Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1412 1412 [What do you want to do to Ireland? 】Ask for the moon

Chapter 1412 1412 [What do you want to do to Ireland? 】Ask for monthly ticket o(〃'▽'〃)o

Thinking this, Ireland's eyes fell on Matsuda Jinpei, and then his eyes turned slightly to look at Jiang Xia, who was wearing a disguised face.

There was a hidden inquiry in his eyes: there weren't many new faces around Gin. Combined with the ages of these two people and some rumors, he instantly remembered the bastard codenamed "Uzo" - he heard that when "Pisco" died, although it was Gin who finally did it, all of this was In Uzzo's script.

Ireland: "..." For members of the organization, hanging on by a thread is actually the norm. He had already prepared for losing his life if the mission failed, so it was not unacceptable.

But that Uzo dared to arrange such a funny script for Mr. Pisco, whom he respected, of "being photographed by a passing reporter while shooting"... How could Pisco make such a low-level mistake for no reason? This is humiliation, a naked humiliation to an old man who is about to retire!

In addition to the murderous knife, Ireland of course also resented the man behind the scenes.

It's just that "Uzo" was hidden too deeply in the organization. After some investigation, he was unable to find the whereabouts of the other party.

That's why he has been targeting Gin more recently. On the one hand, he has a lot of hatred for Gin, and on the other hand, he wants to use Gin to find Uzo, who is said to have a lot of interactions with Gin.

It seems that now... this kind of move has actually brought some gains?

Ireland looked at the two new faces opposite and decided to test them out by chatting.

——Compared to the other stranger, the guy wearing sunglasses in front seemed to be more obviously interested in him. Thinking of the rumors that Uzo liked to play with his colleagues, Ireland decided to start with this person.

He looked at Matsuda Jinpei and sneered: "You still have to wear sunglasses at night, so shameless?"

Vodka huddled quietly in the corner without provoking anyone, but he was suddenly shot. He looked at Ireland inexplicably: "...?"

However, Ireland ignored him and just stared at Matsuda Jinpei with sharp eyes.

Matsuda Jinpei was distracted for a moment, then suddenly woke up and realized something bad: "..." Wait, it seems that he can't speak human words now.

And if you lose someone while driving this puppet...

After the harvest, the murderous aura of smoke slowly emerged in its mind. Jiang Xia looked at him, then at the newly arrived murderous aura, and suddenly showed a cruel sneer, and then hid the murderous aura of smoke at the bottom of the pattern space. Isolated outside, I could only lie on the barrier and watch from a distance.

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."...As a mature and steady ghost, it doesn't care so much about the smoke-scented Ghost Mint.

Just thinking about it carefully, apart from myself, there seems to be no other ghost here who likes to smoke. If Jiang Xia really seals up the murderous smell of smoke, it will only cause a shameful waste.

Put an end to waste, everyone is responsible. Isn’t it just that you don’t lose your temper?…

Thinking of this, he pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, smiled coldly at Ireland, and said silently: "Be careful on the road."

Ireland understood his lips, his pupils narrowed, and the murderous aura rose again.

He had already felt that the two young men across from him were related to Uzo. At this moment, he was suddenly threatened by the man in sunglasses and black clothes, and he couldn't help but become alert subconsciously - the previous rumors about Uzo in the organization did not have an impact on him. , Ireland began to instinctively recall the nearby road conditions and check for possible dangers on the road.

And during this brief pause, Gin also realized something.

He looked at Matsuda Jinpei, who was in a state of speechlessness again, and said "Let's go". Leave Ireland to dry in the corridor and leave with a few others.

The two sides quickly passed each other.

When they were far away, Ginjiu turned to Jiang Xia and whispered: "Don't do anything near the base."

Jiang Xia felt that this reminder was unnecessary: ​​"What can I do? This is the first time I've met him. It's obvious that he wants to do something to me."

Gin paused for a moment: "How do you know he wants to do something to you?"

He didn't seem to say that this person was "Ireland", and Uzo probably didn't know Ireland either. But now...this guy must have started to secretly attack Ireland.

Jiang Xia didn't seem to notice his suspicion, and just commented objectively: "His malice is all on his face, how could I not see it?"

Gin: "..." It makes sense. The psychiatrist who had murderous intentions towards Wu Zuo last time was unfortunately discovered by Wu Zuo and fell on the way to assassinate Jiang Xia.

In short, compared to Uzo, who is still in relatively stable condition, Ireland, which is still coming with malicious intent, needs to be more vigilant.

Ginjiu glanced at Jiang Xia. Although he didn't explicitly say that it was Ireland, he still hinted that he should pay more attention: "Be careful lately."

Jiang Xia: "..." Fake Wu Zuo just let others know what he said, why did you pick it up again?

After leaving the base, he checked his watch and did not get into the car with Gin and Vodka: "It's not too late, I can just go by myself, don't worry about me, you guys can go back first."

However, before he finished speaking, Gin pointed his gun at him and warned: "Get in the car. This is the base of the organization, and all your actions here are under the control of 'that adult'."

Jiang Xia's eyes flickered: "...What action can I take? I can't just take a walk nearby?"

"Take a walk?" Gin didn't believe a word of it, "Why did you tell him to 'be careful on the road' just now."

Jiang Xia looked at Matsuda Jinpei next to him and found that the direction of the pot was not right: "This is what Xitu said without authorization, and it does not represent my wishes - and what's wrong with this sentence? Friends are coming to visit and send them out. Don’t we always say polite words such as ‘walk slowly’ and ‘be careful on the road’ when walking around.”

Matsuda Jinping held his conscience and nodded, pretending that things were indeed as Jiang Xia interpreted them.

Vodka: "..." These are obviously two normal polite words, but when Uzo said it, it was like sending people to hell... Also, what does Xitu say without permission? This tool man has no thoughts of his own. If it weren't for Uzo's influence, would he still be able to threaten people by himself?

There was a series of rebuttals in my mind. But Vodka raised his hand to adjust his hat and finally said nothing.

——It’s not that I’m worried about refuting Uzuo’s face and being resented by Uzuo.

It's just that he can figure these things out, and so can his eldest brother. He doesn't need an assistant to talk too much.

Carefully turning his head to look, he saw that Gin was not confused.

He snorted coldly and did not try to persuade her again, but he had no intention of leaving either. He looked like he was monitoring Jiang Xia and they would not leave even if he didn't get in the car.

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