Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 113 You seem to have some misunderstanding about wings

Kidd had no idea where the man on his back came from.

But based on what the other party said and the current time and place, he suspected that the Suzuki Consortium had developed a new type of hang glider—yes, those handsome-looking black wings—and then hired an agile bodyguard. Wear it and use it as "the last line of defense against Kidd."

It's just that the bodyguard's clothes don't match. It's not a suit, nor is it a combat uniform that facilitates movement. It looks a bit old-fashioned... emmm, is this style more suitable for wearing wings?

In short, let’s ignore the other party’s equipment…

Kidd looked at the sea below, listened to the overwhelming muffled sound of the hang glider, and realized that this was not an easy situation - the bodyguard has wings, and if the hang glider is broken, he will not fall into the sea. But he is different...

Kidd sighed, took out the pearl and handed it over, saying helplessly: "I lose this time, I will come again to claim it when I have the chance."

Wutiangou didn't even look at it. He raised his hand and slapped the thing down, snorting disdainfully: "Fake."

Then he turned over Kidd's cuffs and touched away the dark stars trapped inside.

Kidd: "..."

...Has his magic skills in hiding things deteriorated?

Looking at the way the bodyguard brother went straight to his cuffs, he seemed to have seen him hiding things there beforehand... Shame, this is the shame of a magician!

While Kidd was silently reflecting, the air around him surged, followed by a light touch on his back.

Kidd turned around and saw the foggy dog ​​throwing the dark stardust into his mouth like a jelly bean, then flapping his wings and flying away leisurely.

Kidd was shocked. This man... actually ate the Dark Star? !

Isn't he the bodyguard of the Suzuki family? How could he eat from his employer... No, no, that's not the question. The question is, no matter what his identity is, why would he eat a pearl with metal carvings? ? !

The worn hang glider took Kidd to the boat.

Kidd landed on the boat with a head full of questions. Terai immediately stepped forward to support him and said worriedly: "Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay..." My body is okay, but my mind and worldview seem to be a little injured.

Terai also saw what happened just now. But unlike Kidd, he didn't think about the bodyguard. Instead, many kinds of legends flashed through his mind. He did not dare to stay here any longer, so he quickly sailed the boat in the intended direction and escaped as planned.

Kidd sat on the bow of the boat, staring at the water and thinking.

What happened just now?

...It must have been a mistake. In this way, the "bodyguard" just happened to be standing...flying...hovering on the side facing the sun. Maybe he was just in a good mood after retrieving the Dark Star, so he ate a chocolate bean or something like that. Not pearls.

Well, that's right. The more I think about it, the more I think it's like this - the pair of hang gliders that look like wings are very heavy at first glance, and operating them will definitely consume a lot of energy. It makes perfect sense to eat something to replenish energy after you get them. .

Kidd relied on his imagination to clear up the unreasonable areas, felt relaxed, and then began to think about other things.

Terai drove the boat out for a while. After getting away from the terrible monster, he looked at Kid again and found that Kid was still in a daze.

Terai thought of the setback Kidd had experienced just now, approached him uneasily, raised his hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

Kidd came back to his senses and looked at him seriously: "Have you seen those wings?"

Terai nodded heavily, thinking of a series of fairies transformed from birds, as well as the very famous Tengu in the legend.

He was about to comfort Kidd that he was playing against a monster today and it was normal to lose. But at this moment, Kidd suddenly changed his tone and said, "Don't you think that's cool?"

"Yes, he is a demon after all... huh?"

Terai was startled, this topic was completely different from what he thought.

Kidd's eyes gradually brightened, he snapped his fingers and suggested, "Let's make a hang glider like that too!"

Terai: "..."

To be honest, he had just been watching for a long time, and no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the wings looked like genuine originals, not some detachable artificial hang gliders.

Moreover, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that he had seen similar things in newspapers before when he was used to collecting information from various sources, but his impression was very vague.

Terai thought hard for a while, but couldn't remember it, so he decided to look through the newspaper clippings collection when he got home.

After thinking about this, he came back to his senses and found that Kidd had begun to conceive the color of his wings without permission: "... He is very handsome, but I always feel that black doesn't suit me, and the Phantom Thief costume left by my father doesn't suit me either. Match it. So if you want to do it, why not change it to white."

Terai: "..." He always felt that making an enlarged version of the bamboo dragonfly might have a higher success rate than making the pair of wings. If you want to flap such big wings and take people flying, the strength required must be extraordinary...

However, because Kidd looked so full of expectations, Terai was too embarrassed to interrupt him.

The old man could only sigh and said perfunctorily: "I'll ask my friend if he can do it."

Previously, after the police noticed Kidd's traces, in order to prevent him from escaping in the chaos, they gathered all the guests in the cabin.

Jiang Xia's foggy dog ​​puppet appeared at the stern of the ship, flew over to grab a pearl, and then flew back. Fortunately, no one else saw it.

After landing on the deck, Jiang Xia spit out the dark stars. The puppet didn't have saliva or anything like that. He held the pearl and looked at it, and found that the luster was darker than before.

There is nothing that can be done about it, after all, the energy core is already in the ghost's belly. Extracting energy cores will indeed cause some damage to the object, but fortunately it can usually be recovered in three to five years.

In this world, it might take a few months or a few weeks to return to the original state...

There is no one here for now, but there is a noise getting closer.

Jiang Xia walked a little further in and switched Wutiangu's puppet to Xiaobai's puppet.

As soon as he arranged his scarf, a group of police officers rumbled towards him.

The police officers were startled when they saw someone behind the boat. They raised their batons, tranquilizer guns, capture nets, explosion-proof forks and other items.

But soon, they saw clearly that the person in front of them was just a child.

Due to size restrictions, Kidd could not disguise himself as a child. The police officers breathed a sigh of relief and planned to leave one person behind to take the running child back to the cabin, while the others continued to search forward.

However, just after running a few steps, they suddenly heard another little boy asking the child wrapped in a scarf: "What is that in your hand?"

Jiang Xia raised her head and looked at the source of the sound, and found that Conan had sneaked into the police force without anyone noticing.

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