seen Kidd several times in the newspaper before, but because this strange thief was suspected of having the effect of resolving murder cases - every time Kidd appeared, there were not many dead people - so Jiang Xia had a rather average impression of him. If you see it, just pretend you haven’t seen it and just skip it.

But this time...

Jiang Xia read the contents of the newspaper and always felt that this incident might have something to do with him - judging from the reports, Kidd recently sent out another notice letter, which was sent to the chairman of the Suzuki Consortium and also It belongs to Suzuki Sonoko and her father.

Kidd’s goal is the pearl that the Suzuki family regards as the "Suzuki Guardian Saint" - the Dark Star.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia felt his phone vibrate. He picked up the phone and Suzuki Sonoko's voice came from the receiver.

"Have you seen the news?" Suzuki Sonoko sounded very excited, "Kid is coming to steal our things!"

Jiang Xia: "..."

Her tone was as cheerful as the Chinese New Year. Those who didn't know better might have thought she was Kidd's assistant, not a family member of the victim...

Suzuki Sonoko came to invite Jiang Xia to help her catch Kidd.

The ostensible reason is to share the pressure of her hard-working old father.

In fact, she was curious about what the legendary thief Kidd looked like - Jiang Xia was so good at solving crimes, maybe he could easily see through Kidd's theft plan and catch Kidd. a girl who has just passed the second period of middle school and has not yet completely recovered from the second-year middle school disease, Suzuki Sonoko actually wants to see two handsome guys going tit-for-tat for her (the family's treasure) - yes, the focus of the battle is her, It's not Dark Star.

In addition, Suzuki Sonoko had checked some information before and knew that Kidd never killed anyone. There were even media reports that Kidd once sabotaged some imminent murder cases and saved many people when he had nothing to do.

And Suzuki Sonoko remembered Jiang Xia saying that he liked to solve tricks.

She combined the two premises and immediately realized that this meant that during the battle of wits and courage with Kidd, Jiang Xia could enjoy solving puzzles without having to encounter those terrible murder cases. How wonderful! Jiang Xia will definitely be very happy.

So Suzuki Sonoko decisively came to Jiang Xia.

But Jiang Xia actually has no interest in the Phantom Thieves. In his impression, when Kidd appeared on the scene in the early days, it was basically calm and there were no murders at all.

It was not until later that Kidd's aura gradually failed to suppress the growing Conan. When he committed theft, the number of murders increased slightly.

In the case of "Dark Star", there was no trace of ghosts from beginning to end.

However, Jiang Xia thought for a moment and still did not refuse Suzuki Sonoko's invitation, trying hard to create the attitude that "Jiang Xia will not refuse invitations to go out".

In this way, Suzuki Sonoko can feel free to ask him out without having to spend time worrying about "will Jiang Xia accept the invitation" before inviting him, and then arbitrarily remove projects that she thinks Jiang Xia doesn't like but has murder cases.

Soon it was the day before the theft. Jiang Xia found the Rice Krispies Museum according to the address sent to him by Suzuki Sonoko.

The protagonists are not in the hall, they are said to have gone to observe the surrounding terrain.

Jiang Xia then simply said hello to Chairman Suzuki, and then came to the display cabinet with the expectation of "You will be able to keep it!" and looked at the huge black pearl - the Dark Star.

According to the theory of psychics, some objects that combine human wishes or obsessions contain energy that so-called "energy cores" call "energy cores", which can be used to feed ghosts for upgrades.

Textbooks list some typical objects that contain energy cores, usually antique utensils or eye-catching gemstones.

A year ago, Jiang Xia had just entered this world. After landing, in addition to going to the cemetery hospital to look for ghosts and murderous intent, he also visited museums or jewelry exhibitions, trying to find energy cores.

But at that time, just as Jiang Xia failed to find ghosts, Jiang Xia also failed to find precious objects with energy.

A while ago, as Kudo Shinichi turned into Conan, Jiangxia started seeing ghosts again. He went around to museums in various places again, but unfortunately, he still couldn't find the energy core he wanted.

In the end, Jiang Xia gave up her efforts.

——The generation rate of ghost fetuses and shikigami in this world is much higher than what he was used to before. Murderous auras are also easy to control: after the prisoners are exposed, they will all take off their murderous auras and go to the prison. Unlike in the previous life, there are those who refuse to admit it, those who are afraid of crime and abscond... and there are even those who are keen to die together.

Therefore, in line with the Buddhist mentality that there are gains and losses, Jiang Xia quickly accepted this fact.

But yesterday, after receiving the invitation from Suzuki Sonoko, Jiang Xia had a sudden idea and guessed that the treasures Kidd wanted to steal might be energy cores that he could not find.

After all, in Jiang Xia's impression, if Conan is the protagonist of this world, then Kidd is definitely the number two character with the aura of the protagonist. If one of the two protagonists is in charge of ghosts and murderous aura, and the other is in charge of the energy core used to ascend the star... it is actually very reasonable.

However, after seeing the dark stars up close, Jiang Xia was disappointed - he could not feel the energy from above.

...This seems to be a fake. And there is no energy core atmosphere in the entire museum.

The secret expectation failed to come true. Jiang Xia's motivation today was only about 60%, but now it dropped sharply to 1%. He sighed and planned to find a place to sit down and rest while others were busy doing their own business and no one paid attention to him. .

After taking a few steps, three people suddenly walked into the door. Jiang Xia glanced up and saw Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko and Conan as expected - Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko are two best friends who are more in love than gold, and Conan's viscosity is also stronger than gold.

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