Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 14 Of course adults want them all

The agent's home is not too far from Kinoshita Yoko's house, and he can get there soon.

After making the call, Kinoshita Yoko suddenly remembered that it was dinner time.

When she thought of how long Jiang Xia had been staying nearby to squat, she quickly stood up and said, "You haven't eaten yet. I'll make you something to eat."

In fact, Kinoshita Yoko felt that at this time, she should find a high-end restaurant to treat her guests, which would appear more sincere.

But now, Yuko Chizawa is still lying dead on the sofa at her house, making it difficult to go out.

But fortunately, she cooks very well - those cooking shows would ask her to host them, not just because of her popularity.

Kinoshita Yoko found the apron and asked Jiang Xia while putting it on: "Do you have any taboos?"

Jiang Xia waved her hand and looked at the door: "Don't be in a hurry to eat, there is one more."

"Still..." Yoko Kinoshita was still smiling.

After two seconds, she suddenly realized that "there is one more" refers to a stalker, and her face turned pale: "There is one more???"

Jiang Xia nodded: "Well, yes..."

He was about to say "It's a very fat man" so that Kinoshita Yoko could guess that it was her ex-boyfriend and be mentally prepared in advance.

But at this time, Jiang Xia's eyes moved from the corner of his eye, and he suddenly noticed that Ikezawa Yuko's head next to him tilted towards him very slightly.

...much like the subconscious action of "listening" when hearing a topic of interest.

Although her deflection was very small, she was still captured by Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia silently stared at the face cloth: "..."

This psychological quality is really incredible. Even though we are in this situation, we still want to pretend to be asleep and listen to gossip.

He stopped talking, stood up and walked towards Ikezawa Yuko.

Chizawa Yuko was still eavesdropping with her ears bent.

At this time, she found that Jiang Xia suddenly stopped talking. She panicked, realized that the situation was not good, and shivered into the sofa.

However, this level of escape obviously has no effect.

——Ikezawa Yuko had just squirmed less than ten centimeters when a sound of wind hit her ears, followed by a thumping pain on the side of her neck.

She fell back into sleep.

Jiang Xia finished chopping the knife and took back his hand with satisfaction.

This time, he did it very rationally and could estimate how long Ikezawa Yuko would sleep.

Finally, I no longer have to worry about her waking up...

Kinoshita Yoko watched the whole process in shock.

At first, she was so frightened by the existence of the "second stalker" that her face turned pale.

But at this moment, seeing Jiang Xia's neat movements when he knocked out Ikezawa Yuko, I suddenly felt that the scary stalkers seemed like that.


Kinoshita Yoko touched the teacup, took a sip of tea while holding it, calmed down, and then looked at Jiang Xia.

She originally thought that Jiang Xia would continue the topic after she knocked out Ikezawa Yuko.

But no.

Jiang Xia seemed to hear something. He suddenly looked at the door, and then walked behind the door silently.

Kinoshita Yoko subconsciously wanted to follow him.

However, just as she took a step, she found that her high heels made noise, and she could not walk as silently as Jiang Xia did.

So she stopped consciously and looked over there nervously.

Jiang Xia listened behind the door and suddenly opened the door.

Across the door, there was a fat man, also leaning on the door and eavesdropping.

As soon as Jiang Xia opened the door, he stumbled forward without any support.

Before he could recover, Jiang Xia grabbed him by the collar and threw him over his shoulder into the entrance hall.

Then the door clicked and locked.

Stalker No. 2 fell unconscious, his back hurt, and he was very panicked. He looked at the ceiling light in Kinoshita Yoko's house and couldn't stand up for a long time.

Jiang Xia turned around, locked the door, and kicked him with her toes to urge him, but found that Stalker No. 2 had no intention of getting up.

So Jiang Xia had to bend down and grab his collar, and spent some effort to drag him all the way to the living room. Put it in front of Yoko Kinoshita - mainly the ghost baby.

As expected, the ghost baby let out a cry, seemingly cursing.

Probably because he was very unhappy when he saw his father being thrown and dragged.

After shouting, it continued to hold Kinoshita Yoko's arm tightly and looked at her eagerly, hoping that her mother would reprimand this savage paparazzi at home so that she could experience the deep love between her parents.

However, things were completely different from what he thought.

Kinoshita Yoko looked at the man at her feet, with only fear, disgust, sadness, and an indescribable hatred in her eyes.

Stalker No. 2 looked at her with the longing eyes of "begging to get back together", whined "Yoko" while extending his healthy hand to her.

Kinoshita Yoko was excited and subconsciously hid behind Jiang Xia.

Then she nervously took out her cell phone and called her agent again to ask when she would arrive.

The agent had already gone downstairs and brought several bodyguards with him.

She got the call and went upstairs anxiously.

After entering the living room, the manager looked at Jiang Xia and then at the two stalkers who looked miserable. He hesitated for a moment and asked the bodyguard to stay outside the door.

When Kinoshita Yoko called her just now, she explained the general situation.

Therefore, the agent is not surprised that "Jiang Xia is now at Yoko's house".

Although she is still wary of Jiang Xia. But today's matter is related to Kinoshita Yoko's private life.

The fewer people who know, the better.

...Since Jiang Xia is already involved, let him be present instead of the bodyguard.

After all, the ex-boyfriend on the ground was a heavyweight man weighing 200 to 300 pounds, heavier than her and Yoko combined.

If he really gave up and stopped being a human being, he could kill both of them with just his weight.

If there was no one else watching over him, the agent would really not dare to take Yoko Kinoshita to face him alone.

Three people and one play.

Jiang Xia took two steps back, away from the battlefield, and sat on the sofa to watch silently.

Through false "foreknowledge", he knew a lot about the past and accepted the direction of this situation well.

But the ghost baby is not so good.

Under the watchful eyes of Gui Ying, a dispute that had lasted for many years was brought to light.


Updated on time at 8:30 am~

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