Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 123 I don’t seem to have let you get in the car

After receiving the call, the Mumu Police Department quickly rushed to the scene. Soon he saw a ruins and a Jiang Xia who was bowing his head in thought.

Mu Mu Police Department habitually walked towards Jiang Xia, and when Jiang Xia looked at him, he quickly made a "pause" gesture to his new brother, indicating that Jiang Xia should not say the murderer's name in public.

The desperadoes who dared to plant bombs in the downtown area might also have some other explosives on them. Mu Mu was worried that after Jiang Xia revealed the identity of the murderer, the other party would break the jar and detonate the dangerous goods, killing the police together.

So he hoped that Jiang Xia would tell him the murderer quietly, and then the police would quietly go there and arrest him. However, the Mu Mu Police Department approached Jiang Xia expectantly, but failed to wait for the bomber's name - the new brother's attention seemed to be focused on another thing.

Jiang Xia said slightly solemnly: "There is a child missing. You should have seen it. It is the child named Edogawa Conan."

The police department was startled. Of course he remembered the child. After all, in his impression, although Conan's presence was a little lower, his frequency of appearing at crime scenes was about the same as Jiang Xia's.

When Jiang Xia said this, the Mumu Police Department noticed Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko behind him.

The two girls were so anxious that they were almost smoking. They had taken Conan out a lot in the past and were used to this kid running around, so they didn't even notice when Conan left.

It wasn't until an explosion occurred in the bathroom and the hall became chaotic that the two of them discovered that something was missing at their feet. They originally thought that Conan was with Jiang Xia, but soon Jiang Xia found them holding several bottles of drinks, but there was no Conan next to them.

After experiencing a series of non-stick conversations such as "Where is Conan?" "Isn't he following you?" "I thought he was next to you.", the three people began to look around. However, after searching the hall until the police and firemen arrived, Conan could not be found.

A case of missing children was added to the bombing case, and the police department suddenly felt twice as big as their heads - if the lost Conan fell and was stepped on by the crowd, there would be another murder case here immediately.

The Mumu Police Department allocated some people to help find Conan. At the same time, he also understood the reason why Jiang Xia failed to solve the explosion case. He thought that although Jiang Xia solved the case as fast as metaphysics, it was just a "likeness". In fact, the so-called metaphysics must be the combined effect of Jiang Xia's excellent observation and reasoning ability to see through all the clues in an instant.

Anyway, it's all based on clues. Even Jiang Xia cannot make something out of nothing when reasoning.

As for this explosion that occurred in a public place, there are too few known clues, and both the package and the person were blown to pieces. It is currently difficult to determine whether it was suicide or homicide. Wanting Jiang Xia to solve the case quickly is simply embarrassing him. Besides, Jiang Xia has other urgent matters now, and his attention will inevitably be distracted.

Just at this time, the president of Mantiantian walked over timidly. With lingering fear, he handed the Memu Police Department a threatening letter, which he received a few days ago. The content of the letter was "terminate today's game conference, otherwise don't blame me for taking extraordinary measures."

Regret was written all over the president's face: "As a company with a big business, we often receive similar letters. Among those threatening letters, the tone of this one is quite calm, so I thought it was just a silly prank. If I had known it would be like this... …”

The Mumu Police Department's attention immediately shifted from Jiang Xia to the president, and they began to ask him who he had offended.

Jiang Xia made an excuse to find the child. Before leaving, he glanced back at the collage threatening letter. This was actually sent by Brother Pingtou to pave the way for the bombing of Nakajima.

It is indeed difficult to solve such cases of secretly placing bombs in public places. To catch the suspect requires a lot of investigation work and enough luck.

To be fair, Nakajima's methods are actually quite qualified... It's a pity that he was unlucky enough to meet Conan, a suspicious level 8 professional, and he happened to catch up with Nakajima's transaction with members of the black organization.

Jiang Xia didn't say anything more and left in a low profile. He had no intention of solving the case in the first place and would appear in front of the Megure Police Department. He just didn't want the police to see the violation of "the detective left without any reason after the explosion and was not interested at all."

In other words, he swiped his face this time to give the police a reasonable excuse.

After all, whether they are arresting Brother Flathead or Nakajima, their briefcases will be very important physical evidence.

But Jiang Xia still has use for those two bags. He had just managed to steal the items and hide them. How could he just hand the bag back to the police?

And as long as Jiang Xia doesn't mention it, the two parties involved in the lost bag will not mention it - one of them put a bomb in the bag, and the other just made a large py transaction. They have ghosts in their hearts and won't say anything. In the future, even if they were found out, Jiang Xia would have already moved the briefcase away.

After having a legitimate excuse not to solve the case, Jiang Xia infiltrated into the search team of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi. From this point of view, Conan is really a multi-functional treasure. It goes without saying that it can attract murder cases and stimulate the murderous intention of prisoners. It goes without saying that it can be used as an excuse at any time when necessary...

The police helped find the person, and the search speed became much faster. After confirming that there was no Conan on the first floor, someone suggested that the child might have gotten lost due to mischief, so some people went to look for it outside the door, while others went upstairs.

After a while, Conan was finally found lying unconscious on the second floor.

Mao Lilan found that Conan was fine and breathed a sigh of relief. Afterwards, after a brief investigation and questioning, they successfully left the building.

After Jiang Xia went out, he checked his cell phone and then separated from his three classmates on the pretext that a client was looking for him.

As he found his briefcase and walked down the alley to meet Gin, Xiaobai put on a senior look and summarized the key points of the murderous intent that could not be eradicated from the ghost to the other two ghosts.

When Miyano Akemi heard the name Gin, she immediately fell into isolation and silently crawled into Jiang Xia's pocket.

Wutiangou didn't have any prejudice against the wines. He listened carefully and took out a feather to take notes.

Ginjiu's phone vibrated and an address popped up.

He and Vodka had already arrived near the explosion site. At this time, Gin observed from a distance and did not see any suspicious people next to Jiang Xia, so he asked Vodka to drive over and prepare to receive the information required by the organization.

As soon as the black Porsche stopped, Jiang Xia opened the door and got into the car. Vodka reacted quickly and kicked the accelerator to drive away. The pause hardly lasted more than a second, and there were few people here, so they were not noticed by the police.

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