Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 112 You are not the only one who can fly

Kidd: "..."

He had observed in the banquet hall before that Jiang Xia had not looked at Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko with similar eyes. But now, they have just changed people, and this detective is actually... solving the case so fast?

Kidd always felt that the speed of seeing through his disguise was unscientific, but seeing that Jiang Xia never called the police, Kidd felt vaguely lucky.

Maybe Jiang Xia just intuitively felt something was wrong, and didn't really discover the flaw in his disguise... If there is help, there should be help! This girl must be played well.

With this thought in mind, Kidd tried his best to play the role of a gentle high school girl, showed a sweet smile to Conan, and lowered his head to straighten his collar that had just become crooked.

As soon as he finished this action, Kidd saw Jiang Xia turning his head without interest. The detective refilled his wine glass with some grape juice, then held it and continued to float to another crowded place. .

Kidd breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Detectives are indeed very troublesome. If they are not careful, they will see through it. Even if there is no "accidental", they will be suspected because of their "intuition".

To be on the safe side, it's better not to provoke Jiang Xia in the past. It's not too late to go and meet him after you succeed. Otherwise, it would be really embarrassing to go through such a trip and still not be able to steal anything.

Kidd thought about it for a while, and when he came to his senses, he accidentally turned Conan's tie into a bow.

He was startled, sneered, rearranged his tie, and then touched the head of the child in front of him. At this time, Kidd suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

——The child in front of him actually gave him the same weird X-ray look.

Kidd felt for a moment that he had been in a horror movie - everyone on the boat was Jiang Xia, and Jiang Xia was everyone on the boat. Otherwise, how could a first-grade child show such an expression...

But soon, he found that Conan became innocent and cute again, and even took the initiative to chat with him, but the content of the chat didn't sound right: "Sister Xiaolan, who do you think Kidd has become now?"

Kidd: "..."

It wasn't that he was overreacting, he really felt that there was something wrong with today's situation!

Kidd tilted his head, and an anesthetic needle flew past his face.

He looked at the child at his feet in shock, and saw the little boy closing his watch, squatting down, and holding a knob on his sneakers.

Kidd immediately had a bad premonition in his heart. He raised his hand, and a large bag of black pearl-shaped anesthetic bombs scattered, bursting into smoke at the same time, and the banquet hall suddenly became chaotic.

On the night of April Fool's Day, Kidd had met Conan when he was on the rooftop of the Cupido Hotel. At that time, a group of police officers blocked the roof. Conan looked like he wanted to rush in, but was finally stopped by the police. At that time, De thought the kid with glasses was a family member of a policeman.

But now it seems that it is not that simple. I was really careless just now. I only observed Jiang Xia with my peripheral vision and completely ignored the naughty kid in front of me...

Kidd identified the direction of Mrs. Suzuki and quickly ran closer - originally, he had prepared many performance plans to steal the pearls, but now, he could only adopt the most primitive method of grabbing the pearls and leaving.

While Kidd ran away with the pearl sadly, he thought about whether he should just pretend to be Jiang Xia next time and stun Jiang Xia Ma somewhere else. Otherwise, you will always be stared at as soon as you enter the game, and the game will be impossible to play...

He was concentrating on escaping in the smoke, and did not notice a pair of eyes staring at him with a bit of surprise.

——The moment Kidd touched the dark stars through the handkerchief, Jiang Xia heard several screams of joy from his ghosts.

Almost at the same time, he himself felt the energy gradually rising on the pearl. core.

It is a fresh energy core.

His previous guess about the energy core turned out to be right... At this moment, Kidd's image in Jiang Xia's mind suddenly became no longer so boring.

Jiang Xia found a corner where no one would notice easily and hung up.

Several pieces of shikigami flew out from behind him, passed through the walls and corridors, and formed a tall figure on the side of the ship.

After Kidd reluctantly succeeded, he ran away from a group of police officers who wanted to chase him and ran to a high place, his eyes darting back and forth.

Soon, he found his tool man - Terai Huangnosuke on the sea. The old man drove a small boat and came to pick him up.

Kidd waved his cloak, and the white cloth stretched into a pair of gliders, taking him flying towards Terai's ship.

In the air, he looked at the calm sea, touched the performance props in his pocket that he had prepared for a long time but had not used at all, and sighed secretly.

This time the treasure theft was successful in terms of results, because he got something. But in terms of the process, there is almost nothing to watch. It is just a simple matter of taking something and running away...

Tsk, what’s even more troublesome is that the detective named Jiang Xia may have only had doubts about "Mao Lilan" before, but in this way, Jiang Xia will definitely be sure that Mao Lilan = Kaitou Kidd just now. In the future, if Jiang Xia trusts his intuition more and sees someone he feels is Kidd, he will call the police or take action decisively...

Kidd suddenly felt that his future was bleak.

At this time, he suddenly heard Terai yelling in horror, "Master! Behind me!!"

Kidd was startled. Normally he would be perfectly safe on a hang glider unless a police helicopter was deployed. But now, there is obviously nothing like it around, because there is no such deafening noise.

But Terai would not make that kind of panic sound for no reason...

Kidd looked behind him warily, then looked around, but saw nothing.

He was confused and wanted to ask Terai what was going on, but at this moment, the surrounding light dimmed, and Kidd felt nervous. He suddenly raised his head and saw a man with wings flying above him.

The man looked down at him, then suddenly folded his wings and landed on the back of his glider, causing the entire glider and Kidd to sink.

Kidd's heart also sank.

He took out the tranquilizer gun, but before he could turn the muzzle, his wrist was grabbed.

Immediately afterwards, on the shaky hang glider, he saw the humanoid creature behind him stretched out his hand towards him, and said as if ordering: "Give me the Dark Star."

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