Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 114 Your legs are destined for me

Jiang Xia raised her hand, revealing the dark star in her palm: "A passing elder sister gave it to me and asked me to return it to the owner of this ship."

The Zhongsen Police Department turned around and was shocked: "Dark Star?!"

He rushed to Jiang Xia's side and said excitedly: "Where is that person? Where did he run? How did you meet him?... The color of the pearl doesn't seem right. Also, why are you alone on the deck? Running around? Where are your parents? Who did you come with today?"

The child listened to his series of questions, wrapped up his scarf without saying a word, and hid behind a female police officer nearby.

The Zhongsen Police Department wanted to come over and ask questions, but was stopped by a subordinate who pressed his forehead: "Police Department, you will scare the child like this! He suddenly met Kidd and was taken advantage of by the thief. He must be very scared now. Don't be so harsh. Ask him, he is not a criminal!"


Conan looked at the kid in front of him of the same age. He had already pulled his scarf to cover half of his face, and his expression couldn't be seen at all.

But... what the police officer said makes sense. Even if a child of this age was not frightened by Kidd, he would definitely be frightened by the fierce face of Nakamori Police Department Zhang who suddenly approached him.

But as this kid was the last person to come into contact with Kidd, he might actually be able to provide some information, but he couldn't ignore it completely.

Conan thought for a while, relying on the fact that he seemed to be of the same age, and approached in a friendly manner: "Do you still remember where the big sister who passed by went? He... Well, why did she suddenly give you pearls?"

Jiang Xia was very satisfied with Conan's questions - he asked more questions than the Zhongsen Police Department asked just now, perfectly avoiding the parts he didn't want to answer.

As encouragement, Jiang Xia threw the useless pearl into Conan's hand: "She asked me to pick her up in the lifeboat later. This is the reward she gave me, but I don't think the color is good-looking... I'll give it to you anyway. Bar."

"Lifeboat?" Conan thought of something and his expression changed. He ran in that direction, and other police officers followed suit.

In the chaos, the female police officer opened her hands to stop the "kid who had been exploited by Kidd" behind her.

When the surroundings finally calmed down, she breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to send her cute child back to the cabin and pat her head. But when he turned around, he found that there was no one behind him.

The police officer looked at the empty deck and then at the railings with huge gaps: "..."

...Isn’t it because he was pushed into the sea by those reckless colleagues? ! !

Jiang Xia pointed out the lifeboat to the police because the genuine Mao Lilan was hidden in the lifeboat by Kidd.

When the police and Conan rushed to save people, he took advantage of the chaos to disperse the puppets and returned to the body. The energy core stripped from the dark star was also rolled up by the ghost, and returned to the mark on Jiang Xia's heart.

The energy core is a balanced upgrade for all ghosts. Once invested in the seal, it will moisten all the souls that have contracted with the psychic master, including shikigami, so there is no need to worry about which ghost to upgrade first.

The energy contained in the core is specific. The more ghosts there are in the future, each ghost will receive relatively less. Therefore, some psychics are accustomed to cultivating an elite ghost first, while others like to accumulate more ghosts later to increase the strength.

Jiang Xia doesn't have any specific habits. He is more of a Buddhist. He just throws the energy cores in when he picks them up. Moreover, there is no good way to preserve them in this world. If it is stored for a long time, it is better to eat them fresh.

Currently, Jiang Xia does not have many ghosts.

Throwing an energy core down, the accuracy of the ghosts was visibly improved a little... Generally speaking, the painting style was more refined than before.

After upgrading, when you make a puppet again, the strength of the puppet will be improved to a certain extent compared to before.

For example, if you want to use Xiaobai to destroy tires in the future, you may not need to use your upper teeth to gnaw on them, you can just tear them apart with your nails.

In addition, after the ghost fetus is strengthened, it will become able to control the puppet independently, instead of just being a support to maintain the appearance of the puppet as before.

But now this little energy core is enough for the puppets to lift their arms and take one or two steps. We are still a little far away from the beautiful days when one puppet = one younger brother...

The yacht trip ended quickly.

When Jiang Xia arrived at the port and disembarked, she found that many search and rescue boats were sailing out. It was said that they were looking for a child who had fallen into the water and was missing. His feet froze and he quickly walked away pretending that nothing happened. What does the child have to do with him? He is already an 18-year-old reserve adult...

In the second half of the Kidd incident, Jiang Xia did not appear in the media's sight.

But because he opened the invitation letter in the first half, Jiang Xia's reputation is a little higher than before. The specific manifestation is... more people come to him to catch the mistress than before.

However, the number of homicides remains low.

However, Jiangxia's luck was mediocre this time, but Xiaobai seemed to be getting lucky. After the upgrade, it soon ushered in another concert by Kinoshita Yoko.

In the past, Kinoshita Yoko often toured various places, but Jiang Xia was determined not to leave this precious land while Conan was still in Tokyo, and Xiaobai missed many concerts.

But this time it's different. This time, the venue for Yoko Kinoshita's concert will be in Tokyo.

Jiang Xia calculated the distance and found that if there was any case around the protagonists, he could rush back immediately, so he took Xiaobai out with peace of mind.

Jiang Xia set off a little early. As he approached the venue, the ghosts next to him suddenly started muttering.

He was startled, turned around at the next intersection, and returned to a restaurant.

It is said that there is an aura of shikigami in it.

It's rare to encounter a shikigami wherever you go out. If you don't pick it up, you won't pick it up.

The hotel has a glass partition door. Before entering, Jiang Xia took a look at the situation inside.

There were not many customers in the store, and Jiang Xia was soon surprised to see three people - Mao Lilan, Maori Kogoro and Conan.

Mouri Kogoro's face turned blue and he was digging into his pockets, seemingly looking for something. Not far away, next to a public telephone, there was a strange short-haired woman making an anxious call.

As soon as Jiang Xia saw her, he felt that this person was destined to him - the woman was wearing a pair of cropped pants, showing her slender ankles, and she had a shikigami on her ankles, which seemed to protect her from the wind.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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