Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 13 Run quickly and I’ll help you cut off the queen

Jiang Xia walked to the coffee table, picked up the camera, and was about to hand it to Kinoshita Yoko for her to check.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he saw Kinoshita Yoko looking at him with extremely sad eyes, covering her heart and saying softly: "Go away, I won't tell them that I have seen you."

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He didn't understand what Yoko Kinoshita was saying for a moment.

What does "Let's go" mean.

Throw it away after use?


Di Yao has to give him the ghost fetus first!

Jiang Xia looked faintly at Kinoshita Yoko's wrist.

The long jelly-like ghost fetus shivered and slowly squirmed into Kinoshita Yoko's cuffs.

Of course Kinoshita Yoko was unaware of this.

She lowered her head and quickly opened her wallet, took out all the cash inside, and poured the steel coins into her palm.

After pinching the thickness, maybe it felt too little, she took out the checkbook and pen.

Kinoshita Yoko bit off the cap of her pen and was about to start writing when she suddenly stopped thoughtfully and muttered vaguely:

"No, you're not an adult yet. And what happened today was actually the stalker breaking into the house illegally first. Also, it was me who hired you first, and then you took... some drastic measures against her. Rather than running away..."

Kinoshita Yoko frowned, thinking hard, and deeply regretted that she did not study the Fa back then.

"...Wait a minute." Jiang Xia listened blankly for a while and finally figured out the answer.

He pointed to Yuko Chizawa on the sofa: "She's not dead yet."


Kinoshita Yoko stopped writing and looked at him blankly for a while.

Realizing that Jiang Xia's expression didn't seem to be fake, she doubtfully walked to the sofa and reached out to touch the neck of the "corpse."

There's a pulse beating.

If you look carefully, you can still see the chest of the "corpse" and the "shroud" on her face, vaguely rising and falling with her breathing.

...really alive!

Kinoshita Yoko breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

She put down her purse and fell onto the sofa, shaking the body.

Realizing that she had not pushed the minor into the abyss of murder, her conscience suddenly stopped hurting, and only then did she have the energy to pay attention to more details.

The fact that the stalker was a woman was beyond Yoko Kinoshita's expectations.

What surprised her even more was that--if she took a closer look, she seemed to have just seen the stalker's clothes today.

He seems to be the colleague with a bit of a bad temper...

Jiang Xia stood nearby, feeling that the question mark on Kinoshita Yoko's head was about to materialize, so he casually explained: "This person's name is Ikezawa Yuko, you should know him."

Kinoshita Yoko does know him.

There are two sets of keys to the apartment she lives in. One set she holds, and the other set is in the hands of her agent.

A while ago, the manager's bunch of keys suddenly disappeared.

Later, the agent recalled it and told Kinoshita Yoko that the key was probably lost at the TV station.

Now think about it, the day I lost my key... Yuko Ikezawa happened to be one of the guests on the show.

Jiang Xia interrupted Kinoshita Yoko's memories: "Look at this. I captured something very useful."

Kinoshita Yoko turned around and saw Jiang Xia handing over a camera.

She took it and looked at it carefully.

At first, the scene was a bit horrifying. Yoko Kinoshita's scalp felt numb as she looked at the bloody letters in the camera and Yuko Ikezawa who showed a weird smile.

But when she saw the back, her expression gradually became complicated.

Although she was still frowning, the reason was completely different from before - not because of panic or fear, but because she was trying to hold back her smile out of humanistic care and a rich conscience.

At the end of the video, Kinoshita Yoko looked at the anger and despair on Ikezawa Yuko's face. Although she felt that she was not very kind, her mood was subtly much better.

She filled out the check at twice the market price of the entrustment fee, and pushed the camera to Jiang Xia: "Thank you, it's a big help."

Jiang Xia did not shirk.

Take what you have earned through hard work. What's more, Kinoshita Yoko doesn't seem to be someone who likes to take advantage of small things. If she doesn't accept it, it will be a kind of torture for her.

Moreover, this check belongs to Yoko Kinoshita after all. You can put it with the candy she gave you before and throw it to it to play with when you catch... well, after you pick up the ghost baby.

Jiang Xia collected the check and couldn't help but glance at Kinoshita Yoko's wrist again.

A chill ran down the back of the ghost baby who was clinging there, and he shivered silently. He crawled closer to Kinoshita Yoko and hugged her arm tightly.

The new location of the ghost fetus is not suitable for staring.

Jiang Xia regretfully withdrew her longing gaze, took out the videotape, and handed it to Kinoshita Yoko.

If this thing is sold to Ikezawa Yuko's company or other opponents, it can make a lot of money.

But Jiang Xia didn't really want to be a paparazzi.

This profession is very offending, especially in this world. It is a high-risk profession where one can easily lose one's life.

And Jiang Xia is not short of money - there is occasional income from the organization. In addition, Jiang Xia's hard-working parents also left a considerable legacy.

Although the money was left to Jiang Xia Tongzhi, not Jiang Xia.

But now, Jiang Xia Tongzhi is gone, they have no other living relatives, and the source of the money is not very legitimate, and they cannot even be handed over to the state through normal channels.

It can be handed over to the organization.

But rather than doing that, it’s better to keep it for yourself.

Kinoshita Yoko looked at the video tape handed over by Jiang Xia and also thought of the value of this revelation.

She hesitantly took out the checkbook she had just put back and asked the fake paparazzi in front of her: "I can't take it for free. What price do you usually sell this kind of news?"

"I'll give it to you." Jiang Xia waved his hand, with an upright look on his face, "A detective must be trustworthy. Since this is the information I got during the process of handling your entrustment, I will not sell it to a second company. How to use it? It’s your business.”

Kinoshita Yoko was moved again.

——She saw the right person, he is indeed a very good and rescueable boy!

However, the additional money must still be given.

Jiang Xia refused to tell, so Kinoshita Yoko planned to ask her agent.

By the way, ask your agent to come over and help deal with this stalker at home.

while she was on the phone. Jiang Xia took out a homemade screen the size of a tablet from his bag, with several surveillance screens connected to it.

He clicked on one of them and zoomed in to take a look.

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