Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 121 You plotted against me

Jiang Xia didn't pay attention to Conan's complicated eyes. Currently, his attention is still on the trio of social animals.

Soon, Nakajima looked at his watch and left in a hurry.

Of course the staff did not stop him. In his opinion, the boxing machine was not broken by Nakajima. In addition, even if it were, they would not be able to hold the experiencers accountable. After all, this machine was put out to be beaten. On the contrary, if people experience the bug, an apology is almost enough.

However, Mao Lilan still felt very sorry. When she saw the staff member holding the machine and questioning life, she approached him and tried to comfort him.

Suzuki Sonoko tried her best to hold back her laughter: "This is not your problem. You must blame the detective who is obsessed with investigating the case and doesn't care about his girlfriend." She also heard the name Mao Lilan was chanting when he beat the machine just now.

Conan felt a chill in his back, and excused himself to go to the toilet, and walked away with a dry smile.

Jiang Xia thought for a while and left the game hall, quietly blending in with the crowd. Soon, he saw Nakajima who was the first to leave.

Nakajima looked around in the hall, then walked quickly towards Tequila. When the two passed each other, they exchanged the luggage storage tags in their hands - there was a transaction between them.

It turned out that Brother Flathead's bag contained a bomb, Nakajima's bag contained a list of programmers the organization wanted, and Tequila's briefcase contained a large sum of money.

Now after two pairs of exchanges, when they each go to the luggage storage and take out their bags, it will be the flat-headed brother holding the information and Nakajima holding the money.

As for Tequila, he will get the bomb that Flathead carefully prepared for Nakajima.

Jiang Xia followed, intending to stare at some tequila, or to be more precise, at the bomb in the tequila bag.

After all, Tequila is dressed in black and has a fierce look on her face, so she is easily noticed by Conan, who is allergic to black clothes.

If Tequila hid in a secluded place to check the bag, and Conan, who was very curious, followed him secretly... then the two of them would have packed up and evaporated.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia suddenly saw Conan from a distance. The child stood at the door of the bathroom, looking back and forth suspiciously between Nakajima and Tequila - he actually saw the transaction scene just now.

After that, the two adults who had conducted dirty transactions separated. Conan's eyes paused on each of them for a moment, and he followed Tequila decisively.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Why do you love seeking death so much?

But Conan cannot die yet, he should live to shine and attract cases...

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Xia stood up and walked into the stairwell.

There was no one here, and several pieces of shikigami flew out from under his feet, slowly condensing into a figure.

In this kind of public occasion related to the organization, Jiang Xia chose Xiaobai's puppet.

After the little boy took shape, Jiang Xia moved his consciousness and adjusted his clothes and hairstyle.

Then he walked to the main body, took out a package of things from the main body's pocket, opened the stairwell door, and left quickly.

At this time, Conan was following Tequila, and his heartbeat was extremely violent. When the waiter at the check-in office helped Tequila pick up the bag, he heard the staff report the number "98".

Conan clearly remembered that Mao Lilan's luggage number was 100, and the numbers of the three social animals in front of her who jumped in line were 97, 98, and 99. Since the tall man in black in front of him has the number plate 98 in his hand, it means that he was right - the man in black does have transactions with members of Nakajima, a large company.

Originally, just the black clothes and body shape that resembled vodka were enough to remind Conan of the black organization.

At this time, coupled with the sneaky deal, Conan almost believed that the man in black in front of him was related to the organization.

Conan also knew that he was a bit neurotic. But there is no way, that organization is too mysterious, and its members are all elusive, and they are completely invisible on weekdays. Even the intelligent database of Dr. Ali can't find out their exact information. For the sake of his beautiful fantasy of "catching the man in black and finding out the poison formula", Conan could only choose to kill by mistake rather than let go...

After Tequila got the briefcase, she walked to a quiet corridor. He planned to go to the bathroom at the end of the corridor to check the information in the bag. If there was any problem, he would catch Nakajima before he could get far and teach him how to behave. If there is no problem, then he can just leave with the bag.

During this period, of course he also paid attention to whether anyone was following him in the venue. Conan was directly excluded because he was too short. Tequila did not take a child seriously.

Conan was able to track it successfully.

However, when he entered the corridor, Conan suddenly saw a child about his age walking towards him, holding on to the wall. His hunched look looked a bit strange.

Conan looked at it a few more times in confusion. At this moment, the child's legs softened and he fell to the ground, clutching his stomach as if in pain.

Conan was startled and ran over quickly: "Hey, are you okay?"

Tequila heard the noise and turned around warily.

Realizing that there were only two children behind him, one of whom was still lying down and posed no threat, he withdrew his gaze and continued to his destination.

Conan gritted his teeth and glanced at Tequila who had disappeared after walking around the corner, feeling very anxious.

But there was no one else around, and the child next to him was suspected of having a sudden illness. If not treated in time, his life might be in danger. Conan really couldn't ignore it.

He took out his mobile phone to call an ambulance, and at the same time tried to pull off the scarf wrapped around the strange child's face to prevent suffocation.

But when he stretched out his hand, Conan accidentally saw half of the child's face, and suddenly felt familiar: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, the strange child put away his painful expression and raised his hand to prick his leg with a needle.

The side of Conan's legs went numb. He stood up suddenly and stepped away. He saw that the child was holding a tube of injection, and half of the unknown content in it was already gone.

Conan was shocked. He immediately realized that he seemed to have been plotted against, but...why would someone inexplicably attack an ordinary primary school student like him? Moreover, it was another elementary school student who committed the crime. Moreover, this strange child wearing a scarf seemed to be the child who disappeared on the Suzuki family's boat that day...

There were countless questions in his mind, but before he could figure out what was going on, he was already dizzy and slowly slid against the wall.

Jiang Xia got up, walked to Conan who was no longer moving, injected the remaining half of the anesthetic into him, and then dragged him away smoothly.

As long as Conan is awake, it is impossible to give up tracking Tequila. In this case, it was really troublesome to keep an eye on Conan all the time to prevent him from being bombed, so it was easier to just let him fall asleep.

Jiang Xia dragged Conan upstairs. There are very few people on the second floor. He found a room that would not be affected by the bomb and where no one would go, threw the stunned Conan inside, then dispersed the puppet and returned to his body.

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