Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 122 Gin, are you angry?

The main body is still parked in the stairwell.

After Jiang Xia returned to consciousness, she left the stairwell and walked quietly to the bathroom. She happened to hear Tequila calling in a thick Osaka accent: "Hello? It's me, Tequila. Don't worry, vodka. The transaction is completed. Hey, I will go over to meet you before evening, remember to tell Gin."

In just one sentence, the codenames of three people were exposed, and the point was precise.

When Tequila hung up the phone and was about to go into the bathroom to check the briefcase, Jiang Xia took out her mobile phone and sent an email.

Soon, his cell phone rang.

Jiang Xia picked up the phone.

"'There's something wrong in the tequila bag'?" Gin's murderous voice came from the receiver. He repeated what Jiang Xia had just sent, and then said in a cold tone, "You'd better explain clearly. Why did you suddenly send this email to Vodka?" This is obviously Tequila's mission.

Jiang Xia had just finished using the puppet and had consumed some energy. She was a little hungry after listening to the phone.

He casually picked up a ghost, took a sip like a cat to satisfy his craving, and used the two seconds to pretend to organize his words.

After that, Jiang Xia returned to the normal tone she should have when facing her boss.

He briefly explained the matter of the luggage storage tag being exchanged: "..., I didn't intend to take care of it, but unexpectedly the luggage tag was suddenly handed over to Tequila. This man was dressed like vodka. When I saw him I have always been a little concerned and suspected that he was one of our members, so I followed him to have a look, and then I heard him announcing himself and your agent on the phone..."


A fire suddenly lit up in the corridor, and almost at the same time, a series of loud noises came from the direction of the bathroom.

Brother Pingtou was very determined to kill Nakajima. He didn't know how many bombs he had stuffed into his bag. Jiang Xia's ears were numb from the shock even after he was a long way away.

After the air wave passed, he put down his phone and hurried to the bathroom, ready to see if there was any ghost that had been stunned by the explosion. If so, he could teach it how to take revenge.

Gin heard the explosion and realized that there was another problem with this mission. He suddenly stood up and went out with a sullen face.

Vodka also heard the violent sound in the receiver. He was startled and followed Gin: "Brother, something happened?"

"I'm afraid Tequila is in trouble." Gin thought of what Jiang Xia said just now, and subconsciously looked at Vodka, and then recalled Tequila's appearance, and found that the two people were really similar, especially their clothes.

Since Jiang Xia can prosper in the detective industry, it makes sense that he has this level of observation and association skills. And after being in the organization for a long time, you will indeed have a special aura. Ginjiu didn't doubt Jiang Xia's words just now.

In addition, Jiang Xia did not remind Tequila, but sent them a message first, which is actually very reasonable - if Jiang Xia went directly to stop Tequila and mentioned the mission, Tequila would definitely be very alert. Even attacking this stranger who seemed to know the identity of his organization. Rather than a sudden fight between the two, it would be more appropriate to exchange information through people both parties know.

As for the fact that there was a bomb in the briefcase... Gin felt that this was indeed an accident that was difficult to predict.

When Jiang Xia described to him just now that the luggage tags were secretly exchanged by Flathead, Gin had suspected that Flathead knew about the deal between the organization and Nakajima and was deliberately blocking it; he also suspected that Flathead was looking for an opportunity to exchange Nakajima's bag. important items, so that this colleague could be criticized and other workplace infighting... In short, I didn't expect that there would be a bomb in the bag. Jiang Xia probably had the same idea.

Thinking of this, Gin became slightly irritable. This group of murderers regardless of occasion is really the organization's eternal enemy, and they come out from time to time to cause trouble for them.

When he came to the car, Gin held the phone to his ear again and asked again: "Can you hear me?"

He felt that with Jiang Xia's caution, he shouldn't have been too close to Tequila when he made the call just now.

Moreover, the cell phone was still able to maintain the call, so Jiang Xia should still be alive. He had not spoken just now. He was probably just shocked by the sudden explosion, or was suddenly impacted by the explosion, and his eardrums had not yet recovered.

Now after some time, Ginjiu asked again, and Jiang Xia answered as expected: "Yes."

After a pause, Jiang Xia pressed her still aching ear and said with a heavy heart: "Tequila is dead." He didn't lose the ghost fetus at all, he just turned into an ordinary shikigami... which was too much.

Gin frowned when he heard this. We haven't hired many people recently, but now we suddenly have one less person.

However, things have happened. Rather than worrying, what is more important now is how to deal with the aftermath.

Fortunately, Jiangxia is near Tequila, otherwise we would have lost all our money this time...

Gin said in a deep voice: "With that information, you should be able to identify the transaction partner."

Jiang Xia: "Okay."

Although he had one more task, he did not feel unhappy because he had to work overtime.

This was originally the purpose of Jiang Xia's call - suddenly there was one less capable colleague, the colleague died at the hands of an ordinary passer-by, and almost lost his personal and financial information... Gin must be full of murderous intent now. .

If you just report today's events to Gin, then a phone call or email is enough, but you may not be able to contact a real person. But with information, it's very different. Gin has to come over to get the information.

This is one of the reasons why Jiang Xia took the initiative to contact Gin and Vodka.

Another reason, of course, is to clear himself of suspicion.

As a famous detective, Jiang Xia will definitely be reported by the media as long as he is at the scene of the explosion, regardless of whether he goes to solve the case or not. By then, if Gin and Vodka saw the news and knew that Jiang Xia was nearby when Tequila died, and witnessed the whole process of Tequila's death... explaining it then would definitely not be as effective as taking the initiative to explain it now.

As for sneaking away without solving the case, this can indeed save the trouble of being suspected by the organization, but it is not easy to escape the sight of the police - there is surveillance at the door of this building, and a bombing suddenly occurs, everyone who comes here will be Police inquire and investigate.

As a detective who seems to have a very sense of justice, Jiang Xia sneaked away without saying a word after encountering the explosion, which was really abnormal. Although an occasional violation will not cause him to be suspected by the police, he may do something else in the future. If there are too many suspicion points, it is definitely not a good thing.

Thinking this, Jiang Xia left the smoking bathroom and headed to the lobby.

The explosion was loud and the hall was very chaotic. Jiang Xia once again recruited the Xiaobai puppet. He drove the puppet to avoid surveillance, stole two briefcases in the locker, and found a place to hide them.

After that, Jiang Xia took back the puppet, first found Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi, and then went to the explosion site with them, planning to brush her face in front of the police first.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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