Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1411 1411 [Encounter with Ireland]

After wandering around the laboratory doing nothing, Jiang Xia returned to the room and found that the matter was over.

With fresh murderous aura and shikigami, he looked at Gin, remembering the unpleasant experience of not being able to get in anywhere, and felt like he had caught a tour guide: "You have the base's access card, right?"

Gin snorted coldly: "It's time to get off work, and there aren't many people here. If you want to hang out, go shopping outside and stop wandering around the base."

Jiang Xia: "..." Open your eyes and tell lies. There are obviously people in every office, and they are all working.

However, it seems that normal people cannot observe the situation inside through a closed door.

So Jiang Xia had no choice but to tactfully question: "Why didn't I know that the organization had off-duty hours?"

"Now you know."

"..." Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, feeling that he had little status as a cadre, and condemned, "Am I your employee? You always treat me like an outsider."

Gin: "..." When you are destroying people in the organization, you don't act like an employee at all. Those who don't know think you are some kind of boss who comes to inspect.

He was too lazy to talk to this unreasonable new cadre and simply said: "The matter is done, it's time to leave."

Jiang Xia sighed, thought for a moment, and did not insist anymore. He just decided to take Conan for a walk near the base like he did last time. Although not everyone in the organization has murderous intent and shikigami, according to what he just said As a result of the observation, the density of murderous intent in this base is indeed much higher than when it was outside.

While recalling the route he took, he walked outside with two members of the organization, intending to take their car to the station and pick up some winery specialties on the way.

But when passing the corner, there was suddenly a sound of footsteps on the other side of the wall.

Gin Jiu's eyes narrowed, he stopped, and at the same time he raised his hand to stop Jiang Xia and Vodka.

Then he frowned and looked around the corner, and silently pressed the trigger with his finger: "..." Before coming here, he made a clear excuse that a big shot was coming today and told the members in the base not to wander around. Therefore, the four of them should be the only ones active in the corridor at this time.

...But now, there is one more.

The footsteps on the opposite side paused slightly, as if he heard something strange here. After a while, he continued to move forward.

Soon, a middle-aged man turned the corner and appeared in front of the three of them.

The man was tall, with blond hair, extremely thick gray eyebrows, and the tail of his eyebrows was raised upward, like a check mark upside down.

Seeing Gin head-on, the man sneered, and a murderous aura surged from his body.


The ghosts became excited and suddenly discovered that this was a brand new flavor.

However, after sniffing carefully, the mermaids and the others gradually wilt again, and are not very interested in this murderous aura - it seems to be the smell of cigarettes, and from a quality point of view, it does not seem to be a permanent murderous aura emitted indiscriminately, unlike Gin and the murderous aura on Belmod's body are so fluffy and easy to collect.

Although Miss Spider was also not interested in cigarettes, she still stretched out her spider legs from behind, put a hold on Jiang Xia's shoulders, and jumped onto the member of the organization.

She closed her sharp spider legs and gave it a strong tug.

This kind of strength, if used on Gin when he was angry, would be enough to grab a handful of marshmallows with murderous intent. But now it's like scraping on hard air-dried beef, only a small strand can be torn off.

"..." Miss Spider reached out her spider legs dissatisfiedly and knocked on this stingy source of murderous aura as a sign of condemnation. But the other party didn't seem to notice.

She didn't care about this, and climbed back onto Jiang Xia's shoulders with the sample she finally pried off, looking at it curiously with murderous intent.

Jiang Xia also sniffed the murderous aura exploding in the air, and felt that smelling them was like biting a cigarette butt and taking a deep breath, which was a bit choking.

He fanned his nose and silently took a step back.

Matsuda Jinpei moved forward subconsciously. He was already a bit addicted to smoking, and ghosts naturally liked murderous auras. The two beautiful things mixed together brought more than double the beauty.

However, there was someone next to him whose mood was completely different from his.

Gin quickly recognized the person opposite and frowned - it was actually Ireland?

He didn't expect to meet this cadre who had a problem with him here.

The word "accidental" flashed through his mind. Ginjiu was slightly startled, and instinctively wanted to turn around and look at Jiang Xia. But something occurred to him on the way, and he stopped calmly. His eyes finally fell on Matsuda Jinpei and looked at the fake Usa.

Matsuda Jinpei was watched by him and gradually came back to his senses.

He also looked back, and then he was silent for a moment towards the man in black who was very fond of thinking: "..." Could it be that according to the rules of this organization, whenever something unexpected happens, the blame must be placed on someone? Zuo?

Fortunately, Gin was just a little more suspicious and not irrational.

He quickly dismissed the thought he just had and did not take it seriously: If Uzo really knew about the existence of Ireland, then when this guy met Ireland, he should avoid him and make it easier for him to attack, instead of designing a group of people to attack him. We met in a difficult organizational base.

Gin: "..." In other words, this time, Ireland should have followed "Gin's" whereabouts and took the initiative to find him.

Thinking of this, the murderous intent in him also increased silently: Ireland, this bastard, had recently taken on so many new tasks. Instead of concentrating on completing them, he came to stare at him, and he actually found traces of him.

Fortunately, she dealt with Shi Kaobing very quickly this time. Her mentality collapsed and she explained quickly. Otherwise, if she happened to leave in an emergency, and Ireland found the place where he had been, she would find Shi Kaobing. Asking for information that one should not know...

Whether it was the information that was almost leaked or the overly offensive behavior of "being followed", Gin wanted to immediately raise his gun and fire a bullet into Ireland.

However, remembering that this was a base and all his actions were likely to fall into the eyes of the boss, he finally stopped and sneered without moving his words: "Did you come here by smell? Your dog's nose is very good. But As a colleague, let me give you a piece of advice - if you want to avenge that loser Pisco, just chasing after me is useless. If you continue to waste time like this, you will only become the next person on my silence list. "

Just like Ireland secretly collected Gin's whereabouts and actually found the person.

Gin's words also accurately hit Ireland's point of anger.

He thought of Pisco who died tragically in the fire, and his murderous aura grew stronger and stronger.

He was furious in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

Ireland's eyes swept over Gin, forcing himself to calm down - in fact, at this time, he was more interested in another thing than Gin, a colleague he had known for a long time.

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